
Showing posts from April, 2013
I think it's time to sweep away few things I dont need for my future :)

And a home to come back..

"Segitu ngga beraninya kamu? segitu ngga percayanya?"

Sunset, finally :)

we bumped in again. we came back to this point again. when i'm asking you whether we're just friends and you answered me with no . i thought this time we'll be different. i thought this time we'll finally stop running away from our pr oblem and start to confront it. i thought finally things are getting right between us, well pr obabl y it is. i a m a person who will get out an d gra b anything i want. it's better for me to go outside , try to work things out, and fail. inste ad of sta ying inside my safety box and never try things out, and dont know what could happen. that 's the real fail for me. i somehow wish you just t old me 'yes i just want you to know my feeling for th ese years. and i want you to know that i choose my ambition over you'. that's quite simple and logical i suppose. well, again, probably i he ar d it wrong. probably i misinterpret it.  but anyway, here we are again. continuin g our li fe again . and i think this time is f...