
Showing posts from September, 2010

pass out by tinie tempah

lagi suka lagi inih. hheheh. soundtracknya apa yah..street dance klo gak salah. ada di playlist dan lagi suka ajah. nemenin lari2an sama tugas. huwahhhh~ mudah2an selesai pada waktunya. amin! "they say hello, they say ola, they say bonjour"

after holiday and now..rush hour

hai hai hai! :D it's been quite a long time huh? :P yeah i had my holiday and mid break since last week. my mom and sist came here, we went around KL and singapore for 5 days. around. it's been a nice trip but tiring. haha. can't uplod the photos now, but will do later :D we went around KL on hop on hop off bus. it's a nice option to go around KL, baru tau. hahahaa. ada planetarium ternyata di KL. will definitely go back there! then we went to singapore. hop on hop off singapore for around 2 hours then went to sentosa island, universal studio! :D met many great buildings in singapore. gosshhhh! why am i so in love with buildings? am i in wrong course after all? :P am in rush hours till next thursday. will go to bangkok and have presentation on the next 2 wednesdays. arghhhhh~ just hope that i will make it! *finger crossed.

day forecast

libur lebaran udah mulai. hahaha..meskipun banyak tugas memanggil2. ntar dulu deh :P my mom and sister will come tomorrow. then we'll spent 3 days in Kl then another 2 days in singapore. then they will come back to jakarta. hehe..hope it'll be great ;) something so strange happened today. digodain abang2 yg jaga konter duren. sumpah aneh bangeeettttt. serem =____= bsk lebaran dan dia malah godain orang. ih aneh. dan diliatin orang secara random. wew. perasaan gue ga make aneh2. kaos sama clana pendek like usual. ih ada apa dengan hari inih. hmmmm~ anyway...Happy Eid Mubarak for those who celebrate it! :D have a good day!

club can't handle me - flo rida ft david guetta

lagi suka lagu2 begituh. agak bosen sama akustikan smua2 itu. hemmm~ libur lebarannn :D lagi arrange trip, si nyokap sama cc mw ke malay tgl 10 sampe 16. selingan ke singapore juga sih. yah we'll see..hemmmm~harus beresin kamar dan segala2nya. ngantuq ngantuq ngantuq skarang. howammm~ kmrn tidurnya ga bener banget. malemnya ga tidur sampe pagi. pagi tidur sejam trus kelas. selesai kelas tidur 3 jam an. skarang masih ngantuq. lalalaaa~ mari tidur. life of the club arrogant like yeah :*
there's always someone we love but we can't have we love but we shouldn't do we love but never love us back we love but will never be us we love but will never be together we love but will never be forgotten we love..and just love image source
Love is the sweetest yet most bitter lie humans have invented. -Neuroxik image source

more treasures

i am browsing through the net for my upcoming-submitted project. we have to make a print design for somekind of make up bag for maybelline, here in Malaysia. they want to give it for their customer this Christmas. the style is not so me and the products do the same. haha. but yeah, have to submit it on wednesday so i have to make up something. while i was browsing,i found 2 blogs. they're both illustrator, as usual, and i like their style :) this is the first one. i like the way she draws and makes it into vector. and this is the 2nd one. it's more into cuty things that makes you smile and reminds you of purity of children. :) something nice!

i like it by enrique iglesias ft pitbull

my current theme song ;D ngga tw demen ajah denger enrique nyanyi begini. hehehe. nice to dance too. omong2 abis mencoba membuat logo. vektornya. tpi ga bisa. hikx sedih. pas di live trace masih gradakan. mending gradakan, itu udh gada mulus2nya pinggirnya. kertas dan spidol dodol. begituh dhe klo ga pake yg baru. harus beli peralatan baru ;( tadi abis ntn inih di alamanda. mayan sih. cuma gue lebih suka street dance. hehehee..meskipun co nya cakep2 disini. tpi dancenya bagusan street dance. gtw deh lebih suka ajah. hehe..musiknya juga ga enak2 banget. sama ntn ini..vampires suck. bego2annya twilight gtuh deh. some parts are funny the rest is yahhhhh buat dikata2in bego gtuh deh. hehehe..iseng banget ntn ini dan merasa agak buang2 duit. ;P anywayyy ngantuq seada2nya sekarang. bobo~

happy weekend

was going out with my friends last night. had a great time ;) tpi tetep aja males bikin tugas. hahaha. bukan males sih..cuma yah begituhlah. belum mood. maleman kayanya. abis ni mw nemenin astri potong rambut dan mungkin sesudahnya tidur. hahaha. dasar pelajar malas ;P had quite a big plan for aaron's assignment. have i mentioned it before? hehe. pingin kolaborasi sama penulis anak, bikin buku bareng. mreka provide ceritanya dan gue bikin ilustrasinya. soal dipublish ga di publish urusan besok2 deh. hehehe..mudah2an sih iya ;P *banyak mau berharap semuanya akan berjalan dengan baik! amin! ;) moodnya lagi lumayan senang. tpi masih cape. hahahh..need more rest ;)

while yawning

is fucking tired. *yawning again. ;| baru ajah selesai ngutak ngatik buat passion communication. well, i didn't change a lot actually. ternyata susahhh merubah hal2 itu. hal2 yg bikin gue treak2 shock itu. it's not easy to build a good and strong corporate identity system. ;( feels like needing a team to do that, not me going solo. bisa nyasar kemana2 dan ga sampe2 ada juga. hehehehe...but at least she said it's better than before. good then ;) akan mulai mengerjakan tugas2 yg lainnya besok. heheheh. have such a big plan for the graphic design project, the self promo one. heheh. mudah2an ajah tercapai. dan mudah2an tepat waktu. dan mudah2an jadinya bagus. hehehehe. ga tidur kmrn malem gara2 mikirin 2 hal ini. tidur sih. jam 5. kelas jam 9. bangun jam 10. bageuuzzz! =__= makanya skrg ngantuq. hehehhe. *siap2 tidur ;) nitey world!

like a riverflow

Image i found another great thing on the website. tons of inspirations and things to wow. i know if i don't close the tab, i won't stop looking at everything inside it. it's a good thing if i don't have class at 9 tomorrow. oh later i mean, it's 12.07 already ;D i will come back there later. hehehehe... well, after around 1 week of lack inspiration term, now it comes like a heavy river flow to me. 1st, i was talking with my friend before i had tutorial about my self promo campaign. he's a great thinker and strategist. he helped me finding my concept and what i should do, how i should think, etc about the self promo campaign. how to sell myself as a designer. it gave me a really clear direction where i will walk and what i will do for it. at least, it becomes clearer and more make sense than before. hehehe. 2nd. i was talking with my friend also, oh nope, we're chatting. and yes, he gave me a lot to think too. it's really good to have some...

life o life

am doing my assignment for graphic design but oh myyyy got nothing on my mind. entah mengapa ga kepikir ajah gituh gimana2nya. bingung. @_@ have to fix few things and make other things. huwaaa~ bakalan selesai gak yah? =___= selesai sihh..cuma entah deh suka atau ngga. cih..i should like this one! ;( i'm like learning to dance. absorbing the rhythm. looking around to get my place.'s always change no matter what. i somehow i going to the right side? aren't i lost? or is this the way i should take? yes i know, we know nothing about the future. but where it's going is in our hand, at least that's what i do believe. once again..i feel like losing grip. i'm not afraid. somehow i like it. and i'm interested enough to see where it will lead me.another journey's once again began.. ;)