
Showing posts from August, 2010

1000th post

yes it is! :D after few years having a blog, this is the 1000th post. actually there's nothing special about it. heheheh.. i'm still here. growing up. changing. seeing. breathing. absorbing. live. through this blog i write anything i feel. not everything is published anyway. hahaha. few things that i have to keep it mine..and only mine. :) but yeah, this blog contains the story bout my life since years ago. maybe not something perfect. but it's something wonderful indeed. ;) and i'll still be here. doing the same thing in different level. but yet still living my life :-" Knowing someone is wrong for you, doesn't mean it changes the way you feel about them it's sad because it's true. at least for me.

story board time

yeppp..that's what i did today. making story board for my short movie for multimedia class. i did digital story board, which means i took pictures instead of drew the action one by one. ngga cukup tabah untuk melakukan hal itu omong2. hehehe. jauh lebih cepet dibuat juga dan jadinya lebih detil. senang :D dan gue merekrut orang2 di sekitar buat bikin story board. hehehe. tam2, mikel, iin, denise, riska, sama reny. foto2 di kolam renang blok B. hehehe. have some laughs when the sun was quite nice for all of us. :D lumayan deh slingan yg menyenangkan di kala gue lagi bosen banget. hehehehe. the story board was finished. kayanya sih keterangannya kurang dan masih banyak hal2 kecil lainnya yang perlu dipikirin. tpi kurang lebih udah keliatan how the movie will go down. deg2an sih..takut pas bikin emosinya ga dapet dan segala macem. huwaahh. dan pusing juga gimana nanti ngambil anglenya yg enak. secara di film ini gue cuma akan nyorot kaki pemain2nya. jadi gue mau gak mau, minimal harus...

the taking of pelham 123

nonton ini di tempat temen gue kmaren tadi pagi kali ya itungannya. seru filmnya. waktu itu ga sempet ntn di bioskop. meskipun subtitlenya acak2an dan agak2 ga denger dia pada ngmng apa, but i can say that this movie is good. lumayan deh bikin melek sampe jem 7 pagi. hehehe.. masih lohhh..gada inspirasi dan keinginan ngerjain semua2nya. oh kenapa yaaaa..susah banget sih mw ngapa2in. =_____= i hope it'll end soon! ga bisa deh lama2 bgini pusing. huwaaaa~ males mikir apa2.

the fall

here's a movie that oh so amazed me!!! i watched it at my friend's home and i have never been so amazed by a movie. it's said that it didn't use any computer effect graphic. so it was shot in almost 28 different countries if i'm not mistaken. included ubud, bali. yes! there's kecak dance and 'terasering' paddy field on it, and of course tons of beautiful places. wohooo! i love the world. hahahaha. and for the 1st time, i fall in love with kids. hahaha. there's a little girl on this movie named Alexandria, starred by Catinca Untaru. she's a romanian, head to toe super cute! migod! she has a beautiful smile and all innocents a kid can have. she looks so pure :) she played so well on this movie. some parts are not scripted. my friend said, the producer only brought a basic script and then they saw what happened during the shoot and changed a little bit here and there. it's so lively huh? ;) I LOVE IT!


this is LG Health Plus TV Commercial. i have seen it like 1 year ago, i forgot when actually i did. it impressed me at the first place. i love the idea, i love the execution, i simply love the ad. hehehehe. and just now i found it on youtube. thanks! hehehehe.. well..another college day. went to campus, heard the lecturer, did tutorial, and came back home to think about it further. to be honest i like this sem assignments more than previous sems. i feel like what i'm doing now is interesting and usable. like now, i'm doing logo and self promotional campaign for myself as a designer, which is a huge basic thing for me as a newbie designer to enter the field. the multimedia assignment too, even i don't know how to shoot and everything regarding to make a short movie, but i found an idea and storyline that i like. that's usually something that can make me work it on. heheheh. for design analysis, we got a really good lecture. we have to do a proposal to then making some-ki...

monday :)

another monday. hehe. kelas multimedia sampe sore. tutor cerita dan diterima sih. hehe harus bikin story board gtu2nya minggu depan. paginya briefing maybeline apaa gtuh. tugas suruh bikin print gift bag nya mereka buat Christmas. submitnya abis libur lebaran. 20 sept kalo ga salah. hehe..mudah2an aja selesai.. had quality time and quality talk with a good man. you have grown stronger and higher than me. and i'm happy for it :) manusia ternyata banyak merasakan hal yang sama, belajar hal yang sama, dan menghadapi masalah yang nyaris sama. tpi kita belajar dan menghadapinya dengan cara masing2. dan karena itulah resultnya mungkin bisa sama, mungkin bisa beda. that's life. abstrak untuk ditebak. tpi itu selalu berjalan dengan kita di dalamnya. dengan kita hidup di dalamnya dan menjalani semua itu. God, You are the provider. how can i doubt You? :)

break your heart - cover by joseph vincent

suddenly miss this song. hehe. it's maybe the closest to the reality of the most i'm facing. ckck~ i'm planning my next holiday. not the lebaran one, i might be go to hk with my mom and sister. but dunno yet. for the end of the semester. i'm planning to go to bali to celebrate new year. but yet, it's too dangerous to be there. then i plan to move the dates before the high season, but's a bit risky with all people on the street and also indonesia's condition right now. it's said that the poverty is getting worse and crime's everywhere. i'm really disappointed and sad to heart that. migod. what happens to my country??!! i love indonesia, seriously. but there're few parts i can't stand. what's going on there? oh my! what do people gain by doing crimes like that? money? and can they enjoy the money? above other people sufferings? c'mon! that's crazy. it's blocking my way to the holiday tau! i miss the place and every...

packaging of the world

another awesome thing i found on the net. packaging of the world contains tons of great packaging come from around the world. wow..

liputan weekend

waktu di jakarta beli buku ini, ngga tau kenapa tertarik aja sama sinopsisnya. De Journal karangan Naneng Setiasih diterbitkan Navila. lupa harganya berapa. ehehehe. dannn ga nyesel sama sekali beli buku ini. :D ceritanya ada seorang ce tomboy dari bandung yg keliling indonesia. di buku ini tempat2nya cuma mencakup indonesia, tpi di 2 buku selanjutnya ada asia sama eropa. can't wait for those books. hehe. yg baru terbit kayanya baru ini. seneng banget baca isinya, selain bisa membayangkan betapa indahnya alam indonesia itu, pengalaman2nya juga bagus2. dia ketemu orang2. belajar dari cerita2nya mereka. bahkan pembelajaran yg dia lakukan berdua bersama alam ajah. bagus banget! :D cara ceritanya juga enak dan santai ajah. jadi bacanya juga fun. ada 1 bagian dimana gituh gue lupa. tpi ada kalimat yg bagus banget. harus baca ulang buku ini lagi.heheheeh.. dan abis ntn ini juga..clash of the titans. abis ngerampok reny. hehehee. biasa ajah sih filmnya. mana subtitlenya agak2 bego. haha. ...

gravity by sara bareilles

Getting hurt by someone you love is like holding É‘ gun. You know you wanna hurt them back, but you just cant. -Tiffany Williams via twitter

such a super shiny bright spot

Image i was browsing through one of my fave designers, Helen Dardik, and found this awesome blog named print & pattern. and this is just awesome. i saw many great designers with tons of great artworks. and all i can do is gasping. hahaha. i don't even know how will i survive in design world if there're so many great designers out there. they're all just amazing! i saw the 'Jobs' on that blog and found quite a lot vacancies there for jobs i would love to do. something that needs creativity and imagination, something so colourful and wonderful at the same time, something hehe. just look at their ads and i can imagine what kind of companies they are. and it's interesting for me. in the middle of many cities in my mind, i'm thinking to get a job in London after my graduation. maybe not right after my graduation, few years later maybe? hehee. but i won't say no if i have opportunity to go there. hehee. i still don't...

once in a while

Image's once in a while when i get bored with what i'm doing, what i'm supposed to do, whatever needs me to think. sad. since i actually got things to think about and being done. arghh..BIG ARGH. life could be pretty much boring if you let it be huh? :( well..assignments. they're supposed to be interesting. oh yes they are actually. but why doesn't my brain be cooperative. waiiiiiii??! another big ARGH. got almost nothing on my mind. zero. someone's took out my interests and excitements. :( just wanna spill them out anyway. hhhhh~ even watching legally blonde 2 don't give me back my spirit and smiles. another argh. yah well, i don't say all movies like that make me smile sih. least something can touch me. but..well, it doesn't really work now. :( life always hits you with something. either it's a small pinch or big punch.

shanghai expo

nope, i didn't go there. but found something wonderful. let's watch the shanghai expo amazement ;D

Dirgahayu Negeriku :)

17 agustus lagi. Indonesia merdeka 65 tahun lalu. meskipun sering menyumpah serapahi Indonesia, dalem hati tetep aja mencintai satu negri itu. dengan segala kekayaan alamnya yg masih belum terjamah atau malah sudah terlalu dijamahi oleh orang2 sampe abis. dengan segala macetnya jakarta dan lancarnya arus kendaraan di luar kota. semuanya. kalo diterusin ada juga lama2 nyindir keadaan lagi. hehehehe.. DIRGAHAYU NEGERIKU :) omong2 tadi lagi browsing. sampe2nya ke yahoo travel lagi. ada 1 artikel bagus banget soal batik Indonesia, daerah2nya, dan perkembangan batik itu sendiri dari nasional sampe internasional. dan..tetep, yg nulis sih orang luar negri. agak naas sih, tpi yah daripada ngga sama sekali. :) recommended untuk dibaca. nambah pengetahuan. dan jujur aja ga perna bosen sih baca2 artikel tentang budayanya Indonesia. ngga ada abisnya. dan semuanya indah ;) Threads of Life written by Natasha Dragun

beautiful voices over the night

Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright. Hallelujah, this is all time favourite of mine. this one, will never beaten up by any song :) this is something i found on youtube. you belong to me by jason wade (lifehouse). he's one of my fave voices too. :P fall in love with these 2 at once. it calms my night. :)

breaking down

"After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." -Notting Hill

the expendables

have just watched this movie at mid valley with 7 friends of mine. quite good. pure action movie with not so good story. it's like a huge showcase of action heroes. hehehehe. but i quite enjoy watching it. at least there're tons of acts i can see on it. fave character? Lee Christmas, the one who used knives the most. he's great! ;) "I'm not perfect, but i was worth the wait" by Lee Christmas

some inspirations

Me&Megan the journey starts from jasonvangenderen on Vimeo . my friend told me bout this video. like it! :D it's pretty much what i'm gonna do for my multimedia assignment. we need to make 3-5 minutes short movie.this video gives me quite a lot of inspiration bout how i'm gonna do mine. great work! :D and good luck for both of you ;) Our Wedding Trailer from stillmotion on Vimeo . Amy + Dan from Ryan Southwell on Vimeo . and what can i say bout these 2 videos? they're completely amazing! perfect! oh my! i hope i can make something like that. at least gives the same good feeling :P

something great in the morning

good morning! i was just browsing on the website for my essay assignment. suddenly bumped on a website called TYPE THEORY . and it gives me a lot of interesting sights. such a great idea to start my day. hehehehe. one of beautiful things i saw is TYPOPHILE FILM FESTIVAL 5 OPENING TITLES . it's like a short movie full of beautiful typeface and letters movement. it took my breath and left me feeling desperate about how great people out there. arghhhh~ anyway..enjoy the video. such a master piece. wohoo! :D Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles from Brent Barson on Vimeo .

another day

another day dimana ngga ada kelas lagi. minggu lalu udah gda kelas. gada pemberitahuan. hari ini juga. even gue aja gatau gurunya yg mana. @_@ guru baru sih. tuz td kayanya nyariin smua orang ngga ada ajah gtuh. udah pada bubaran kali ya jam stgh 6 gtuh. lagian kelas jem 5. krik2. =___= banyak kerjaan sih udah. tpi ngga tw belom kepikiran. baru 1 yg kebayang. yg laennya blur. hahahha. rusuh deh. :P musti mikirin topik buat essaynya trina mg depan. anything related to design field. apaan cobaa..sayah mah bingung klo ditanya apaan. ;( abis bidangnya luas banget. huwah~ tuz udah harus mulai mikirin mo bikin apa buat aaron. bikin logo buat diri sendiri sama bikin proposalnya. hummm~ banyak yaahh :D bukannya ga niat bikin sih..yah itu belom kebayang ajah mo bikin apa. tpi sebenernya sih tugasnya seru2 :D kinda interesting. had a great talk with my friend. most about future, what we will do after the graduation. yes, it's a big question mark for even myself. hehehe. he said what he plans...

a word name love

Memory is a way of holding on to things you love, the things you are, the people you never want to lose. was chatting with one of my friends. we don't choose who we fall for. but we choose how to treat it. whether it needs to be fought for. whether it needs to be left behind. whether it needs to be grabbed now. whatever we need to do. sounds impossible? maybe. becoz in the name of love, we're blinded most of the times. that word is world's favorite famous mystery. never ending story of human beings. countless cases. unbelievable acts. something that somehow makes the world goes round everyday :) something that's unexplainable. something that's not only in our mind but goes inside to our heart too. something that has no physical form but yet so strong. it's's you. it's everyone. :)

airplanes by B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams

Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now Wish right now, wish right now.. i love hayley's voice :P

and home

home is where the heart is

it's called love

what are they doing? they simply fall in love.

secret by one republic

is currently listening to the song. hehe. dari pertama kali denger udah suka. ngga tau kenapa melodinya somehow captivating buat gue. ngga terlalu tau arti liriknya sih pas baca. but i still like this song :) tadi kelas multi. kita disuruh bikin film 3 -5 menit ada temanya. corruption, racism, gay/lesbian, domestic violence, dan 2 lagi gurunya lupa. hehehee. kita bikin film dan juga websitenya. pretty cool. hehehe. i have had an idea in my head which i like a lottttt. mudah2an bisa dijalankan. mudah2an hasilnya bagus. amin! :) emang rada susah ngelepasin sesuatu yg udah nyantol di otak. hehehe. anyway..harus membiasakan bangun pagi lgi. tadi aja kelas jam 9. gue jem stgh 10 baru bangun. jam 10 baru jalan. skian dan trima kasih telat sendirian. huwaaa~ untung gurunya pengertian. minggu depan kelasnya mulai jam 10. mayan dehh..hehehe..agak menyesal meninggalkan dslr gue skarang di jkt. ternyata saya membutuhkannya. oh God..huwah~ "Tell me that you’re worth the wait. Make me believe ...

movie marathon

yeeppp..i spent the whole day at the movie. heheheh. after went to the church. me and 4 of my friends went to alamanda and had movie marathon. hehee.. this is the first movie we watched. TEKKEN. i am familiar with the game since my brothers always played this one when i was little. not bad :D berantem2nya cukup oke. meskipun akir2nya kaya agak buru2 gtuh. menangnya cepet banget. even pas Jin lagi lawan Kazuya. pas lawan Yoshimitsu juga. padahal kan harusnya dia jago banget. langsung menang gtuh2 ajah deh. huwah~ tpi masih boleh lah buat ditonton. plus, Jon Foo nya yg meranin Jin Kazama gantengnya ampun2an. hahahaah. kalah deh tuh taylor lautner ;P this is the 2nd movie we watched, The Last Airbender. it's based on one of my fave cartoon series :D the series are such a master piece!! love the story and the characters. such a big wow :P movienya..biasa ajah sih. hehehe. gimana yah 1 season dijadiin 1,5 jam ajah. loncat2 ga jelas alurnya. depan2nya boring banget dan ga penting. dialo...

legally blonde

here's a movie i watched when i was in jakarta. pas awalnya sih ga kpikir ni film bakal bagus. abis barbie wanna be banget. hehehe. ternyata..bagus banget filmnya! ga menandakan bahwa ce cantik itu selalu dumb. meet elle woods. yg pertamanya emang bego banget dan keliatan oke banget dari luarnya. padahal emang sebenernya pinter sih. cuma selama ini bidangnya kecantikan dan fashion design gtu.. sampe akirnya dia diputusin co nya yg bakalan masuk harvard jurusan hukum. akirnya elle belajar mati2an sampe masuk harvard juga. dan disana..semuanya berubah. bahwa ga semua ce cantik itu bodoh. dan ternyata bidang seformal hukum pun butuh sentuhan manusiawi :D this movie teaches you to be your very own self. wherever you are. whoever you're with. it teaches you that whatever you take from the heart, you'll make it come true as much as you can. there's almost nothing called impossible :) i love the movie ;)

simple thing :)

i am reading my blog archives from march 2007. and guess what i found? this post : brother under the sun . disana gue nulis gue akan ke bali dan ke uluwatu dan liat sunset disana pake mata gue sendiri. well, gue ga menemukan sunset seindah gambar yg gue posting disana. but i was there. i reached uluwatu and watched sunset there. and yes, it's beautiful :) i actually accomplished one of my dreams without i even realized it before.'s maybe a simple thing and not so important one. but it makes me smile..i fulfilled it :)

raja ampat

lagi browsing dan tiba2 menemukan websitenya Aku Cinta Indonesia . sempet bengong karena ternyata ada program jalan2 di wilayah indonesia. dibayarin smua2nya dalam rangka ulang tahun ke 12 nya Detikcom. akan ada 33 tim yg isinya 2 orang yg akan mengunjungi 33 tempat berbeda di indonesia. tugasnya mereka adalah nikmatin jalan2 itu dan share pengalaman mereka ketika nanti udah selesai jalan2. tempting banget!!! parah. pingin bangeeeeettttttt! syaratnya harus jawab pertanyaan kenapa harus dipilih sebagai pemenang. yahhh skak mat deh gue begituh. ga bisa banget jawab pertanyaan kaya begituh ;( jadi berpikir ulang untuk daftar. hehehe. padahal asli tempting gila. huwaaaa~ tuz lagi browsing dan nemuin foto ini. raja ampat di papua barat. Raja Ampat, Pilihan Terkini Modal Raja Ampat adalah kedahsyatan panorama bawah airnya. Taman Laut Raja Ampat bukan saja senyap namun juga menawarkan pemandangan taman laut yang mengagumkan. baik ikan dan terumbu karangnya, masih sangat alami. Begitu hebat...

we dance on by n-dubz ft bodyrox

"I love you not knowing how, why, or even from where."-Patch Adams

my sanctuary

this is my sanctuary. my room in malaysia since..1 year ago? hehe..a bit forget. this is where i do all my works during the semesters. ;)

what a day :|

yeah hi..hemm..another what a day. my air-con is leaking and somehow it freezes the water when i turn it off. so when i turn it on again, it attacks me with few small icebergs. =____= gotta get the technician by tomorrow. *suddenly feel to take pics of the air-con. hemm~ angkat2in smua barang deh. mana di atas lemari gue ternyata udah menggenang. sukur2 ga tembus ke dalem, klo ga baju gue pada basah dah. nyuci ajah belom, ga usah lah nambah2 yg basah. hehehe.. the web tech class is moved to thursday. hahay! so i didn't go to uni this evening. but the class is still at 5 till maybe 9. huwah~ it's a long long journey. but i got holidays from friday to sunday. nice ;) had a dream. which is complet ely real and complete. when i woke up, it's scattered..and i think..i lose you..

what a day :)

seharian di luar mulu inih. hahaha. emang gda kelas sih. tadi siang bangun, makan siang, diajakin ke ikea. tuz balik, siap2, jam 5 jalan ke ikea. sampe sana kliling2 ke the curve ke the bodyshop. nemu body mist enak banget. yg cherry blossom. smells good. body mist gue udah mw abis. hehee..wanginya enak :D langsung jatuh cinta. hehehee.. abis dari ikea, langsung jemput intan ke klia. straight from 1 utama. gue yg ga nyetir aja pegel kebayang yg nyetir deh. =__= tuz makan di mcd. bantuin kepin pindahan. dan saya sampe rumah jem 2 pagi. ckckck~ jalan mulu aja sharian gtuhhh..huwahh~ but i love this day :) had a great talk with my friend. it's like the first light in the morning. after the darkness goes away, here comes another new day. thx to be there ;) In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationship we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.

love the way you lie by eminem ft rihanna

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn But that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie

california girls by katy perry ft snoop dog

what is it to resist something that makes you smile :)

new sem is began

hayehoh...yes, it's officially began today. timetable is ready. 4 subjects. 1 holiday in thursday. 2 morning classes. 1 afternoon. 1 evening at 5. cihh~ bakalan khilaf deh ituh kayanya. tpi kelas minor. web. arghhhh~ menyebalkan. pindah pagian ajaahhh..*ngarep. ngga berasa, tinggal setaun terakir loh. 2 sem. rasanya pasti ceped banget :( ngerasa belum ngapa2in. baik dari segi kerjaan dan jalan2. hahahaah. lagian masa udah sampe sini gue belom kmana2 di malaysianya sendiri, thailand, dan negara2 tetangganya bahkan singapore. oh my! ngapain aja si finda. ckckckc~ mudah2an akir sem ini jadi ke vietnam. huehehehe. lumayan deh jalan2 ksana :) mudah2an ga mahal2 amad. jadi duitnya cukup. hehehehe. amin! nanti kelas pagi. jem 9. mudah2an bangun ;P

one from the past

i was cleaning up my files and suddenly found an old conversation between me and a man. we're quite close like brother and sister, yeah once. but something happened and then the relationship collapsed. why? maybe because i was so damn fool and egoist at that time. :P i was thinking that i'm right and i didn't do anything wrong. but i find myself was annoying now. no wonder he was angry with me. hehehe. even i didn't mean to hurt him or annoy him, but i sounded like one. hehe. we have no contact till now. only few simple e-mails but it has stopped. i regret myself. how i can be so annoying and maybe selfish at that time. why i can't talk properly and nicer than those words. yet inside i know i didn't mean to hurt him. i don't know where he is now and how he's doing. i just hope that he has a good life with good people in his life :) people grow and change day by day. minute by minute. time by time. be better :)

song 6 by daniel powter

yes i'm listening to that song right now but can't find the same thing on youtube to be posted here. hehehe. love the song and his voice..hohoo~ well, my pc is getting better now. i think it's overheated @_@ i took out the casing and add another small fan in front of it. played the sims 3 for 3 hours and it's fine. ngehang dikit tpi sisanya okeh2 sajah. :/ iya yah apa overheat aja selama ini padahal fan nya 3 biji loh. ckckckc~ jadi ragu apakah akan di check up besok atau ngga. fyuhh~ dan dilema yg lain. ngampus gak yah besok liat jadwal. huwaaww~ malasnyah. hheheheeh. mau nyobain main dulu tanpa pake kipas. penasaran. hehehhe. apakah akan baik2 sajah atau tidak. ah saya dilema dilema dilema owowow~ From every wound there's a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says I survived. -Craig Scott


my pc has problems once again. AHHHH pusing. td install the sims 3 setelah perjalanan yg memakan waktu dan biaya yg cukup oke. pulang2 install dan susaaaaaaaaah banget. oke awalnya gue salah nge crack sih. ternyata caranya salah dan harus di uninstall lgi. nyobain di tempat tam2 dan berhasil dengan sangat brilian oleh dirinya. turun lagi. install lagi. error. uninstall. install ulang. bisa. error. kayanya ketawan klo bajakan. akirnya pusing dah sudahhhh..diinstallin tam2. bisa sih. baru juga create sim, ngehang. matiin. nyalain. main. ngehang. loading. ngerestart sendiri. lemot. masuk sampe tulisan windows xp. kluar layar biru. belom sempet baca tulisan apa2. restart lgi. OH MAIIIIIII..cukup sudah. uninstall smua the simsnya. senin bakalan bawa ke sam hiew buat ngecek. mudah2an ga ditipu2. mudah2an rusaknya ga banyak. OH MAIIII!!! CUKUP SUDAH. T_T