
Showing posts from July, 2010

street dance

watched this one here in Malaysia with tam2. oh so boring opening scene but it's kinda entertaining on the ending. ;) its setting is in london. i love all cities in europe, the buildings are so wonderful. hehehe. you'll see street dance collaborates with ballet in this movie, it creates something unique and wonderful :) beberapa dialog dan kejadian agak2 ga make sense sih. tpi overall filmnya oke sih. hehee..tuz soundtracks nya enak2..will be played on my winamp soon. hheehe..

despicable me

i watched this one while i'm still in jkt. supposed to be a really great movie if i watched it in better studio. i dunno why but at the day i watched this one, the studio and the screen is so small. quality of image is rather poor. it makes me upset a bit. but since the story and the characters are so entertaining, i started to enjoy the movie with lotsa laughs :D the story is great. i love the 3 little girls who finally stole Gru's heart. my fave scene is the ending, when Gru read them a bedtime story made by himself :) oh..and when he kissed the minions one by one. funny he actually recognized every each of those cute yellow beans. :P Agnes : "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!"

love to work

*pitbull songs played out lout we ll.. selalu dan entah mengapa. selalu ngerasa sneng and fulfilled after working. baca : designing. hehehe. belagu ya kedengerannya. tpi beneran deh. klo lg ada kerjaan ngantri tuz ditunda2 tuh jadinya mo ngapa2in ga enak sendiri. seringnya sih ngerasa tanpa alesan. uring2an kemana2. setelah kerjaannya dikerjain, ngerasa jauh lebih baik. hahaha. am i a workaholic? humm..mari simpan pertanyaan itu hingga nantinya. hehehee... abis ngutak ngatik logonya si cc yg passion communication. she likes it. nunggu feedback. hehehe. dan ngerjain yg lainnya gtuh deh. huwahh..masih in progress. tpi menyenangkan ga cuma nganggur2 dodol doank. heheheh... classes will start next week. another semester. huwahh..only 2 sems left before my graduation (amen). ngga berasa banget kayanya waktu itu berjalan sangat cepet kalo udah sekarang2 ini. graduation..tuz ngapain yaa? hehehe. big question mark ;P rencana mw ke vietnam akir semester ini. vietnam dan lain2 kayanya. mudah2an ...

holiday in jkt part 3

Image's the last part. once i went to pacific place with my sister and we spent time here. it's called the Nanny's Pavillon. it comes from bandung and is expanding to jakarta. they open one outlet at pacific place with bathroom as its theme. and yes, it's another place that has great interior :D the price? soooo affordable :D nice place to hang out! a very nyummy and refreshing mango milkshake can imagine myself sitting there. enjoying the environment ;) i have never visited it in bandung before. but i know it suddenly became quite popular. every outlet has its own theme and for me it's quite interesting. arghhh i love the interior, every little details they put. huwahhh~ i didn't take any picture from the inside of the outlet. i just saw it has shower and other details inside. feel a bit regret :/ will come here again one day and take a lot of pics. hahaha. and am looking forward to visit all of their outlets :D

holiday in jkt part 2

and here's from another day. i was going out with my high school friend, feny, to the central park. and we had lunch at urband kitchen. i ate this delicious baked cheese rice from food & tea. i also had a glass of milk tea. nyummy! not really expensive :D a lil bit extra : something sweet from pisa cafe. heheheh. my sister brought this home one night. it tastes greaaattttt. it's sweet but not too sweet. i don't know how to explain it well. so..every colour has its own taste. it's like old type of sweets. something that will make you have toothache if you eat more than 3 per day (maybe) :D

holiday in jkt part 1

yeapp..i have got back my pc full equipped! after few trials i was able to install the adobe families here. yay! so here's the report of my 1 month holiday in jakarta few weeks ago. here's my fave mall in that oh-so-many-malls-city, Grand Indonesia. it's quite near from my home ;) i love it since it has a lot of themes for every sections inside the mall. and since i love buildings soooo much..this mall is such a great piece of art for me :D and yes, even the bathroom. when you enter it, you'll feel like you're inside a train..really good interior..ckckck~ i had dinner with my brother and his girl at Mr. Curry. it's a new restaurant at Grand Indonesia. i love the interior and the concept too! it's cute! :P meet the logo and the mascot, the restaurant's interior, oh maiiiii~ tell me how not to love it! hehehehe. i love every detail of the restaurant. huwaa~ however the food isn't that good. i tried the basic curry, beef curry, but it doesn't taste ...

is back! :D

is finally back! almost. hehehe. i got my pc back! friend helped me fixed it. oh well..he did almost everything :P and now..yes i can turn it on, enter the desktop, browse using firefox, chat in ym and msn, oh much i can do! hehehehe. after it get fixed, i used it and sitting in front of my screen like such an idiot while i'm thinking about how big my screen is. nopee..i don't change it to be bigger. but i have browsed and done everything i usually do in pc, in my cellphone for the last few weeks. so get back to my pc is like a culture shock. heheheh. and yes i get back my old digi number. not old..the number i usually use in malaysia i mean. hehehe. i lost the sim card in jakarta then i asked for another new sim card here. and it works! :P so i'm alive both in cyberspace and mobile. hahaha.. oh many things i wanna put here but i haven't got my photoshop back so the pictures have to wait for a little bit longer i guess. hehehe. it's quite...

spellbound by jane green

i finished reading the book last night. dunno why but it looked interesting so i started to read it. ceritanya ttg 1 cowok, yg meskipun sayang banget sama istrinya, tpi ga perna bisa nahan godaan setiap ngeliat ce cakep. tpi ga pernah bermaksud buat nyerein istrinya untuk ce2 itu. bahasa kasarnya, cuma buat seru2an nambahin bumbu di kehidupannya dia. sementara istrinya, yg meskipun punya good personality, tpi selama ini ga perna pd sama dirinya sendiri dan cuma pingin ngebahagiain suaminya dengan berubah seperti apa yg diinginkan suaminya. till one day, she found herself. her true self and she actually loves herself. her life was began, but her husband's life was quite end. nah, he still got a woman but he didn't make any real commitment with the woman and still looked for another girls on the street. and yes, it happens in real life. hehehe. sometimes it's kinda hard to believe that kind of thing to be happen around us. but yes, it does. apalagi ditambah dengan keadaan jam...


have just watched this movie at blitz megaplex moi. what a movie! hahahaha..i enjoyed it very much. agak2 mengingatkan gue sama shutter island. tpi yg ini versi ngga terlalu complicated dan layernya jelas mana ke mananya. 3 jam kedinginan tpi gue ngerasa worth ajah sih. aahahahah~ banyak yg bilang bakal bagus, and yes it's awesome :) beberapa hal agak ga logis dan endingnya klo mo rese sebenernya agak gantung, tpi scara keseluruhan it's a great movie ;) and i really really love the left man on the picture. he's Joseph Gordon-Levitt and he's playing as Arthur at the movie. mannnnnn..he played his role in such a great way. ahaha. gak tw kenapa gue suka banget sama dia. mukanya pas banget. cara meraninnya juga. entah mengapa ganteng ajah gituh sendiri. padahal cakep2 amad juga ngga. but i like him soooo much! ;P here's another role that i like. Ellen Page as Ariadne. a super genius architect. she built the whole scene of the dreams. and she can do beautiful things on t...

the adventures of food boy

watched this movie while i sleepover at my friend's home. tipikal film disney sih. hehhe. nonton buat senang2 doank. lucu2 gtuh. critanya dia bisa nyiptain makanan dari out of nowhere. tpi yg namanya skill baru emang butuh dikontrol gtuh2 de. hhee..agak2 geli pertama kali ngeliat daging mental kemana2 dll. hahahaah..boleh lah tpi buat seneng2 doank :D quite enjoy this holiday more than before. hehehehe. kmaren abis pergi sama feny. udah lama ga ktmu dia. jalan b2 doank ke central park. oh i love the mall. hahaha. masih sepi dan banyak makanan sebenernya. yahay! :P makan di urban kitchen di food & tea klo ga salah. makanannya enak. nasi panggang keju! ahay! hehehehe...i took some pics but i didn't bring the transfer cable. so all of them must wait till i touch down in malaysia next week. heheheh... got few hours quality time with my girl. hehe. biasa deh ce2 klo ktmu kan ngobrol2 riang. hehehehe. tuz balik deh ke rumahnya dia. dan ujung2nya jadi nginep. haha. udah lama bange...


and yes, spain won the world cup 2010!!!! i'm still cheering! hehehe.. perjuangan lumayan mo ntn finalnya world cup kmaren malem. scara kan dgn pinternya tv di depan gada antenanya. jd ga bisa ntn rcti secara normal. tuz buffer tpi kondisi net ga mendukung. jd sekian dan trima kasih banget tiap brapa menit skali ga bisa nangkep siarannya. jadi yah udah dehh.gue ntn babak pertama dengan penuh sendatan dan banyak ketinggalan. padahal kartu kuning lagi banjir2nya. hahahaha.. pas break mo 2nd half time, gue lg kluar kamar dan ktmu koko gue yg dgn baik hatinya ngasih ntn di kamarnya. agak2 berpikir sih setelah ada di kamarnya. his wife has already slept. jdnya gue ga bisa triak2 bahkan jingkrak2 ga bersuara skalipun. scara kamarnya dingin jd gue ngeringkuk di balik selimut. mendingan..ntn bufferan kesendat tpi bisa joget2..apa mendingan ntn lancar tpi diem doank? well thx God ada twitter. hahaha. gue jadi berbawel2 rianya disana deh. biarin ajah ah skali2 :P abis stress ga dkuarin. haha...

weather forecast from jkt

abis nonton pertandingannya spanyol versus jerman tadi subuh. SPAIN WON! hahaa..jermannya dodol gtuh maennya kaya ngga pingin menang. =.= nyerang ga nyerang..trakir2 nyerangnya juga dodol..usaha dikit kek loncat. udah tw badannya pada tinggi2. itu si villa aja berani ngadepin back 2 orang segede2 apa tau gtuh. babak pertama sih menurut gue ga seru banget. serunya kaya 20 menitan trakir gtuh. udah takut ajah bakalan penalti. entah mengapa koq ya klo menang penalti itu ga seru menurut gue. :P yah begituhlah..hehehe..pingin ntn finalnya nanti! SPAIN VS NETHERLANDS. milih siapa yaa..hehehe..anyway ngefans sama kipernya spanyol si Iker Casillas. keren! hahaha. spain gada dia sih berat juga. prtandingan kmaren brapa kali tuh dia nyelametin gawangnya. yg kmaren2 juga. wohoo! :D mudah2an pas final nanti pertandingannya seru! :P masih..begitu2 ajah sih di jkt. belom ngapa2in selaen facial dan rencana ke dokter gigi dan bantuin nyokap di toko. pingin ntn despicable me tpi ngga tw deh kapan. fyuu...

brazil go home

have just watched the match between brazil and netherlands. mannn..the game was awesome but brazil lost! :( but i could say that netherlands played soooo well on the 2nd time. congratz netherlands. bye2 brazil..:( still in jkt. heard that my friend might go to bali on 16th. feel so envy of him. hhahaha. but yeah he got a job there, so he got a valid reason to be there. me? nah! wait till i can earn my own money. :P abis dari facial gtuh tadi. sebenernya facial paling ngga sakit dan cepet yg pernah gue lakukan. bused dehhh si tante tangannye dah kaya robot. hahahahah. should go back again next week. fyuuuhh~ mudah2an udah ga banyak2 amad kaya tadi. hehehehe...dan seperti biasa, skarang sakit kepala karena tadi muka gue dikrenyek krenyek. tidur ah bntar lagi. anyway i just tried the balikpapan crabs. yes it tastes damn good! hahahah..tpi banyak banget mericanya. fyuhhh~ bumbunya meresap sampe dalem. yaya boleh lah skali2 dimakan. hehehehhe..tiap hari leher gue bisa agak2 se...

hell-o jakarta

finally, touched down in jakarta :) welcome back town. hehehe..i took KLM airlines from KL to here. and yes i like the airlines so much! hahaha...the meal was quite good, the space on the seat is wide enough, and i got a lot of things to do during the flight. hahay! love it! sering2 aja ya promosi ;P i...............................never mean to hurt you. but it's just strange to have conversation with you. sorry :(