kegilaan lagiiii..
gatau kenapa kayanya guru2 gue lagi cinta banget bikin anak2 muridnya mo gantung diri. tugas buanyaaaaaaaaaaaak banget. pusing gue sampe. hikxhikxhikxx..sedih dah ah. yah gituh deh. gue gtw kelar apa ngga tu tugas. cuapededotcom. hehe. mudah2an ajah yg portrait ntar kelar sbelom sabtu scara gue mo nginap di tempat astri. hehehe. mudah2an jadi juga =P gue senewen juga sih lom kelar tugas. hikx. kemarenan gue stress buanget ngeliatin tugas yg sangat sangat banyak. hikx. kayanya tiada hari tanpa begadang mikirin tugas. ngga mikirin doang juga sih. sutress aja ngerjainnya. haha. yah gituh deh. nih lagi dalam proses smuanya..mudah2an aja kelar dengan baik. masa gada course yg gada tugasnya. monyong buanget. parah de. hikxx beginilah jadi anak kuliahannn..heehhheehe..
talking to you like talking to the wind
blowing up but doesn't answer anything
seeing you like seeing the lake
with its deep dark blue it reflects anything you want to see
hoping you like hoping the rainbow to come
you'll never know when it will come
and you never know why it comes
and peace it brings to you
remembering you like taking care of old friend
you can't forget
closing my eyes
closing my heart
it doesn't work...
talking to you like talking to the wind
blowing up but doesn't answer anything
seeing you like seeing the lake
with its deep dark blue it reflects anything you want to see
hoping you like hoping the rainbow to come
you'll never know when it will come
and you never know why it comes
and peace it brings to you
remembering you like taking care of old friend
you can't forget
closing my eyes
closing my heart
it doesn't work...