while yawning

is fucking tired. *yawning again. ;| baru ajah selesai ngutak ngatik buat passion communication. well, i didn't change a lot actually. ternyata susahhh merubah hal2 itu. hal2 yg bikin gue treak2 shock itu. it's not easy to build a good and strong corporate identity system. ;( feels like needing a team to do that, not me going solo. bisa nyasar kemana2 dan ga sampe2 ada juga. hehehehe...but at least she said it's better than before. good then ;)

akan mulai mengerjakan tugas2 yg lainnya besok. heheheh. have such a big plan for the graphic design project, the self promo one. heheh. mudah2an ajah tercapai. dan mudah2an tepat waktu. dan mudah2an jadinya bagus. hehehehe. ga tidur kmrn malem gara2 mikirin 2 hal ini. tidur sih. jam 5. kelas jam 9. bangun jam 10. bageuuzzz! =__= makanya skrg ngantuq. hehehhe. *siap2 tidur ;) nitey world!


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