
Showing posts from March, 2009

lil pack of confussion

yea...tugas gue menumpuk kembali. dan skarang ga napsu bikin tugasnya. ampun deh. malah pingin tidur. tidur dulu ah sejaman. hahahah. tiap subject kayanya ada deh min 1 biji tuh assignments. argh. yeyea..kembali ke dunia asal. hahaha. kembali ke kejamnya dunia ini. halah lebay. ia dah kemaren abis kumpul packaging kaya liburan gtuh. da akir semester. rasanya males banget ngapa2in. parah ah. ahahaha. skarang dah harus begadang2 lage. yea~ hahaha. yaya. lagi rusuh dunia. haha. gtw ah bingung. is it worth to be fighting for? who is worth to be fought for? is it the way it should be? is my answer is right? or will it be right? is it true? is it what i want? argh....lil pack of confussion..


kemaren ntn film ini sama eka, denny, astri, mita di alamanda. haha. menurut gue sih 3/4 filmnya bagus. endingnya agak2 aneh dan ngurangin bagus2nya ni film. hehehe.. humm..ada unsur2 Alkitabnya juga sih kata yg laen. berhubungan sama wahyu karena ini ttg akir jaman. saat bumi hancur. bulan baru dunia baru. gt2 deh. bhubung gue ga religius2 amad jadi kurang tau. hehehe. yang gue suka dari film ini ya karena film ini manusiawi banget. maxudnya? iya ini film ngasih liat banget gimana idupnya manusia. kadang2 kita dikasih 'tau' sesuatu. dikasih firasat, penglihatan, apalah. dan kita sering ngerasa kalo dikasih tau tuh, berarti ada maksudnya. ada yang harus kita perbuat. entah memperbaiki, merubah, atau gimana deh. tapi intinya ada yg harus kita lakuin. gue ga bilang ini salah. pasti emang ngerasanya kaya begitu. apalagi klo yang kita tau itu ngga enak. pasti pingin biar itu ga terjadi. tapi ada kalanya semua itu out of our hand. kita ga bisa ngapa2in. emang manusia adalah ciptaan ...

2nd bday partie...hhehee

yeeeyyy...haahahahhah...ada 2 bday parties. barusan ajah tuh jam 10an. hahahaah..pada niat sih ngumpetnya di wc! parah ah =D pas mo masuk kamar tiba2 pada nongol. ahahahha. shock. XD rame tadi..hahahaha....scara jujur padahal uda bt kemaren pada gada XD. astri, reny, tam2, edo, mita, nita, eka, theo, cynthia, denny, rizky, iin, ian...uhm udah kayanya. ahahhah. ma gue XD hiyaaaaaaaaaaaa sayang kalian smuaaaaa =) tuz dapet bunga neehhh..perpanjangan tangan cc gue ksini. muach. hehe. lotsa hugs and kisses =)

another year. another =)

happy birthday to me! heheheh. ia hari ni ulg taon. td pada ksini kasih surprise. kamar gue dibuka kaya mo dimaling. haha. parah. dan yahhh begituh deh. reny, tam2, cathy, intan, mike, alia, iin, nesi, puspo, muti, lisna. uhm...dara abis itu nongol. iya gituh deh =) tunggu foto nya nanti diupload. hehehe. yeahh..kinda surprising XD senang. makasih semuanyaa =) for brigthen up my day. =) with lotsa hugs and kisses =)

finally..back to normal

hiyaa..hidup kembali ke ritme lebih normal. hehe. tadi uda presentasi. walopun isi presentasinya kacau. ahah. maap yah sir XD but he liked my packaging. he said it's a good one. XD huraaaaaaaaaaay~ hehehehe. jerih payah selama ini terbayar. thx to God and everyone who support me on this crazy project =) at least i know i will pass this semester now. ahahaha. amen~ XD tadi abis presentasi tidur. dari jam 5 sampe jam 1 baru bangun. tuz makan ke bawah. tuz skarang mo tidur lagi. haha. dah jam setengah 6. gila ngantuqnya. setelah ga tidur dengan baik sejak minggu lalu. hehe. sukur dah kelar. meskipun yg laen masih banyak. ahahahah. mudah2an bisa kelar dengan baik. =) uhmmmm..yahhh mau sampe minggu tidur2an ajah. ejoy ga ngapa2in. hehe. tar klo bangun mo k lowyat. tpi gtw deh. hehehe. mudah2an. klo ga bangun nitip ajah. XD mo beli entivirus. heheheh. go back to bed~

happy house food

this is my packaging for graphic design course. this is the first assignment. and it made me crazy for about 2 weeks. hahaha. quite pleased with the result even there're some mistakes there. trial error and some errors. hehehehe. the brand is Happy House. very nice, bright, and bold design. many elements but well arranged. hehe. these are the complete healthy food product for children from breakfast till supper. waffles for morning, pizza for lunch, muffin for snack, cheesburger for dinner, and cookies for supper. =) the concept is to make eating healthy foor for children to be fun fun fun!! almost all children hate eating vegetables and all stuffs that actually they need. this product comes up with a solving problem for them and also their moms. complete nutrition facts and explanation about the product is for the moms. and super cute and bright illustration is for the children. =) enjoy~

hey stephen_taylor swift

Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving but I know I saw a light in you As we walked we were talking and I didn't say half the things I wanted to Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window I’ll be the one waiting there even when it's cold Hey Stephen, boy , ou might have me believing I don't always have to be alone Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel Can't help it I if I wanna kiss you in the rain so Come feel this magic I’ve been feeling since I met you Can't help it if there's no one else I can't help myself Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling So I've got some things to say to you I seen it all so I thought but I never seen nobody shine the way you do Way you walk, way you walk, way you say my name It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change Hey Stephen, why are people always leaving I think you and I should stay the same Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel Can't ...

white horse_taylor swift

Say you're sorry That face of an angel Comes out just when you need it to As I paced back and forth all this time Cause I honestly believed in you Holding on The days drag on Stupid girl, I should have known, I should have known [Chorus] I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down Now it's too late for you And your white horse, to come around Baby I was naive, Got lost in your eyes And never really had a chance My mistake, I didn't wanna be in love You had to fight to have the upper hand I had so many dreams About you and me Happy endings Now I know [Chorus] I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went an...

loving you it hurts sometimes_d'cinnamons

Ring, ring it's you again heart pops I loved to hear you It's been all day I've been waiting for you Hello, you call my name So much stories you shared with me You said a lot to me about girls Oh, it's so nice And every beauty thing they did to you Don't stop and tell me more' Chorus: Loving you it hurts sometimes I'm standing here you just don't buy I'm always there you just don't feel Or you just don't wanna feel Don't wanna be hurt that way It doesn't mean I'm givin' up I wanna give you more And more and more Knock, knock you came around heart pops I loved to see you It's been two years since I'm in love with you Bum! Bum! You break my heart You said, girl I'm in love with her But it's all right, I'm still alive yeah' ohh' And all the beauty thing she did to you Don't stop and tell me more Back to: Chorus And when I see that smile upon your face Deep in your eyes y...

waffels packaging

please click on the image to see larger version. ini tugas packaging gue. salah satu tepatnya. baru jadi 1 ini ajah. sisanya masih ada 4 biji lagi. glory glory! need your comments, suggestions, or anything. =) enjoy~ this one below is after edited version ^^..

finally 1 is done!

akirnyaaaa kemaren kelar juga 1. hahaha. parah yah baru 1. padahal masih banyak banget lagi. *nyengir* dan 1 biji itu senengnya bukan maen. hahaah. parah deh. dah gituh..thx God..smua yg liat bilang lucu. amin. =) mudah2an dosen gue ga bawel. hahahaah. lama banget ngerjainnya bginian. tpi skarang udah lumayan sih. sekalian latian ngetrace. hahaha. sip abis. =) tpi jem tidur gue tebalik smua nee. parah. sekarang ngantuq. kaya masih jem setengah 7 pagi.parah banget. padahal da sore. pingin tidur euy. hahahha. tidur aja teruuus =D besok sih mo ngeprint trial. mudah2an udah ada lagi yg kelar amin. hehee. skarang sih entah gmn pingin tidur banget. tdi siank bangun jem 2. belom mo bangun tuh padahal. haha. klo diterusin ampe jam 4 mungkin skarang seger. XD sebenernya lagi banyak yg bisa dipikirin. haha. tpi udahlah =) mikirin packaging aja dulu ne belom kelar2. huhuuh~ mana nanti presentasinya exhibition gtuh. musti mikirin sttingan sgala gtuh2 deh. wew. mudah2an semuanya lancar. amin =)

1 sisi doank

ini kerjaan semaleman. huahahahahah..gtw napa kecil banget. ukuran aslinya sih 8x11 cm. wehehehehe. klik on the picture to enlarge the image *wink* apa yg bikin lama ya sebenernya? uhmm..karena tracing atu2 tu gambarnya. hehe. diredraw semua. ada yg pake wacom ad yg pake pen tool. jadinya ya lama. dah gituh klo mo liad zoom gtuh, setiap bagian ada shadingnya. gila deh pokoknya. dan klo ga pake shading sama pake itu beda banget. yg 1 jadinya bagus dan imut yg 1 kampung. hahahaah. gimana yaaa. =D ok..enjoy =)

morning calls

hehee..jem 8 pagi ne dan baru bangun. tumbenaann bisa bangun pagi. hahaha. asik abis. kemaren tidur ga lama. jem 2an gt baru tidur. wew. cuma bentar dong ya. hehehe. ia ne sayang. gue pikir bakal sampe lama gtuh. huhuh~ tuz td bangun gara2 laper dong. hahaha..alesan gue bagus banget yak XD yah gituh deh. ga pingin tidur lagi ah. mule ngerjain packaging ajah. =) tpi nanti abis nulis blog. hahahah. emank dasar milih =D uhmmm...hidup dengan segala hal di dalemnya. hahaha. again. iya abis selalu bikin gue amazed dengan sgala yang ada sih. i did many things wrong i guess XD and it changed everything at once. =) gue ngerasa semua brubah. keadaan yang kemaren ngga ada lagi. that for once, i felt that finally we're given another chance to share the same way together. but maybe i ruined it by my own self. =) dunno. hehe. the day isn't about to come. i ruined it. XD

d'cinnamons_would you let me be

we’ve get along together i should have known you’re the best that i can love til now it’s hard for me to face it why didn’t we meet each other sooner i left them all behind you, only for you would you believe me i put my trust on you but deep inside i realize that i can’t, no i can’t they were all my brothers my cry and happiness * so would you let me be myself reach all my dreams and hopes i know you’ve known me better i know you love me, you do your eyes says more than anything that's really means to me so darling would you now would you set me free baru dw lagu ini. enak banget. hehehe. gtw napa. enjoy =)

another morning..

dan masih ngerjain packaging! horeeee dong. hahahha. kamar gue brantakannya dah kaya apa gatau deh. bodo. hahahha. gilaaa ni tugas..sarap sekaligus..seru sih sebenernya walopun jadi bahan sumpah serapah gue. ahhaahha. tpi yah gtuh. =D mudah2an bisa kelar tepat waktu ajah. amin. soalnya ilustration smua. gilee deee..hahahaha..asip abis. =D umm..gue ga tau apa feeling gue udah membaik dan membenar lagi. haha. sebenernya semuanya mix up. gue gtw jalan mana yg harus gue ambil. karena semuanya ada plus minusnya sendiri2 dengan cara yang beda banget. huwah. bingung gue. dan gatau apa feeling gue bner ato salah. apa cuma perasaan dan harapan yg ngegantung ga jelas sama apaan aja ya? huwahhh~ gtw. pusing. hahaha. idup koq jungkir balik mulu sih..syuuuuuu~ hehehhe...just pray for the best =) ngga terlalu ngantuk sih. haha. kebiasaan banget ya tidur pagi2 mulu. ckkckckc...besok mo tutorial lage. dari maren tutor yogurt molo. bosen bosen de tuuu..hahahaha...howahhh yg laennya aja belom settle. ha...

if i were a boy_beyonce

[Verse] If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll outta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted then go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick it with who I wanted And I’d never get confronted for it. Cause they’d stick up for me. [Chorus] If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man. I’d listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he’s taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed [Verse] If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone it’s broken So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone I’d put myself first And make the rules as I go Cause I know that she’d be faithful Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home) [Chorus] If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man. I’d listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted (wanted) Cause he’s...

if that's okay with you_shayne ward

if that's okay with you I love the way that you look without your makeup I had a girl before we met but we broke up There's something 'bout you that makes me want to step up Step up and be with you If that's okay with you We'll keep the neighbors awake too late too late Coz imma make you feel so good that's how i see it's happening yeah we'll keep the neighbors awake too late too late Coz baby I wanna step up and be with you if that's okay with you I'm gonna make you feel like you're heaven on earth I'm gonna thank your mother just for giving you birth I'm gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry if that's okay with you if that's okay with you I wanna keep your toothbrush at my apartment Make a second set of keys and ask you to move in I'm not crazy I know what I'm getting myself in I wanna live with you If that's okay with you I'm gonna make you feel like you're heaven on earth ...

wordplay_jason mraz

I've been all around the world I've been a new sensation But it doesn't really matter In this ge-generation The sophomore slump is an uphill battle And someone said that ain't my scene 'Cause they need a new song Like a new religion Music for the television I can't do the long division Someone do the math For the record label puts me on the shelf up in the freezer Gotta find another way to live the life of leisure So I drop my top, Mix and I mingle Is everybody ready for the single and it goes... Ha La La La La L-listen closer to the verse I lay Ha La La La La It's all about the wordplay Ha La La La love The wonderful thing it does Because, because I am the wizard of ooh's and ah's and fa-la-la's Yeah The Mr. A to Z They say I'm all about the wordplay When it's time to get ill I got your remedy For those who don't remember me Well let me introduce you to my style I try to keep a jumble and the lyrics never...


ngga napsu ngapa2in dehhh..hehehhe. parah banget yah malesnya. padahal baru bangun jem 4 tuh tdi. hehe. tidur jem 7 pagi tpi kayanya. =D bangun2 ngantuk. gada orang. males ngapa2in. wahahah. ada2 ajah =D tugas packaging gue dimajuin ne kumpulnya. jadi week 5. gatau lah. pusing sih mikirinnya. tpi lom napsu buat mikirin skarang =.= ga konsen sama skali. dan gue agak ga mood bikinnya. bahaya neh. biasanya klo da ga feeling males banget mau bikin. hahaa. gatau lah. bikin sih. tpi nanti2 kali. =P feel so light and like flowing right now.gtw napa. hehe. lagi ga pingin mikir berat2. just let what will happen to be happen. =)

dah pagi. hahahha..

finally gue punya ide buat packaging. thx God =) gtw sih diterima atau ngga. musti bikin mock up juga nantinya =P nanti aja aaaaaaaa..cape.ahahahahhaha. abiz ngeteh di mamak bareng anak2. b4 ajah sih. hehe. gaya banget deh. cara refreshing baru. ngeteh di mamak. wakakakkak..padahal punya lyche roses tea di rumah. wehehehhe..tpi kan seru bareng2 =) if only i could turn back time....


kemarenan ntn film ini. bagus deh. hehe. dah ngincer dari dulu sih. kemarenan abis kopi dari beben. hehhhe. ceritanya soal si igor ini. ini nama ras gtuh. nama kaumnya dia. yg kerjanya cuma jadi asisten profesor gtuh. dia idup di kota yang di dalemnya tertanam faham untuk survive tuh harus jadi jahat. gtuh2 deh. hehehe. tuz bakalan ada evil fair gtuh deh. nyiptain evil terjahat yg nanti diadu gtuh. tuz profesor majikannya igor tuh meninggal pas lagi ngadain percobaan. akirnya dia yang selama ini obsessed banget jadi seseorang itu yang bikin monster. ternyata monsternya jadi baik banget. hatinya ngga jahat sama sekali. lucu sih, di tengah2 dunia yang harus jahat itu, malah ada si monster yang baik banget. dari monster itu, igor belajar banyak hal. kalo ngga harus jadi jahat untuk bertahan hidup. dan ternyata dunia yang selama ini dia kenal tu palsu. dunianya dia selalu gelap dll gtu karena rajanya yang bikin awan gelap selalu ada di kota itu. padahal di dunia luar, indah banget =) Igor ...

smile me

uhm...jem 4 pagi neh. haha. tadinya mo ngerjain packaging. tpi...hehehhe..gak mood mendadak. ga enak badan juga. jadinya yah gituh deh. hehe. tadi chat sama sahabat gue. one of the angels that i have in my life. =) thx God. for lift me up when i'm down. always. You're the greatest ever. =) time will answer. i have heard about it thousand times. sometimes i really hate this phrase. because..hahah. i'm maybe an egoist and unpatient person. i always want the answer to come to me as soon as possible. so i won't overthink about it and become a paranoid because of my own mind. hehe. it's stressing. but actually wait for time to give you the answer is not that bad..i know one fact. one answer for my question. it's just came in a right time. and it feels so...fine? hhee. i can't find a word to describe it. it's just beautiful. it makes me regret a few things in my life though. must go on. and it's going on and on and on...and maybe...this is ...


huwaahhh...tidak mood bikin tugas pdahal banyak. hahahah. kehidupan kuliah sudah kembali dimulaiii...dan yah begituhlah. banyak tugas. dan malas kerjain. wekekkekke. biasa deh. belom mood ajah sih =D tuh kan libur kelamaan bikin bego! hahahhaha...hurmmm..besok ajah deh kerjain. hehhe. gue kayanya dulu rajin deh ngelondri. skarang males. dulu sering mampir ke artshop. skarang males. abis jauh2 semuaaa...sebel deh. kangen desa T_T yah ada enak dan ngga nya sih. tpi tetep kangen. hehehhe. kayanya pengen balik ajah ksana. wehehehehhe. yah gituh. hari ne libur. hahahaha. besok deh kuliah lagi. packaging. research design heritage. illustration. fotografi. wowww...banyak kali kerjaan sayahhh...T_T abiz dari ultahnya alia...HAPPYN BEDAY YAH NENG. hehheeheh. wish u all the best always =)

thinking of you_katy perry

Comparisons are easily done Once you've had a taste of perfection Like an apple hanging from a tree I picked the ripest one I still got the seed You said move on Where do I go I guess second best Is all I will know Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you Thinking of you What you would do if You were the one Who was spending the night Oh I wish that I Was looking into your eyes You're like an Indian (or in the end?) summer In the middle of winter Like a hard candy With a surprise center How do I get better Once I've had the best You said there's Tons of fish in the water So the waters I will test He kissed my lips I taste your mouth He pulled me in I was disgusted with myself Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you Thinking of you What you would do if You were the one Who was spending the night Oh I wish that I Was looking into... You're the best And yes I do regret How I could let myself Let you go Now the ...

this world..

hurmm...haha. have many thoughts in my mind right now. as i move here, i see many new things. feel many things. know many things. realize. notice. understand. questioning. pretend. imagine. hate. love. like. and so on. many things have happened, happened, are happening, will happen. and yeah..the world is big. big enough to save all the plots and stories of life. about the human. about who they are and what they feel. about their choices. about their ways. somehow it's amazing. but it's confusing also. hehe. some of my theories become invalid and some of them remain. some i have to improve more. hehe. yeah..this world is big enough to have as many as people with all their differences. it's kinda interesting to experience some of that differences. but yeah..sometimes it makes my world upside down. with they grey area between black and white. when sometimes it's neither right nor wrong. so yeah..sometimes i just leave it. hehe. without noticing what will happen later. =D ...


kaga mood mau ngapa2in. wakakakak. gtw lah kenapa. mulaaiiii deh bawel2 ga jelasss..wehehehhe. hurrmmm..males kuliah bsok pagi.gile hari ni aja ngantri bus dah kaya ngantri registry! aaaaaaaa~ geblek. lama banget. sama ke street mall dulu. untung ga khilaf abis ntuh pulank.hahahaha. tpi kelasnya mayan enak tuh ^^ jadi cuma presentasi gtu2 doank. crita soal daerah masing2. seru2. hhheh. senang. untung gue masuk tdi. =D kelasnya enak sih. hurm. minggu depan pain yah. trip klo ga salah. hehehhe. gada kelas typo siangnya. akirnya tidur doank di rumah.huwaaa~ suntuk juga gada kerjaan. harusnya sih ngeskecth buat graphic design. tpi apa daya gak mood banget. hahaha. parah ah =D hurrmmm..pingin ntn bride wars. tdi si oti punya dvdnya. hehehe. kapan yah. nanti deh ajak yg laen rame2. wekekekek. huwaaaaaaaaa~ somehow somehowwwwww~ wekekkekekeke..mulee ga jelassss..lalalalal~

spending the night..

huwaaa..males banget masuk besok neh. hahahahha. hulaaaa..besok cuma kelas design heritage doank. typo nya ngga ada kelas. aaronnya sakit. hehehhe. hurmmm..tpi syang absennya.buat nanti2 ajah deh. wheheheh. hurmm..tdi illustration ga enak. bsen. jadi kaya balik foundation. @_@ pusing. dan gue benci bikin shading dll. wakakakaka. cabe deh =D ga menarik lagi jadinya sekarang. wewww~ =( we'll see what'll happen next. hehehehe. ing gue membego btw. aaaaaaaaa~ sebalnya. ahikz. hurmmmm..pingin ngeles lagi ma teacher. hehhehe. kapan coba. wekekekek. maap teacher ilank smua ne ilmunya. hhuhuuh~ pheww pusing juga mikirin packaging bernilai 50% ntuh. wkeekekke. udah ada ide sih. mudah2an design executionnya bagus. amin~ hehehhe. lagi mo batuk ne kayanya. udara disini ga enak banget. huwaaa lebih drastis daripada di indo =( yah gtuh deh. cepetan ajah de klo mo batuk. tengah2 gini ga enak banget. T_T mendingan batuk sekalian kasih obat batuk! skarang bingung mo dikasih apaan. hehehehe. hur...

Horton Hears a Who!

kemaren nonton film ini bareng2 yg laen. filmnya bagusss banget untuk ukuran film kartun! ngga juga sih. untuk ukuran film laen juga ini bagus. film kartun dengan grafis yang bagus banget dan isi cerita yang bagus banget juga. heheheh... critanya soal Horton si gajah yang ngedenger suara dari apa yah..kaya petal bunga gituh deh. speck ato apa namanya lupa. hehe. dan cuma dia doank yg denger suara di situ. ternyata satu partikel kecil itu adalah sebuah dunia buat orang2 di dalemnya. gede. hehe. sedangkan di dunianya Horton, itu kecillll banget. trus Horton berniat buat nyelametin dunia kecil itu. dengan nyari tempat yang aman buat mereka. biar mereka ga melayang2 lagi ga keruan. akirnya dia jalan ke puncak gunung. dimana katanya ada tempat paling perfek buat dunia kecil itu. tpi jalan ke sana ga gampang. selaen medan yang berat, ada yang ngga suka sama usahanya dia. karena Horton dianggap gila. ngedenger suara ga jelas gituh. pas ujung2nya gtuh, pas udah mo sampe, Horton diserang sama s...

the days forecast. haha

dah 2 hari kerjaannya jalan2 mulu. padahal cape. ahha. dasar. kemaren ke mid valley ma astri. kencan b2 doank. wakakaka. kesananya naek bus. tuz puter2 blablbala..ampe cape. tuz malemnya balik naek KTM sampe..uhm..mana yah..bandar tasik selatan? or something. hahaa. yah gituh lah. tuz naek KLIA express. ketemu si eka, manjaya, sama hendra. tuz sampe putrajaya sentral, naek bus ke depan cyber. hehe. pulank2 tepar. hari nih ke sunway. tdi si eka mo benerin laptop. tpi gjd. haha. seketika mikir..ngapain ya gue ke sunweeiiii..gada duit pula! mampos lah. hahaha. dan bener kaaaann..pas disana gue malah ngabisin 150RM dalam sekali pembelian. which is gue beli puzzle lilo n sticth. 1 family gtuh. ma spupu2nya hwaaaaaa..parah. gede sih. tpi mahal sialan. huihuuhuh~ tpi ga tahaaann..ya ampun. ahikzzz..tuz langsung bangkrut. tuz langsung minjem ati! hahahahaah. iya idup sih idupppp..tpi bulan depan gada de belanja2. ahikkkkzzz...tuz tdi muter2 doank ampe bego di jusco. hahaha.tuz balik sih. pas p...

slow dancing in a burning room_john mayer

It's not a silly little moment It's not the storm before the calm This is the deep and dyin breath of this love we've been workin on Can't seem to hold you like I want to so I can feel you in my arms Nobody's gonna come and save you we pulled too many false alarms We're goin down and you can see it too We're goin down and you know that we're doomed my dear we're slow dancing in a burnin room I was the one you always dreamed of you were the one i tried to draw how dare you say it's nothin to me baby, you're the only light I ever saw I make the most of all the sadness you'll be a bitch because you can you try to hit me just to hurt me so you leave me feelin dirty coz you can't understand We're goin down and you can see it too We're goin down and you know that we're doomed my dear we're slow dancing in a burnin room Go cry about it why don't you Go cry about it why don't you Go cry about it why don't you my de...