
Showing posts from November, 2010

julie & julia

akirnyaa..setelah sekian lama pingin nonton ini, kemaren nonton juga. the story is about a girl name Julie who lived in years of 2000. she was inspired by Julia Child, a cook book writer about French food for Americans. Julia was said to be the person who taught Americans how to cook. 365 days 524 recipes. That's Julie's goal. it's a really nice movie. the settings, the actresses and actors (especially meryl streep), the characters, and the storyline of Julia Child. I just don't know why i don't like the story of Julie itself :\ anyway, this movie is based on a chick lit novel. and i love the book cover quite much. it's simple but there's something good on it to make you wanna read it. :D but again, based on my essay, good or not chick lit book cover is really personal. based on everyone's taste and preferences. but i agree with one of my respondents that this one has an appealing book cover design. hehehe. but if the story is the same with the movie, ...

treasure planet

and's holiday! welcome to watching movies all day long time. hehehehe. abis ntn ini di rumah temen. salah satu film disney yg katanya ngga terkenal. ngga tau kenapa. iya gue juga gatau kenapa. tokoh utamanya co. ngga ada romance scenes antara tokoh utamanya sama tokoh lain. ada sih romancenya, tpi bukan dia. settingnya bagus banget. futuristik tapi masih ada hal2 antiknya. kaya misalnya mereka ada 1 adegan kabur pake 'kereta kuda'. well 'kuda'nya sih alien gtuh. tpi konsepnya kan jadul banget. kereta kuda. padahal spaceship nya mereka canggih2 banget. oh tpi spaceshipnya juga bentuknya masih kaya perahu normal sih. :D ngga tiba2 bentuknya pipih kaya ufo. tokoh2nya bagus banget. detil2nya bagus banget. it's so disney movie! ngga ada magic sama skali di dalemnya, tpi filmnya terasa magical ajah. bonding antara karakter di film itu sama penonton kuat banget. oh dan ini adalah tokoh favorit gue : dia 'harusnya' adalah villainnya. tpi di film ini d...

the tangled tale : rapunzel

yesh, i've just come back from watching this movie. and yes, a children movie on 12.30 at the midnight. hum~ quite good.'s a good movie. but personally, there's something missing. it's something too real for magical environment and disney's story ambiance. it's something too real for that kind of setting. it would be better if they make it in nowadays world maybe. twist the story to the maximum limitation and make something good and fresh. the villains weren't even that evil. they're actually quite good as a villains. the problem and the needs of the princess, even it's quite the same with ariel's, didn't really feel so urgent or important or have a great meaning. i don't know. it's good, especially then the lantern scene. when two of them were on a boat and everything around them are just lanterns, thousands and glow. that's nice. but the rest..humm..good. but that's all. few parts are funny but the rest is just so...
women don't know what they want. men don't know what they have. -Cheyanne-

the back up plan

have just finished watching this movie. great one. hehe. always love something with jennifer lopez inside it. so far, everything's good :D well, it simply told us about young beautiful girl who wanted to have a baby. while she felt that she couldn't find the one for her. then she got inseminated. then tadaa..finally the right guy was in front of her. and yes, they did all the way round. felt in love while the girl was pregnant. and the guy actually never want a baby, or more over, two. hhee. but then again. love won. :) it gave you a real scene of giving birth anyway. well, i don't know if the other woman inside this movie was faking or acting or what. but for me, it's a great and right and real scene how you'd give birth to your child. one day maybe. terrifying, is maybe what i saw on this movie. but yeah..that's the process. well won't know until i'll be in the position of giving birth. one day. maybe. idk. hehe. good chick flick story. light enough fo...

artemis fowl and atlantis complex

after a really long pause reading book in english. here i go again. the newest book of artemis fowl has come out and i can't wait patiently to read the indonesian one. if it will ever be translated into one. hehe. udah lama banget ngga baca ceritanya dia. jd kangen sama si mud boy ;P ceritanya seru, seperti biasa. 2 hari dan tamat. tpi agak2 meraba2 dalam gelap istilah2nya soalnya tb2 dia terlalu scientific bahasanya @_@ gatau terlalu scientific apa akirnya bahasa inggris gue menjelek. :P dan kayanya ini bukan buku terakhir pun. semogaaaa ceritanya ngga menurun nantinya. never have a good feeling for 'sudden secuel ' like this.but yay! i read a book again :D

kingdom of heaven (again)

i know i have watched this one and have posted something about this movie maybe years ago. i just watched it again few days ago, and just realized that there're tons of great lines there. no wonder i liked the movie so much that time. :) Hospitaller : I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What god desires is here [ points to head ] Hospitaller : and here [ points to heart ] Hospitaller : and what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man - or not. Balian of Ibelin : We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls. Nasir : [ to Balian ] ... and if God does not love you, how could you have done the things you have done? King Baldwin IV : I shall confess to God when I see hi...


and this is something i have watched like..maybe months ago. heheheh. mirip2 gamer sih ceritanya. tpi mungkin karena subtitlenya agak kurang bener jd agak2 kurang nangkep gimana dialognya. :D

little nemo

have just watched this at my friend's house. kartun gituh. setengah2 antara kartun jepang sama amerika. ceritanya bagus banget. gambarnya khas kartun2 jaman2 dulu yg belom kenal 3d. entah kenapa sekelebat mirips ama minky momo. hehehehe... ceritanya simple, ada anak kecil co dari dunia nyata, yg diangkat jadi pangeran dan penerus takhta di negeri Slumberland. tpi ternyata dia ngelakuin kesalahn sampe raja negeri Slumberland, which is negerinya mimpi indah, ditangkep sama nightmare. jadi si Nemo ini harus nyelametin rajanya. dan di jalan dia ketemu sama temen2 baru. sementara dia udah ditemenin sama putri raja dan 2 orang dari slumberland. entertaining :D udah lama ngga nonton film kartun 2d begini. jempol deh ;)
some words are better left unspoken

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1

i finally watched this movie! yay! after waiting it for quite a long. lumayan sih, meskipun alurnya agak rata dan dialog2nya agak kurang menarik. tpi settingannya bagus. ngikutin buku banget, makanya mungkin alurnya terlalu lama untuk film bioskop. tpi gue suka koq. hehee. dan sebenernya lebih rela untuk duduk 5 jam nonton sampe abis dan bayar tiket untuk 2 film. tpi entah harus nunggu sampe juli taun depan. huh lamanyaaa..padahal part 2 nya pasti serunya amit. hikx. fave part : dobby jatohin chandelier. :P

piece of bedroom

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image source except the ceiling. it's too low for bedroom :P

piece of bathroom

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piece of living room

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piece of outside

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piece of details

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piece of kitchen and dining

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piece of home

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