so..after waiting for 2 days, i'm watching this movie! hahaa..waktu itu nonton separo di rumahnya alia. and it's one of those epic movies. and now i've watched it full. yey! and yes, it's splendid! i love the characters, the story line, and the spirit that has been carrying inside the movie! okay, i may not have marvelous words to describe it, blame my lame vocab. hehehe. basically it tells us about one pirate radio named radio rock. it happened in uk around 1967. the pirate radio plays pop and rock and roll all day and night long while the others only played it around 45 mins a day. and yet, the british love the radio. it proves that the 'frigid' also has soul too. :P but the government wanted to shut them down, because from their point of view, rock and roll and pop were for the rebellions who'd 'destroy' the oh so well being country at that time. it's actually enjoyed by a lot of people from a lot of social levels..and it can't be shut dow...
kemaren nonton film ini bareng2 yg laen. filmnya bagusss banget untuk ukuran film kartun! ngga juga sih. untuk ukuran film laen juga ini bagus. film kartun dengan grafis yang bagus banget dan isi cerita yang bagus banget juga. heheheh... critanya soal Horton si gajah yang ngedenger suara dari apa yah..kaya petal bunga gituh deh. speck ato apa namanya lupa. hehe. dan cuma dia doank yg denger suara di situ. ternyata satu partikel kecil itu adalah sebuah dunia buat orang2 di dalemnya. gede. hehe. sedangkan di dunianya Horton, itu kecillll banget. trus Horton berniat buat nyelametin dunia kecil itu. dengan nyari tempat yang aman buat mereka. biar mereka ga melayang2 lagi ga keruan. akirnya dia jalan ke puncak gunung. dimana katanya ada tempat paling perfek buat dunia kecil itu. tpi jalan ke sana ga gampang. selaen medan yang berat, ada yang ngga suka sama usahanya dia. karena Horton dianggap gila. ngedenger suara ga jelas gituh. pas ujung2nya gtuh, pas udah mo sampe, Horton diserang sama s...
I was out there, on motorbike, as the passenger, wondering around. And something hit me. We’re a full of flaw being. But even though so, we keep trying our best in everything. Maybe there’s where our power lays. To know and accept that we’re not perfect, yet love ourself and appreciate it anyway. And keep doing the best we know with a good intention. Learn to love ourself, as well love other people and beings. What a a life we’re havin..