
Showing posts from June, 2009

endah n rhesa-thousand candles lighted

Thousand Candles Lighted, every candle is a prayer Let us break the darkness through this little candle light Let us throw the darkness through this little candle light Thousand flowers bloom, every flower is a hope Let us be the people who bring a better tomorrow With strength and hope we cover it by love Only with strength and hope we bring a better tomorrow Only with strength and hope we build a better tomorrow I know someone standing forward in his believe in The most person with a big hope and strength And a part of him has grown in me Inspired my whole life he brings me to a new vision of life.. as time goes by as time goes by even death do us part separate us in a distance but not in heart but the spirit stay somewhere in my heart give me a reason to never giving up and he’s not afraid of the dark cause the dark is part of our life but he’s worry for the dimness, cause the dimness means you’re giving up

last daeee ^^v

tomorrow i'll fly to china. horeeeeeeeeeee ^^ can't wait. hehehhehehe. hope i can enjoy my holiday lalalalalalla~ hari ini peking2. dan menurut timbangan di depan cuma 10kg. tpi gue kurang pcy ma tu timbangan. =P mudah2an aja ga lebih dari 15 kg. hehhehehe. senang deh ^^v lagi dengerin lagu yg dikasih sama aji td. cuma dikasih 2 tuz gue dw 1 album. yg enak ternyata emank cuma 2. sisanya enak sih. tpi yg paling enak ya 2 ituh. heehhe. senang. endah n resa. enak2 banget. ada official website nya. bisa liat lirik lagunya disana. hihihi~ ada salah2nya sih tpi mendingan daripada gada sama sekali. hohoo~ thx u =)

last days~

yeheeyyyyyy!! bntar lagi gue brangkat ke cina. hehhehehee. sabtu ini ^^ senang senang. udah mulai packing. ^^ mudah2an selamad sampe cina tuz disana senang2. hore..hehheheehe. abis baca ini kemaren. akirnya kelar juga. hahahaha. gue udah baca 2 bukunya artemis folw versi ingnya. heeehe. buat gue huge achievement tuh =P scara biasanya paling males baca buku ing. hueheheehe. senangnyaaa..critanya bagus ^^ ga bosenin dan gue ga bisa brenti baca kalo uda sekali megang. hehehehehe. nice book ^^v trus skarang lagi baca yg inih..ehmm...kenapa yah. jadi ga terlalu seru. gue baru baca sekitar 3 bab pertama. boring. jalan critanya ga smooth dan seru lagi. jadi terlalu buru2. dan artemisnya emosional banget. terlalu............lemah. gak kaya dia deh. mengecewakan. critanya sih dia berubah. tpi tetep ajah. ngga kaya dia jadinya. gtw sih jadi ga terlalu impressed. kecewa malah. niat bacanya bukan karena dia critanya bagus. tpi karena penasaran mo ngebuktiin masa ni buku jelek sih critanya. sebel. ...

transformer 2: revenge of the fallen

abis nonton inih di alamanda sama eka sama rizky. gilaaaa keren buangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! efeknya alus banget kcuali yg di pyramid. autobotsnya juga keren2 banget. ekspresinya dapet. keren keren kerennnnnnnnnn!!! love it soooo much ^^

the sims 3

i've been playing this game for 2 days..kinda pleased since i have nothing to do along the waiting time. not as interesting as i once thought T_T even we can walk around the city...but we can't combine households as easy as on the sims 2. it first so you'll know what i mean. =P fuuuuuu~ it's wednesday already and i have to start packing everything. yahaaaa~ china here i come ^^


anyway ini sbuh. dan gue skali lagi belom tidur. phew. okay..i'm reading a book which reminds me of someone. what can i call him with? ehm..a real best friend, someone who nearly reaches the definion of 'good', someone who has been treating me so well, my (ex?) crush and vice versa =P, someone i do really miss these days. i don't know what i do feel now. it's kinda confusing to differentiate my own feeling and my own hope. mix up in some places. =( my impatient side involves so much. my egoist side also does the same. haaha. i don't know. i maybe will never be a perfect girl, or even a good girl. haha. i am confused where the world would bring me to. i'm clueless about my own feeling and his. and i don't know. i just want to call him up, listen he answers me, talks for few hours, and get the comfortable feeling i always feel whenever i talk to him, in proper time, not 2 seconds coversation like i ask him whether he's busy or not and he answers yes. T...

another dayyy

fyuuuhhh~ i have spent one day to do..again..nothing. hahaha. duh. ngapain yah hari ni. bangun mesen makan. tdnya mo k ioi tpi gjd. hwaaa~ nitip cd the sims 3 tpi di tea. huwahhh~ besok baru mo ambil soalnya barusan kemaleman. hikshiskhisss. hmmm. serem malem2 sndirian gtuh. huwahhh~ mudah2an besok bisa ambil dan main. horehoreeee..hehhehehe udah hari minggu nih. besok senen. duh ga sabar sampe hari sabtu ^^v

strike 3

behubung belakangan ini gue gada kerjaan mulu..jadi nonton doank tiap harinya. dan 2 hari dari kemaren gue udah ntn 3 film. hahhaahha. begituh deh XD gatau nanti2nya ngapain yaahhh~ duh bingung. masih semingguan lagi nih sndirian disinih =( sedih deh~ ini yang pertama gue tonton. Kambing Jantan the Movie. biasa deh ntn di youtube. yah scara scara gada dvdnya disini. hehehee. bagus sih filmnya. =) dialognya agak2 sarap dan bikin ketawa2 hehehhee. tpi asli ine nya ngga banget. apaan sih nyambit2in sgala. zzz~ tuz gtuh gue ga ngerti sama endingnya. apa yg menyebabkan perbedaan segitu gedenya? kalo dulu emang dia pernah bisa pulang dengan gampangnya dan skarang ngga. kenapa ga diomongin ajah sih? dimana susahnya. dimana masalahnya @_@ membingung. yah intinya endingnya agak2 membingungkan. ini yang kedua. gue nonton kemaren malem dan tadi siang.hehehhe. bagus ceritanya. gue prnah ntn ayat2 cinta, tpi yang ini lebih bagus sih menurut gue. kesalahan terbesar laki2: mikir kelamaan. hehehehe. a...


tami udah pulang T_T sendirian gtuh deh jadinya di condo. hiks. masih seminggu lagi sampe brangkat ke cina. smangat smangaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ^^


couldn't even have her eyes closed. phew. even i don't feel well afer all. okay. tomorrow my housemate will go back to her hometown. and i'll be completeley alone for the next one week. hate that kind of feeling. =( we have turned to be so close each other. with my other housemate too. phew. but i can't deny i'm more close to this one. her name is tamara. fascinating girl. hahahaah. i can't deny she's incredible. =) hope it will last for a long time. =)

holiday o holiday

phewwww..demam dan mo pilek. &@#(*@!)*(#)()@_)@ sebel banget. kayanya gara2 kecapean nih brapa hari jalan melulu. aaaaaa~ sebelnya T_T enjoy my holiday so far...hahah..tpi ga enjoy kalo sakit2 bgini mah T_T

night at the museum 2

abis nonton film ini barusan di KLCC. hehehhehe. bagusssss senang deh senang senang. hhehee. seru gtuh. sangat sangat menghibur. horeeee..heheehehee... key to happiness is doing what you love with someone you love. ^^v bagus td kata2nya. hehhehehee. it talks about passion, routine, modern living and how it "replaces" the history, the old ones, hhhehehehe. something like that. tokoh2nya juga bego2 banget. haahhaah. lucu banget. entah orangnya entah kalimat2nya. haahhah. bego banget deh XD gak nyesel banget ntnnya. hiihihihih~ pingin ke museum2 yang ada di film ituh. hehe. abis kayanya bagus2 gtuh dalemnya juga. keren2. heheheh. kapan yah bisa kesana =P tuz tadi beli ini di kinokuniya. hehhehhe. udah lama banget pingin baca. yesyesyesss..kesampean. hehehee. meskipun bahasa ing dan kadang2 suka njelimet sndiri dan ngga ngerti 100%, yah udahlah. heheehe. masih gampang ditafsirkan dan masih nyambung sama bahasanya. huieheehehhe..senang senang senang. abis di indo stuck ga jalan2 ...


what's something with me and my mind. argh. just sometimes can't control it well. sometimes it's too free and too crazy. T_T just a small thing and i can make it big. even for something i'm not really sure. what a mind. T_T that's why i somehow want to be able to read people mind. will it be easier? haha. dunno. maybe it could turn into terrible thing. haha. okaaayyy..i don't really wanna read people's mind. it's their own teritory. i just wanna know what their answer. hmph. dunno. i don't feel well. maybe that's why i become sooooo sensitive like this. argh. hate this kind of feeling. i can't sleep and miss the milkshake @ mumbo jumbo. nice combination between oreo and choc. nyam~

fix you_coldplay

When you try your best but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse. And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream, down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face and I... Tears stream, down on your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face and I... Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you. *sigh*


sedang gak mood. sangat gak mood. i don't know what's wrong. phew.


senang senang senang!!! pcnya udah nyala.hehehe. td ramnya dicopotin edo tuz dipasang lagi...tuz nyalaaaaaa..horeeeehoreeehoreeeeee ^^ kembali ke peradaban. hohohoo~ senangnya =D

pc matiii~

haizzz bete bangeetttt =( pcnya mati gtw kenapa. wew~ td mo dinyalain bunyi "beep" lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget ga nyala2. somfret. gtw ah kenapa. =( scara ngga ngerti juga begituan. &(#*@(#*_!(@)(!_)(@#)*

jalan2 ke damansara

Image is knocking at the door! hhhehehhe. hari ni ke ikea bareng tam2 sama oti. mo ktemu mbak putri tdnya disana. hehhee. tpi yah gtuh. jadi cuma bntaran ktemunya karena kta sampe sana udah sore gtuh deh. dan masih muter sementara mbak putri udahan. hahhhaha. brangkat jam brapa yah. stgh 1 gtuh. luamaaaaaaaaaaaa banget nungguin t429. haiz T_T untung sampe sana busnya ada yg ke bandar utama jadinya ga nunggu lama2 banget. tuz sepi jadinya enak gtuh. dapet tmpat duduk. horeeee..hehehhehe dan seperti biasa gue jatuh cinta sama banyak hal di ikea. oh sebelomnya mampir zara 1u dulu deh. itu juga! 1 toko bikin falling in love! heheheheheehe. gue bli baju 1 td XD pas dicobain di rumah lucu. heheehhee. banyak dress lucu. dan warnanya gue banget!!! arghhhH! love that all T_T don't have the money! arghh...pity on me. anyway yg tadi cukup oke. heheeh. tdnya gue uda mo bli 1 kaos nih. cuma RM50. bahannya enak. biasa ajah sih emang. tpi dipake dan jatohnya bagus. eh nemu yg baru i...

old works =D

these are my old works from foundation semester 2. i've just found it on my friendster. hehehhe. enjoy =) this is a newsletter. it's for design studies class. we have to create newsletter with typeface as its theme. i chose futura. it's simple, readable, and just looks so nice. =) after i made this newsletter, i officially use futura as my favourite typeface for texts. =) my fave : futura light. hhhehehehe we had to create 3 columns newsletter because my lecture said it's more difficult and tricky. ehm. maybe. i haven't tried two columns. hehhehe. this is another assignment. we had to make comic. and here's mine. i made it with pencil colour and put outline using artline. quite pleased with the result ^^v

the animal song_savage garden

When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head the television freak show cops and robbers everywhere Subway makes me nervous, people pushing me too far I've got to break away So take my hand now 'Cause I want to live like animals Careless and free like animals I want to live I want to run through the jungle the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet I've been having difficulties keeping to myself Feelings and emotions better left up on the shelf Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie Which one is more human There's a thought, now you decide Compassion in the jungle Compassion in your hands Would you like to make a run for it Would you like to take my hand 'Cause I want to live like animals Careless and free like animals I want to live I want to run through the jungle the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet Sometimes this life can get you down It's so confusing There's so many rules to follow And I feel it 'Cause I just ru...

affirmation_savage garden

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned I believe you can't appreciate real love till you've been burned I believe the grass is more greener on the other side I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality I believe that trust is more important than monogamy I believe that your most attractive features are your heart and soul I believe that family is worth more than money or gold I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires I believe in Karma what...

perempuan punya cerita

abis nonton inih. again di youtube scara gue masih di malay jadi agak susah yah dapet dvdnya. hehehehee. hmmm..bagus koq filmnya. sayang dulu ga sempet ntn di indo. hehehee. gtw kenapa waktu tuh diputernya cuma di beberapa bioskop ajah. T_T senang dari kemaren ntn film bagus. haahaahaha. *menikmati liburan* =D there's something bothering me right now. phew. dunno lah.

1st freedom night XD

abis nonton film ini di youtube. heehe. bagus. yg maen vino g. bastian sama fahrani. menurut gue sih aktingnya oke2 smua. vino nya apalagi. keren banget =) how a woman can be so 'blind'. how to stand still in every situations in the name of love. how to not only give efforts to defend but to let go, if it's needed. how to still love someone after you see his/her dark side. how everything can be so true. how powerful love is. =) tpi kata tmn gue ni film mirip film luar apa gtuh judulnya lupa. @_@ anyway yah tetep bagus. =) fiyuu~ malem pertama ga usahlagi mikirin tugas. ga usah pusing mo tidur brapa jam karena harus ngejar2 deadline. ga usah takut ga bangun dan ga bikin tugas lagi. hahahhahhaa. just nice. =) masih lama sampe gue ke cina. 27. huwaaa~ dan para hosmet gue udah pada pulang. si tam2 nanti 19 pulang T_T gue sndirian seminggu. HIKS. mudah2an gada apa2. =(

end of sem!!

YEEESSSSSS!!! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THIS SEMESTER!!!!! ^^v how i love to shout it out! haahahha. today is the last day of submition. i have done all assignments for this semester. and have some to be my favourite ^^v. finally i have done the CIS for satish. hahahah. maybe it's not 20, only 18. but i feel good about it =D spend another RM 90 to print everything. the result is quite yellowish but i'm get used about that thing. hehehe. somehow i wanna check my colour calibration on the screen but don't know how. =D i'm not a geek goddess. hehehhee. i did CIS for my own created brand named "Teddy Bear Story'. It's a children bookstore. the aim of this bookstore is to provide fine reading source for children and to 're-alive' books among children nowadays. it brings classic and vintage looks. upload the photo later. hehehhe.after all wars i've been walking through, it's the time to resting! night fellas~ and good morning holiday =)

typo poster assignment

this is previous assignments for typography. i'm in the mood uploading my artworks, so enjoy. =) here is my typography poster assignment. we have to create a series of typeface based on 1 art movement. my art movement is cubism. it reconstructs the objects and put it back with kind of unique and different ways. like creating the 3d object into 2d object. so here is the result. the first one is the complete typeface. i made them one by one in photoshop and printed them and coloured them. woaaa..a hard work those days. hehee. the 2nd picture. we have to apply the typeface into a quote from famous figure during the art movement. so i choose Pablo Picasso with his quote "I paint things as i think them, not as I see them". Happy with the result! yayyyy! ^^

final project photography

here are my final project for photography subject. i did advertising photography for IKEA. since i love this brand so much for it simplicity and straight forward message. basically it eases me to do all things. hehhehee. the message i wanna tell is not only 'buy the IKEA products' but 'change your own home into something much more better, and you can get it in IKEA'. the tagline is 'Yes, it could be better'. IKEA makes its product to be affordable with eveyrone, so it's not only a dream to have good furnishings in your own home. not only maybe the second handed furnishings that doesn't really look good, or some old furnishings that actually can be replaced with the new one without spending too much money. =) i shoot everything by my own self using my Nikkon d40x. it's an indoor shooting. i make the obejcts by myself. it's made of something thicker than artcard, illustration board or something. hehee. forgot the name. =) so here is the results...^...

then_brad pasiley

just love it. =)


today is the presentation for the typobook. hehehe. finally it's done!! yeyyy! after a very long journey XD it's done!! heheheheh. this book talks about dingbats. the basic - intermediate information about it and how you can play around with it to have something nice by just one type. heheehe. quite love the design but when it comes to the final outcome, oh usual the colours change. and i can't do anything about that T_T and i spent RM250 to print the book. yeheeyyy! and have to bind it by my ownself. thx God Aaron said the construction is okay ^^v i can't upload everything here..soo...just enjoy some pages. XD some images are pixelated. i don't know why. T_T i did in photoshop and drag it to indesign and suddenlyyyyy~ it's pixelated. XZZZZ~ this is the front cover. =) okayyy i'm too lazy to upload anything right now because i have headache now. so...maybe later =)

selamat pagi~

gila..kemaren gue ngerjain typo book sampe ngga tidur. mantep banget rasanya. ngga ngantuq dan jadinya stress banget tpi. parah. saking stressnya tuh. hahahah. hmph. sbenernya blom klar si. ini kelarnya maksa banget ajah T_T harusnya masih banyak gtuh dalemnya. duh menyesallll~ kenapa sih gue susah memanage waktu gue =( belom ngeprint pula. duh mudah2an besok semua selesai dengan baik2 ajah deh. =( kemaren beli kursi. jadi skarang uda ngga ngemper di bawah lagi. yah lupa moto workstation yg dulu. =( ga bisa before n after deh. hehehee. enak juga kaya gini. senang. hehhe. tpi mejanya aja kurang gede. pegel tangan kadang2 tuz sakit. hehehe. but so far so good i think. hehehhe. masih ada 1 tuga lagi nih. satish. dan belom bikin juga. emank dasar cari ribut ni 1 orang. @_@ selesai ga yaahhh..duh harus selesai haruuuuss.. =( ga tidur deh nih sampe jumat. T_T begadang teruss..jerawatan. T_T kemaren ga tidur semalem apalagi. wighhhhh..parah. padahal pake oil paper bolak balik. hiks. sedih sed...

simply_dewi lestari


brand new everything

finally i found a way to change my background layout. yahay!! hehehe. love this one so much. =) great website source of course. XD i got it from the internet. hehe. i haven't done any experiment making my own layout. hehe. i edited some things to synchronize with my own style. =D tadaaa~ LOVELOVELOVE. hehehhe hm. i'm feeling quite flat today. okay since yesterday. haha. damn me and my roller coaster mood. you are the one who choose to make someone your best friend. if that person doesn't think your are one, it's not his fault because he never ask you to do so. that something struck my mind yesterday. it comes from one of my best friends. it's not about me and her anyway. but still, it makes me think "oh, so somebody can think like this to another person." ehm..maybe for some cases it happens. for other cases, i don't know. remember the theory in a relationship, any relationship, one will give more than the other. ehm. yes it's fucking true. i'm...

new songs~

baru dapet dewi lestari 1 album dari kepin. heeh. love it so much. enak dengerin subuh2 begini. hhehheheh.

finished ilustration haha~

yayyy~ finally i have finished this one. =D so so so happy. setelah perjuangan nyari mood segala macem. parah yah. hari ni harusnya kumpulin ilustration smuanya, tpi gue lom kumpul. haha. karena kemaren malem ga mood banget mo mule warnain final project. akirnya sibukbikin jurnal sama portfolio dulu. hehe. jadi lah baru mule jam 1 pagi. dan ternyata 1 gambar kelarinnya 2 jam! haahhhaha~ asik abis. XD akirnya gue selesein 3, dan udah jam 7 pagi, dan teler slama 2 jam lebih. heheeh. 3 deng. tuz gtuh ke depan ngescan a3 yg ternyata selembarnya cuma 1 ringgit! ciyaahhh!!! asik abis. ngescan 14 biji. mayan tu RM14. di miso 2 kali lipet. aziibbb~ dah gtuh sarapan dan ngelanjutin sampe kelar. pas bener2 kelar udah jam 3 dan gue br tw gurunya gada. uda balik. cuma ampe jam 2. hhhhah. cape la. senen deh XD kinda love the result =) this is my final project for intermediate illustration. basically we have to make illustrations according to the theme which is "Heal the World". in this pr...

yihiyyyy~ =)

hehehh....padahal kemaren teparbanget siangnya. =D ngga tw kenapa dari bangun tidur udah ngga enak badan dan keringet dingin terus. parah. mana presentasi yg harusnya jam stgh 10 ituh jadinya jam 1.30. duh itu pingin banget ngamuk!!! pas pulank ga bisa tidur juga. takut bablas. akirnya ngambil foto buat besok fotografi. hahaha. yah begituh deh. tuz ke kampus lagi. syukurnya presentasinya cukup oke. amin =) makasih Tuhan. hehehhe. just a very short and simple presentation =D yah begituh deh. pas pulang tidur sampe jam 8 dan pas bangun udah sueger buanget! enak abis deh. tuz laper. hehehe. makan deh =D abis ntuh jadi semangat kerjain tugas. yeeyyy!! hehhehehe. senangnya. =) skarang udah mo bobo lagi sih =D senang senang senang. hehhehee. enak ternyata punya hosmet yg kenal sama kenal. bisa bareng2. kumpul2. hehhee. ga da rasa terpaksa. seneng2 ajah. klo gi ga bisa ya ga ikut. gtuh2 lah. =) love being here. amin. =) iya senang lah pokoknya. hari ni makan bareng astri, tuz td numpang mandi...


life goes in every way it wants to go. =.=" menjelang akir2 sem. haha. tugas gue ga kelar2 piye tho yah. hehheheheh~ masih banyak banget dan gue uda gatel pengen kelarin semua semuanyaaaaaaaa...ah parah banget. sedang bosen dan tidak semangat2 amad. ini aja maksain karena lebih takut failed. hahhah. prah deh. kemaren gondok banget ke topshop. nemu baju lucu banget. dan ga bisa beli karena KEGEDEAN dan gada ukuran lebih kecil karena stoknya abis. parah banget. baru sekali2nya ini gue ga bisa beli baju karena kegedean. kekecilan sih oke deh.. ini kegedean. sakit ati gue =( hiyah begituh deh T_T sedihnyah. that's the incredible dress =(