
I always turn both of my computer and winamp at once. *can I? haha..yah gtuh lah* dan belakangan ini..ngga lagi. kenapa? karena entah kenapa cc gue selalu ga nyalain speaker di rumah dan entah kenapa gue juga ikut2an. ahahaha. yah gituh deh. jadi..gada lagu gada suara apa2. pertamanya sih gue ngerasa sangat aneh. iyah lah yaaa..tuz ternyata enak juga. hehe. yah tunggu ajah kapan gue bosen dengan kesunyian ituh. =D

ehm..abiz bikin poster perayaan natal di kantor kk gue. love it so much. hiihihiii~ =P tpi filenya guedeeeeeeeeeee banget. posternya 4x4 m. arghhh..i'm running out of space now..=( gtw dah tuh berapa gig..lupa. hehe. hmm..pertamanya gue bingung setengah mati mo bikin apa. dan gue bolak balik cari referensi..dan tiba2 idenya pop up di otak gue. wahaha. gue seneng banget. pertamanya mo bikin lebih detil. dan ternyata ga sanggup. hahaahah. oh my~ ga kebayang bikin detil orang sbiji2 sedangkan itu aja ada brapa baris gtw. wahahaha..parah. but finally it's done =P udah dari kapan nih gue ga berilham mulu. gtw napa. ni baru mendingan. ckckck. kata mantan lecture gue sih, otak manusia emank lebih kreatip klo malem2. and it's true. ngerjain design siank2 kek makan nasi ga mateng. adaaaa aja yg aneh. kayanya kering abis deh. huuuuuuuuu~ okayyy dan tiba2 berubah tuh warnanya..oh noooooooo~ again. hiks. dunno ah. suruh bawa ajah psd nya. suruh orang percetakan yg liat. wekzzz..

2 days ago my sister went back to china. this is the only and first occasion that made my cry so bad. oh my God, i miss her so bad. once i arrived home and felt that she's not there. i began to cry. and again and again and again. T.T it's so weird being home without her. and it's weird sleeping without her on the below bed. at first i don't know how it feels to be left by her..and now i know it exactly. and i hate it. and i understand why she cried too when i went to malaysia at the first time. i am looking forward to see her again as soon as possible. because really, it's weird if she's not here around me. T.T BEBIH KANGENNNN~ T.T worse that i don't have any credit to send her an sms. hiks.


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