like a candle in the wind...
...And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never fading with the sunset When the rain set in And you footsteps will always fall here Along England's greenest hills Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will...
huahhh...capainya..gue biz mindahin komputer ni dari kamar koko gue ke depan. coz plafonnya lagi dibenerin coz rayapan. ya ampun..nih nyokap lagi pusink soalnya yg di atas meja makan waktu tu kan roboh. pagi2 pula. untung gue ga lagi minum susu di situh. huix. tar gantian ni sama kamar gue. tapi minggu depan kali yah. wah rusuh deh mindahin barang2nya. hehehe..tadi gue masang2in komp lagi. tapi kok pertama CPU nya ga nyala, pas gue coba liad2 stop kontaknya n nuker kabel, eh nyala...tapi menyebalkannya, sekarang speakernya ga nyala. haduh elaahhh..apa gue salah masang yah?? duh tak taww...pokoknya sekarang sepi cozz gue ga bisa masang speaker..huix. *nyari discman* azikkk kembali punya laguu..yeyyy..lovely discmannn ^^ tadi pagi denger lagunya elton john yg like a candle in the wind. hehehe..bagus yah lagunya ^^ seneng ajah gitu dengernya.
i feel so blue..i know what i must do. but it's so so so so hard. last night i sent him an sms. i just sent him "T.T" and he asked me why. i answered that i was in bad mood, sad, and i missed a lot of friends. the only thing i wanted to write is i miss him so much. not only because i like him, it's more than that. he's my best friend (i think...i dunno what he feels about that), he's someone i can talk everything with. he's the one i can express my real feeling, the real me. and i'm afraid if i must lost him now. i lost someone i can talk to freely. i lost someone who can make me smile everyday. make me happy. make me enjoy this life how hard it has to be. but yeah, he's the same who makes me confused, sad, and disappointed. i dunno what he thinks about me. i dunno if what he's said is true and he really felt it. i just can ask in my hearts coz it's useless to ask him about that. i dunno. my feeling is soooo complicated right now. i dunno what i should do. stuck with this every minutes in my life. frustrating.
i feel so blue..i know what i must do. but it's so so so so hard. last night i sent him an sms. i just sent him "T.T" and he asked me why. i answered that i was in bad mood, sad, and i missed a lot of friends. the only thing i wanted to write is i miss him so much. not only because i like him, it's more than that. he's my best friend (i think...i dunno what he feels about that), he's someone i can talk everything with. he's the one i can express my real feeling, the real me. and i'm afraid if i must lost him now. i lost someone i can talk to freely. i lost someone who can make me smile everyday. make me happy. make me enjoy this life how hard it has to be. but yeah, he's the same who makes me confused, sad, and disappointed. i dunno what he thinks about me. i dunno if what he's said is true and he really felt it. i just can ask in my hearts coz it's useless to ask him about that. i dunno. my feeling is soooo complicated right now. i dunno what i should do. stuck with this every minutes in my life. frustrating.
"...nothing hurts more than realizing that he means everything to you but you mean nothing to him..." yepz...that's right.