i fear

[ ] The dark *sometimez..tuz??* =P
[ ] Staying single forever * not really =P*
[ ] Being a parent *dunno..hahahaha*
[ ] Giving birth[Dont tick if ure a boy..] *i dunno..teknologi semakin maju bukan?? heheeh*
[ ] Being myself in front of others *i am not. but sometimes i don't want*
[ ] Open spaces *not really..hahaha*
[x] Closed spaces *yaya..i hate this one*
[ ] Heights *hmm..tak*
[x] Cats *hate it...hahahaha*
[ ] Dogs *sometimez*
[ ] Birds *nope..kecuali burung gede banget di utan ngjar2 gue*
[ ] Fish *kecuali hiu dan ikan2 ganas lainnya..piranha? yes i'm afraid*
[ ] Spiders *nope..haha..*
[ ] Driving or being in cars *love it babe*
[ ] Flying * i wish i could*
[ ] Flowers or other plants *they're beautiful please*
[ ] Being touched *hee?? maxud lo?*
[ ] Fire *i'm tired of giving comments..hahaha* * ni hari kamis n gue mo lanjut kasih komen..hahahaha...i like fire..anget ^^*
[ ] Deep water * nope..love swimming..but i hate dark n cold water*
[ ] The ocean * love it..it's so beautiful ^^*
[ ] Failure * sometimes i do. tapi yaa itulah hidup. mana ada yg sempurna.*
[ ] Success * nooo...malah pingin ^^ *
[x] Thunder/lightning * hate thunder but like lighting..hehehe*
[ ] Frogs/toads * biasa ajah*
[ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend s dad * hahaha..emank kenapa?*
[ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend s mom * lalala*
[x] Mice/rats *damn yeah..oh my!!!*
[ ] Jumping from high places * wanna try it!*
[ ] Snow * pingin megang*
[ ] Rain * like it ^^ sebel sih kalo dah deres banget. ughhh*
[ ] Wind * enak..adem*
[ ] Crossing hanging bridges * biasa ajah sih ^^*
[ ] Death * hahaha..tidak. cuma belom mau meninggal sekarang. i haven't done enything yet*
[ ] Heaven * hmmm? hehehehe*
[x] Being robbed * yaaa males aja gituh*
[ ] Cotton balls * funny..reminds me about my clouds..hahahaha*
[ ] Cemeteries * lalala*
[ ] Clowns * they're funny*
[x] Large crowds * not fear, just hate it*
[ ] Men * why i should??? hahahaha*
[ ] Woman * nope..definitely*
[ ] Having great responsibility *i have*
[ ] Doctors including dentists *biasa ajah..emank kenapa?*
[x] Tornadoes * yaya..*
[x] Hurricanes* same*
[x] Diseases * same..hkx*
[ ] Snakes * nope..hehehe..kecuali kobra segede2 gajah kale yeh..T.T *
[x] Sharks * efek nonton film..hikx*
[ ] Friday the thirteenth * nope...*
[x] Ghosts * hahaha...*
[ ] Poverty * mmm..mayan sih sebenernya. tapi yaa i won't let myself into this situation...*
[ ] Halloween * tidak...*
[ ] School * believe it or not, i love it!*
[ ] Trains or railroads * hmm? kenapa harus takut?*
[ ] Odd numbers * maxudnyah?*
[ ] Even numbers * lala!*
[x] Being alone at night * yaya..hate it so*
[x] Being blind * how could i enjoy this world? no offense*
[x] Being deaf * sama..gue ga bakal tahan ngga bisa denger orang lain...oh my*
[ ] Growing up * nopee*
[ ] Monsters under the bed * ngga sih yaa*
[x] Noise in the night * yalah...*
[x] Bee stings * sakit T.T*
[x] Not accomplishing my dream/goal * ya..it'll make a lot of people disappointed...*
[ ] Needle * lalala*
[ ] Blood * lalala*
[ ] Dinosaurs * lalala..gue suka yg bisa terbang ^^*
[ ] The welcome mat *apa ya?*
[ ] Feet * lalala*
[x] Having your heart broken * who says not???*
[x] Being rejected *yaya..i am*
[ ] Whales *lucu koq ^^*
[ ] Ur mom *actually i love her, with my own way*
[ ] Ur dad *love his kiss and his smile so much ^^*
[ ] Rapists * apa sih ne?*


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