500 days of summer
just finished this movie this afternoon. interesting one. tpi ga suka endingnya. ckckkc~ abis ngerampok yudis kemaren. skarang kaya akan pilem. yaayyy! hehheeeh...
good and intriguing story with twisting ending. yeahhh...sorta. "boy meets girl, boy falls in love, girl doesn't" iya kurang lebih begituh deh ceritanya. ujung2nya ga suka sama karakter ce nya. but yeah, in this real life, shit does happen. ga semua kembali seperti apa yang kita berikan. ga semua harapan kita jadi nyata. hmm~ yaya...
eniwei love the soundtracks! hehehehehe..lagunya pas bangeeet dan gambar di filmnya juga bagus. boleh lah untuk ditonton. heheheh~ enjoy~
Summer: I woke up one morning and I just knew.
Tom: Knew what?
Summer: What I was never sure of with you.
Tom: You don't want to be named as someone's boyfriend, and now your someone's wife?
Tom: Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or... she's a robot.