
Showing posts from October, 2009

love the day

love the day! heehhehehe. finally berdamai sama flash XD it's a big day u know. since i have been hating this programme since high school. ahahahaahhaha. abis bikin tugas flash gue 11 detik jadinya. hehehehee. cuma 11 detik sih. tpi ternyata ribetnyaaaa aujubilah deh hehehehee. tpi senang sih udah mendingan dan baik2 ajah kerjainnya. mudah2an sampe nantinya begituh. amiiinnn =) long way to go to minimum 45 seconds. hehehehehe. senang dari kemaren target tugasnya kekejar. wekeekekkke~ udah mo final nihhhh huwahhhh~ banyak kerjaan T_T mudah2an kelar semua on time. hohohoo~ songs of the day : problem girl sama ever the same nya rob thomas. kereeeenn =P suka suaranya tpi kenapa cara nyanyinya agak2 ya? hehehehehe..enjoy the songs ^^v

365 Days of Danboard

found another treasure. heehehe. 365 Days of Danboard is a photographs series made by a teenage photographer name Arielle Nadel. You can read the interview here .

movie times =P

sehari ini ntn 2 film. hahaahah. td siang k alamanda nonton cloudy with a chance of meatballs. bagus sih filmnya. animasinya bagus. gambarnya bagus. hehhee. ceritanya juga. =) *bener kan it's so wrong trying to please everyone. =P ceritanya itu co scientist yg dengan "ngga sengaja" menyukseskan penemuannya dia yg bsa ngerubah air jadi makanan. terus 1 kotanya dia jadi bisa ujan makanan. dan makanannya bisa di request. tpi emang menciptakan sesuatu harus tau efeknya dan harus tau cara menanggulanginya, kalau2 mesin itu nantinya malfunction. si scientist ini seringnya menciptakan tanpa mikirin nanti berefek apa dan gimana menanggulangi efek buruknya. tpi di endingnya dia berusaha memperbaiki kesalahannya sih =) dan berhasil!! yeeyy~ haahaha..namanya film kartun gituh =P bagus sih responsible of what you're making. =) ini yang kedua gue tonton. Gubra by Yasmin Ahmad. lanjutannya sepet. seperti biasa deh..endingnya gantung dan jalan ceritanya kadang agak ane...

it's week end everyone! XD so here i am. editing my ilustration layout. in fact it's not as easy as i did thought. *sigh. got problem with spacing and too many elements to be added and...difficulties in finding the logo for the product. HUkx. my assignment is kind of rearranging the existing advertisement. 4 ads in fact. we made 4 sketches for every ad so we have 16 pics now. then my lecture will choose 2 for each skecthes. so we got 8 pics now. then we made the colour study. 2 pieces for each pic. then the lecture will choose the best colour and we should made a4 size of it. after that we have to scan it and edit it in photoshop then print it on a3 size. fyuH! long journey =( i've just done 1 haahahahha..3 are waiting. =P got a very cute website from my friend reny. waaaawwww~ a very nice site. hahahha. i love the ilustration and also the cake pictures there. nyaaammm~ love it love it love it...

law abiding citizen

tdi abis nonton ini di alamanda. Law Abiding Citizen. yg maen gerard butler sama jamie fox. gue pikir film action. ternyata depan2nya udah cukup bkin lemes. trus apalagi pas tengah2 nya. grrrr~ someone's gotta pay me for making me watching a movie like this. grrr~ sereeem..asli sadistik abis. gerard butler tpi maennya bagus. haahahah~ ujung2nya mayan keren sih. endingnya..agak terlalu cepet. ceritanya sih kaya simple. gerard butler jadi orang yang bales dendam karena keluarganya dulu dibunuh tpi penjahatnya malah dibebasin. karena hakim sama pengacaranya korup. jadi kesannya dia korban. few years later, he came back and took revenge to all people. with a very brilliant and genius way. hehee. parah sih dia caranya. on time. dan efeknya selalu ngebunuh orang itu. filosofinya lumayan nendang tuh. mempertanyakan hukum dan korup yang udah meraja lela. orang sipil sring dapet ketidak adilan.dimana hukum yang seharusnya menjaga warga negaranya. gituh2 deh. ada scene yang dia bilang bahwa ...

take you there_boyce avenue

lagi suka dengerin suara dia nyanyi. hehehe..enakk =) abis ngesearch2 buat magang di malay nih. ternyata banyak juga. heeheheh. mudah2an aja dapet tempat magang yg enak deh. =P tdi si udah lumayan2 gituh dapetnya. mudah2an ajah cocok tuz bisa enak kerjanya. wheeheheheh~ belom dibrief apa2 soal intern sem depan nih T_T katanya sih week 15. fuh. gatau deh....hari ini day off ngerjain tugas. haahhaha. tadi bantuin astri doank bikin2. =P pingin magang juga pas liburan di bgirl! kalo jadi dan diterima. heehehehe. pingin nyobain ajah daripada bengong2 geje. XD fuhhhh nyobain dunia kerja sebelom bener2 lulus nantinya. hehehehe. *pray for these times.


lack of inspirations. zz~ okay..if i list down all my assignments, it's not that long. but it's that complicated and takes a lot of time to be done. *sigh. and sadly, some of them doesn't turn on my mood and passion to do. zzz~ okeeeii i don't know what happen once again. i've just finished the a4 for illustration. oh something that i quite enjoy doing it. kinda pleased about the result. heehheeh~ have to scan and edit it and put more elements on it till i can print it in a3. oh them..since it's 4 pieces. and the next is making a poster about one festival. i once thought that it should from our own country..but it can be from anywhere. hehee..i'm thinking about something from japan ^^v haven't researched yet anyway..hehee~ should be interesting but once again..i don't know why i'm not really interested.zzz~ everytime i think about an idea there're too many questions following. how can i build the letters, how can i place i...


tadi sore nonton film ini akirnyaa..setelah brapa lama dikopi dari beben. heehhe~ bagus sih. serem dikit akir2nya. gilaa..keren tapi bikinannya. ceritanya sih 'sederhana'. anak kecil ga puas sama kehidupannya karena orang tuanya sibuk melulu dan pingin punya kehidupan yang lebih baik. voila...her dream comes true. tapi ya itu manusia, apa yang dianggap baik buat dirinya bukanlah selalu apa yang bener2 baik. seringnya didasarkan dengan ego dan pemikiran sendiri. ternyata setelah si coraline ngedapetin apa yang dia anggap lebih baik dan dia mau, ternyata semua itu ga sebagus keliatannya. what a story. heheh. be reminds me of..myself. hehehehe. ngga jarang gue ngerasa ga puas sama kehidupan gue, dan segala yang gue punya. berharap bahwa semua itu bisa berubah menjadi lebih baik (dalam versi gue). dan ga jarang semuanya malah jadi berantakan. =P tapi kadang2 kalo otak gue lagi bener, gue percaya bahwa Dia memberikan yang gue butuhkan, bukan selalunya yang gue ma...


it's sunday afternoon everyone. hehe. and here i am. pumping my mood by consuming some famous amos chocolate chip and teh o ais boh original. =P for...not a specific reason, i lost my energy, mood, and inspiration to do my assignments..which is a lot. T_T i haven't got all the passion i need by the way, but it's slowly coming back. huraaayy~ XD few days ago, my sister said to me that i have to enjoy my college times. that this is the times when i can goof around, enjoy my life, do whatever i wanna do, before i enter the real jungle of life. working times. hmm...i'm trying anyway. there are some moment and few things that i don't enjoy. there're still a lot of things i wanna change. i wanna do. i wanna have, etc. but yes, i'm trying to enjoy my life. my time. everything i have and don't. i'm like walking in the sky. between the clouds which i don't know will be strong enough to be stepped. and don't know how far i'll fall down. or how far ...

sabtu malas

udah dari kemaren males banget bikin tuags. haha. parah deh. cape sminggunya numpuk! weheheeh~ harusnya sih ngerjain macem2, tpi yah gituh deh. zzzz~ found something : RibbonHaven tempat printing pita gituh. kemarenan smpet pingin nyari buat packaging TeaTime Bakery. tapi gajadi. heehhehe~ boleh lah buat reperensi one day ^^v

same mistake_james blunt

"Don't buy the promises 'cause, there are no promises I keep" is maybe something u wanted to say to me long long time ago. one fact that..sadly..i never want to admit. i let you fooled me. i let myself fooled me. "And my reflection troubles me, so here I go. I'm not calling for a second chance, I'm screaming at the top of my voice. Give me reason but don't give me choice. Cause i'll just make the same mistake again" is something i wanna say to you now. as if you'd uderstand. as if u'd care. i know some people might say that i'm a fool. yes, i do think like that few times of my life. but yes, here i am. with everything i had done. with everything i wish i did. with everything i wish i didn't do. i'll never be able to judge myself whether i'm right or wrong. whether you're right or wrong. i just can try to live with everything i have in my life, and everything i don't have. which is so damn hard. i'm just a h...


setengah 4 pagi dan baru kelar compiling researchnya lady gaga. doh~ banyak banget sih. hukx. kirain ceped. boro2 deh. fuhhh~ dan belom bikin ilustration. belaga gila ah besok ajah tutor lagi. abis bingung disuruh milih sendiri T_T tepatnya belom2an dipilih sih wekekekek~ omong2 lagi suka lagu ini : I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas . enak jedak jeduk banget tpi tetep ajah asik dengerinnya ^^ mayan penyemangat bikin tugas. huehehheh~ udah 2 hari jualan buat charitynya padang. doh ternyata cape gila. ampe masuk angin. hukx! rame2 sih sama eka, astri, sama teo. dan bhubung gue ga doyan deket2 kompor jadi bantu2 doank yg ga deket2 kompor. =P tuz slama jaga gituan lupa dong makan siang. hore abis. ujung2nya saya tepar hari ini. tpi ga bisa tidur karena yaaaa itu deh esay. ahay banget! banyak banget tugas menunggu. haiiizzz~ kenapa yahh kaya lost my passion to do them. hukx. tadi tutor multimedia sama nita. dohhh liat dia punya sih ngajak sakit ati banget T_T bagussss..hux...

TeaTime Bakery

This is the latest assignment i've done. this is for graphic design class. we have to make sustainable packaging for certain products. we can choose the products anyway. i choose to make bakery packaging. the material is from clothes, the first one is cotton and the other i forget..either linen..or something. hehe.this is the final result. =) kinda pleased with the result. except some glue marks on the box. hehe. i gave it to tailor to sew because i never know how to do it right. and don't have enough patien to learn. wekeekk~ but my lecture seemed like not happy about the fact. haiz..whatever she wants to think..-.-" so..enjoy everyone =)

piling not so gud

huwahhhh....sedang ga napsu mikir hari neh. td typo udah ga niat mikir. gatau mo bkin apa. tutor dirijek smua idenya. hore abiiss..pulang2 akirnya maen ampe gini ari. zzz~ haizz gak tau ah syalalala...

jalan2 kliling puchong

hari ini kliling2 banyak tempat. fuuhh~ cape. heheeheh. dari pagi perginya..jem 9.30 gtuh tuz ke toko box nyari box bulet buat kotak kuenya. tpi ternyataaaaa gada dong kotak buletnyah. T_T adanya smua bener2 kotak dan ada 1 doang yg hexagon. yadah akirnya pake yang hexagon. sayang banget sihhh~ hukx. padahal gue berharap ada yang gede gtuh kotak buletnya T_T abis itu eka nyariin kaca film buat maketnya. kliling2 lagi. tpi ternyata susah disini. ga kek di indo gampang ajah kayanya tiap bengkel punya. haahahahh~ gtuh deh. tuz muter2 di deket rumahnya bang amron. tuz nyariin tempat jait. susaahhh bener. ada yg ga terima jait, nerima repair doang. ada yg sibuk mo deepavali. ada yang ga mau terang2an. akirnyaaaaa..ada yg mau. toko yang gue nemu lwat internet. hahaaaa..senangnyah! gue kasih smua deh tuh kerjaan. katanya sih selese hari sabtu. mudah2an. huheheheheheh~ masih banyak nih kerjaannya belom ngeprint logo segala macem. fuuuuuuuu~ tuz baliknya ke ioi dulu. udah gede mallnya ^^ senang...


tdi ga masuk multi. haah. tugasnya belom bikin. ini baru kelar bkin character buat animasi. hukxx..lama banget. gatau deh nanti ngejalaninnya gimana. mudah2an ajah bisa dan ga failed!! hukxx...besok mo ke puchong cari bahan dan tukang jait. mudah2an ketemu semuanya dan semuanya bisa beres tepat waktu. scara ntuh pekejing dikumpul hari senen. T_T belom ngeprint2 logo segala. wewwww...tantangan gila2an. ckckck~ after everything that had happened, after every changes, after every sorrows and burdens, after you..this is my life. this is where i stand. this is what i believe. this is me..i don't say it's a new version. hahaa. but yes, it's me. whatever i am in your mind.


finally..i get my spirit back! heheheehe..after being so lazy for few weeks. heheheh~ i've done my logo for the bakery. anyway TEATIME BAKERY is the name. =) kinda pleased with how it turns up to. have some problems about the printing. but i'm sure i can figure a way to make it simpler. haahhaha... i went to tuanku abdul rahman again last....saturday. and miraculously i found almost everything i need at the store i went before. i think they've just restocked their goods after the hari raya. soo many great things there. ^^ i finally found the clothes i want. sadly i won't go back to indonesia =( oh yeah, for the first time of my life i wanna go back home. *sigh. too many things out here. too many things on my mind. and i'm just feeling soooo tired of everything. =) anywayy~ i found some of my spirits so i hope it'll give a bit help. heehheehe. i have to find someone who can sew to do the packaging. huwahhhh~ hope it'll be done on timee..=)

perahu kertas_dewi lestari

baru selesai baca buku ini. Perahu Kertas nya Dewi Lestari. nitip si tam2 pas balik ke sby. heeheh. bagus banget bukunya. overall, ceritanya ttg ce sama co. kisah hidup dan cintanya mereka. tpi scara lebih dalem, kisah tentang manusia, mimpi2 mereka, dan realita yang membentur mimpi itu. tentang cinta, yang ga pernah jelas dan selalu absurb, dan sebuah kepercayaan bahwa cinta sejati ga akan kemana. kemanapun itu, hati selalu tahu . bukunya bagus banget. tokoh2nya menarik, alur ceritanya meskipun pelan tapi mungkin emang segitu yang diperlukan. puas banget setelah baca novel yang ini. =) congratz buat Dee yang udah menelurkan buku bagus lainnya ^^v


tadi presentasi typography. hehe. grup gue bkin kaya drama gtuh deh ngerangkum 3 topik HIV/AIDS, road safety, sama open day. mayan sih lah sukses nampaknya =P udah brapa minggu nih baru presentasi =P lucu juga..sem ini lebih nyante dari sem lalu. tapi kayanya akir sem sama aja gilanya. haahhahah~ we'll see..heheehe~ oh tuz gue pilek. bagus banget deh. dari kemaren udah ga enak badan. hari ni udah resmi deh pilek. belom parah2 banget sih. udah diminumin obat. mudah2an ga sampe teparr..amit2 deh tugas gambrengan nih! T_T besok ajah kudu nyari kaen! ^@(*#)@#! mudah2an kuat. amin =)

i was browsing about children book publishings here in Malaysia, when suddenly i found this website..soooooo cute!! =P Meet Nana and Nunu. Brigitte Rozario is the one who creates them. she wrote story about them. and the illustration were made by Hassan Bahri and Amira Hakmal . i love the way they draw, i love the way she tells story! it love it love it. check this out!! =)