Straight Line
lately, i feel so damn bored. i mean..well, i like my study, my assignments, my life here, my dreams, but..okay that's all. not that i'm not thankful for the quite smooth situation i'm facing here. but feels like one straight boring line. and after i think again, i'm not really fancy it. :\ for all my years of study, i've never felt this way. usually i always enjoy the learning process and doing my assignments was kinda fun. nowadays, yes it's still enjoyable. but that's all. like doing it..but that's all. kinda...boring. again. not interesting. but in the other hand, i'm a kinda workaholic person. doing nothing somehow makes me feel guilty. when i know i actually have works to do. but too lazy and too not interested in doing them. hummm..such a contradiction no? anyway i'm not asking you to understand my brain. hahaa. me myself can't understand it sometimes. :P my housemate said that maybe it's the time to move on from my lev...