Silver Lining
So there's this silver lining between a lot of things. That silver lining of your very own. That stands between being egoist and fighting for what you care. Between falling in love and staying real. Between forgiving and letting go. Between a lot..a lot of every damn little things. Between you and other people. Between what you believe and what other says. Between..a lot. And every single day I learn how to recognize that silver lining, learn to dance between a lot of stuffs that touch our life. Something you can't do by just listening to others, but eventually you gotta choose, fall, run, raise, feel helpless, feel incredibly happy, and thousands other things that may happen. Life, a complete jokes and happiness and tears. There's no exact instructions but somehow by doing it you realize there are some clues hidden waiting for you to see and recognize. Between those smiles and tears and everything in between. There's this silver lining that will just continue to somewh...