
Showing posts from September, 2009

welcome back

finally get back to college. haha~ haven't found my material for graphic design. haven't done the colour study for ilustration. haven't done the story board for multimedia..haven't started to do the project by the way =P ckckc~ so many things are waiting for me. so pity i don't feel like rushing. @_@ want to go back to tunku abdul rahman around tomorrow i think. heeemmm~ haven't decided yet since i don't know what time the class will end tomorrow. hufff~ wednesday i'm going to go to IKEA to look for some curtain clothes. hope it'll be there. haha~ i lately miss my father so much. dunno..i'm kinda tired of almost every guys in my life. think that he's the one who has never had any thought of betraying me. yeah, he's not a saint anyway, but i still love him sooooo much =) i don't know what's going on. maybe my own mood wasn't that good. it's kinda heart breaking to feel so alone. ckckc~ left misunderstand by people who you t...

ghosts of girlfriends past

abis nonton inih. heehehe..gue pikir pelem dudud. ternyata bagus juga =) conya playboy mampus. cenya banyak. 1 night stand smua. ga perna long lasting. jadi jerk lama2. hehe..till one day, dia balik ke rumah karena adenya married. dan disana dia ditangen 3 hantu. past, present, and future. he saw many things from his past. whatever he's done with the girls. and one girl..who's more special than the others. he has forgotten about feeling and didn't belive in love. but after that, everything's change. kinda nice story. hahahah~ bagus ditonton buat yg suka maenan ce =P lumayan lucu..scenenya bagus2..dialognya juga..sayang yg gue tonton subtitlenya dudud. T_T good movie =)

english classic

hem...i'm doing a project for my graphic design class. i wanna do packaging for kinda bakery. the idea is using cloth. and when my lecture asked whether it's more into cute or classic..i couldn't decide. it's all depends on the cloth available here. i'm quite limited by the options here by the way T_T so i did research to Tuanku Abdul Rahman, it's a street here that full of textil store. i went there on Tuesday if i'm not mistaken, and found that almost half of the stores are closed. it's raya holiday! oh yess~ i went to several stores and found out that the pattern is not suitable with my design. T_T i'm not searching for sari clothesssss..argh!! dunno where else to search. haix~ want to go back to Jakarta and buy some clothes there. or maybe..i can make someone sew it for me ^^v my temporary theme is classic. it's like old english. so soft, comfortable, make your mood swing, and completely causes smile on your lips. =) kinda love the idea...heh...

a perfect getaway

kemaren nonton ini setelah gagal nonton ugly truth! betenyahhh..hukx. thriller gtuh sih. bunuh2an. haha. gue pikir pelem serem psikopatik. =P depannya agak boring tapi. belakang2nya plotnya twisting. agak2 bingungin jadinya...tapi makin ke belakang makin jelas sih sapa yg jahat sapa yg bae. tpi flashbacknya ga terlalu membantu deh @_@ agak2 kurang enjoy..heheheh.. tadi nyetir lagi. aaaaaaa~ ga beres bet deh kayanya zzz~ ngga tau ah jadi bingung. groarr~ hukx. kapan lancarnya yahh @_@ tadi abis dari 1u nganterin astri submit buat kancil award. baliknya ke 1u. jalan2 gtuh. eh bntaran balik lagi. heeehh~ gtuh2 deh. liburan jalan2 mulu =P

mid break~

dari kemaren maen2 mulu nih. nonton mulu. heeheheh...gue nonton film ini nih. jdulnya sepet. bikinannya yasmin ahmad. bagus filmnya. taunya gara2 kemaren ntn cin(T)a. disinggung film ini, sama2 hubungan beda agama beda ras gtuh. cuma bedanya film ini lebih ke konflik sosialnya sama cerita cintanya sendiri. kalo cin(T)a lebih ke finding God. gtuh. =) bagus sih filmnya. yg maen juga ok lah. ehehehehe...endingnya agak...apa yah..agak terlalu lama ajah menurut gue. tpi overall ok lah. =) kinda touchy. hehehee...sayang yg gue beli dvdnya..meskipun beli di tempat yg sah..kliatan banget dipotong2 secara kasar dan subtitlenya ga terus2an nongol. padahal banyak yg dia ngmng pake bahasa cina. ih sebel bet deh ahhh~ jelas2 gue ga ngerti. hukx! tuz tadi nonton enchanted. ga bagus. asli! bikin males deh ntnnya. bikin nyesel. ga paham apa bagusnya tu pelem. doh~ ga gue banget deh..zz~ gatau kenapa ce2 pada demen. syalala~ it's not that 'real'..ckckc~ liburan nih liburannn~ hehehee...kema...

monster vs alien

abis nonton inih di rumahnya astri. hehee..pelem lucu..sayang gada subtitlenya. heheehe... td abis ke port dickson. rencana awal cuma ke sunwei. hehe..tuz ke goldcoast..tuz jadinyaa..port dickson..tepatnya..telok kemang. huahaaahh~ maen pasir..tuz makan sifud enak dan murah. hueheheh~ senangnyah =) it's holidaeeeeee finally heehheh~ nice to feel the sand barefoot...=) not in the mood to write things..penurunan mood seketika..

<3 daughtry

I recently felt in love with this guys. DAUGHTRY. wohooo~ great voice, sexy look...oh he is look like vin diesel him love him...enjoy the songs!

no surprise_chris daughtry

abis nyanyi2 lagu ituh di kamar. baru skali ini ngerasa perlu buat triak2 melepas semuanya. hahaaha. no suprise..karena emang orangnya begituh. karena emang keadaannya kaya gtuh. karena semuanya udah..begitu. uda lwad. entah lah~ lalala~ suaranya dia enak banget. mantep dari awal sampe akir lagu. senengbanget dengerinnya. enak pake hedset. depan kuping langsung. wowow~ gatau deh tadi nyanyi2 ad yg bangun gak. heehehe..maap2 ajah kalo iyah..=) salute for all the bitches in the world. baru mnyadari jadi bitch itu butuh skill tinggi dan butuh ketabahan hati yg besar. anugerah? heehe.gatau lah..selalu ada 2 sisi di setiap hal. =) selalu. kadang2 jadi ce baik hati itu cape ati. mo jadi jahat tpi ga tega. dudud emang dasar. padahal co jadi buaya sante ajah tuh. kenapa ce ga bisa juga..ya gak? =P tpi seperti kata temen gue...meskipun ngomongin hal berbeda..hidup ini pilihan..bisa...tapi mau gak?

f*uck you_lily allen

fuck you...fuck you very very much....ini buat kamu sayang..


sakit kepala dan ga bisa tidur. ada2 aja lagi klo sakit kepala mala ga bisa tidur. zzz~ untung besok libur. yg seharusnya..mungkin klo gue baik gue tutorial. tpi dahlah nanti wez abis libur. =D lagi kpikiran..enak kali ya klo kita bisa nonton hidup kita sendiri yang udah lewat. minggu kemaren...taon kemaren...10 taun lalu...kayanya lucu. liad kita berbeda banget dari waktu ke waktu. liad banyak yang berubah. liad segala hal..yg bikin nangis, bikin seneng, bikin sedih, bikin macem2. inget lagi sama banyak hal. humph~ kenapa ya ga bisa. =( kangen beberapa waktu. dan pingin liad lagi banyak hal. huwahhhh~ my mind flies away~


tidur jam 7 pagi di kala punya kelas jam stgh 10 ntuh ga sehat. apalagi kalo masih ada kelas siang dan pulang sore. dan ada rapat kelompok. ga sehat! bikin ngantuk gila2an. heehhehe. begituhlah~ minggu depan libur nih. mo ke tunku abdul rahman cari kaen. =P mudah2an aja belom pada tutup. tuz gtuh harus mikirin packagingnya intan. tuz bikin jurnalnya gloria dan jurnalnya intan. apalagi yah. @_@ jurnal socio apakabar yah..haizzz..mari lihat nanti wez! heehehehe.... life could be so damn crazy at times. but yes, we survive dear. =) coz God never sleep..He even never blink..=)


abis nonton film ini tadi di MMU. akirnya setelah sekian lama nungguin. heehheeh. tempat screeningnya bagus. kek bioskop beneran =P gue interesting banget sama filmnya dari awal karena menurut gue temanya ok banget. hubungan beda agama, beda suku, beda umur, tpi sama2 kenal cinta dan sama2 sayang sama Tuhan. dan yang bikin orang Indonesia. hehe. dimana kayanya hal2 kaya gituh masih sensitif dan masih bikin banyak masalah. filmnya ga ngasih statement apa2. ga ngejudge mana yg salah mana yg bener. karena emang menurut yg bikin film, film ini dibuat bukan untuk ngasih statement. film ini dibuat karena dia sendiri juga punya pertanyaan yang sama akan semua itu. endingnya juga dibikin ngegantung. alesannya biar masing2 pribadi yang interpretasi sendiri. sebenernya konsepnya ok2 ajah. kita diajak mikir sendiri. apa yang 'benar' dan apa yang 'salah' menurut diri kita sendiri. kalo kita di keadaan kaya gtuh, mana yang lebih penting. apa Tuhan lebih penting, apa cinta lebih pent...

home_chris daughtry

lagi mikirin tugas. bikin packaging eco friendly. sustainable. haha. bahasa bagusnya. udah lama banget ngga mikir macem2. skalinya dipake otaknya ngambek. hehhehee. gtw deh. bingung abisnya. ng....@_@ td mo bkin dari daon pisang. eh idenya uda nongol ajah loh di net. swt deh ah...groar. gatau deh liat nanti. mudah2an nemu ide. =) sakit kepala dari tadi siang. ga jelas kenapa. kayanya kepanasan dan masuk angin. jadinya dudul. ditidurin eh bangun2 makin sakit. siyal! hikx. ya udah deh makan, minum obat, mendadak mendingan, mencoba tobat dan tidur, tpi seger. siyal lagi! T_T bangun deh akirnya setelah 3 jam guling2an doank di ranjang. groarrr~ nanti nonton cin(T)a the movie. hehehhehe. feel quite excited. =) ada taglinenya God is director. dan temen gue statusnya..God is director. I'm the producer. hahaaha. yess..he's always like that =P pingin ceped2 nonton. dah lama nungguin =) some might say that i'm a stupid girl. i'm outta my head. i'm outta my mind....


tadi ntn ini di mid valley. trailernya sih bagus gtuh. pas ditonton..ampir biasa ajah. gada critanya. actionnya banyak sih. critanya benernya ada...tpi ga berasa ajah gtuh. kurang ok menurut gue. padahal harusnya pesan kemanusiaannya bagus. tpi td ga kena aja. apa guenya yg bebel gtw deh. huhehehehh~ nyari material koq susa ya disini. giliran ada banyak..harganya ga tahan bener. zzz~ gatau deh nih bingung euy. mo pulang tpi nanggung juga. belom kpikiran produknya lagi apaan yg mo dibikin. wez laahh~ nanti ajah dipikirin gue ngantuq bet skarang. tpi ga bisa tidur rambutnya blom kering. zz~ susah juga kramas malem2. ckckkc~ seperti biasa klo ke basheer. ga perna beresssss...pingin smuaaaa..T_T tpi mahal. zz~


masih kaya orang gada kerjaan. haha. parah ah. duhhh...kudu mikir2in tugasss buruuuu...gilo maen2 mulu. hehehee. td siang kelas gue dicancel lagi. kelas2 ga maju2 tu tugas. fyuuuuu~ bsk mo ngmngin presentasinya gloria. hihi~ hope it'll be interesting. =) feel so much better now. hehhehe. emank susah klo lagi dapet. gyahahhah~ hemm...gada yg mo ditulis sebenernya. isenk2 ajah biznya...harusnya tidur tpi..biasa deh males. =D kenapa sih gue klo malem2 bawaannya pingin beraktivitas bukannya tidur. groawwrr~ kemaren tuh 9/9/9 once in a lifetime. hehehehe. tpi koq ya kayanyaaaa...biasa ajah. wekz. takz tw lah. =) "if i never know you, will it be any better?"

que sera sera

damit for whatever happens in me. i'm not in the mood to think too much. i'm not in the mood to do almost everything. oh since i don't really have things to do. haha. dunno where my assignments are going. ckckc~ 've just watched prince caspian. after a very long time. haha. it's good. maybe better than the first..overall it's the same i think. huff~

he's just not that into you

another movie. and's the thing i always do everyday now. watching a dvd. hahahah. he's just not that into you. i've wanted to watch it for a very long time. hehehehehe... it talks about women. with their every own problem and situation. with their every own self. and every man that hooked up with them. yes, it talks about love for sure. =) that everyone has different story and ending. what is good for one person might be not good for the other. vice versa. there's time that a second chance might be work. there's a time that there's nothing left to be fight for. it's whether you're an execption or you're the rule. yeppp..there're some "rules" about relationship, women and men, love, etc. sometimes it happends as it "should be". sometimes it's not. some people might call it a miracle. every girls' fairy tale. =) a character on this movie reminds my of myself. hahahahah. she wrongly read the signs, she wrongly ...

the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2

have just watched this movie. GREAT. =) pas aja sama mood gue yg lagi swaying kaya gini. hahaha. lupa sama ato ngga ceritanya sama di buku. tpi diliat dari movienya aja, alurnya bagus2 aja koq =) senang abis nonton ini moodnya balik normal lagi. huhehhehee ^^ and it's kinda interesting to find some pieces of me in almost every character. haahahah. seriously, great movie to be watched, for me now. =) it's about them who finally went to college, and everything seemed to be change. but yet again, friendship never fall =) it'll bring them back together. i hope the same thing happens on me. oh yeah, i found a very damn hot asian (i don't know where he comes from while watching the movie) guy. for the first time of my life, i really think korean guy is hot. hahahaahah. he looks like a lil bit like billy. but he's so much hotter. hahahaahhh. no offense dude. =) and i brought you..brian mcbrian. his real name is leonardo nam. but i like him only on this movie..=P and here.....

confession of a shopaholic

have just finished watching the movie. mayan koq filmnya meskipun yaa emank beda critanya sama d buku. tpi overall jalan ceritanya cukup ok koq. yg meranin becky bloomwood juga bagus2 ajah. yahhh emang balik lagi, rada beda sama bukunya. tpi overall filmnya enak ditonton. dan yah biasa deh abis merintangi sgala aral melintang, hepi ending. hehe. biasa ituh. and i definitely fall in love with englishmen. hahaha. they and their attitude. that earns the title of 'gentleman'. kinda interesting. hahaaah. their jokes, their looks, their mind. yahhhhh..gue gatau apa yg terjadi di luar sana sama apa ngga sama di film. tpi yg pasti kayanya menarik ajah gtuh. hoho~ tpi emank ga smua kaya gtuh sih lah yah...takz apeu la. hehe... by the way, i'm having my pms and it gets me super-mellow-dramatic feeling. damn it. i can't think so clerly. i'm tired as well. i hate several things. and i miss few people. i miss a lot of moments. damn!! it's kinda exhausting to be a good person...


baru pulank dari mcd sri kembangan. hahaha. tdnya mo k asia cafe tuz nyasar. wez lah. hehehehe. hujmmm..ngantuq sih nih tpi mo ngupdate dulu. ga penting2 amad sih. pingin ajah pingin. eheehehe. finally..setelah skian lama..bisa ngeliat juga ^^ senanggggg~ huahahahaha. meskipun cuma bentar. kiwkiwww...takz apeu lah sudah senang. =) tar mo k timesquare sama iin. paginya mo bayar listrik dulu. hehhee. heemmm...sedang takz ada apa2 sih. heeheh. begituh2 ajah. =) jadi binggung mo nulis apa. haahahha. i'm trying to let everyone go. as maybe i supposed to do several months ago. =) it's damn hard somehow. sometimes. but yeah...maybe it's the way. HELL YEAH. after a very long story and finally reaches the end. =) it's kinda weird to let everything go and change..again..maybe as it has to be. but yeah....time flies. it goes. it never wait actually. we're running for it. we're fighting for ourself actually. =) a never ending possibilities. and whate...

howammm~ random things

ngantuq all day. parah ini painkillernya. kuat bener. baru skali ini gue knocked down sama obat. zzzzz~ tpi gapapa sih jadi enak tidurnya. cukup istirahat. haahahah. senang juga =D baru bangun nih abis minum obat. kaya orang bangun sahur. hueheehheh. mo tidur lagi juga sih abis inih. kemaren kelas di cancel smua. pagi sama siang. wew. jadinya siank k alamanda beli guling. huheeheheh. senang punya guling baru. tpi kepanjangan gtuh...sarung gulingnya ternyata teh pendek. wehehehehe. musti nunggu yg itu di londri. doh kapan mo londri coba. zzzz....lupa td skalian di londri. nguh~ tadi siank katanya gempa gtuh gede. 7,skian gtuh deh. fuh. lebih gede daripada pas tsunami. ada2 ajah lagih tiba2 denger gempa. wew...mudah2an gada apa2 dan korbannya ga banyak2 amad. =( mo ntn cin(T)a the movie neee..katanya dapid bagus. huehhe. td dia dah ntn. gue baru nanti tgl 13. =D mudah2an bagus far feedbacknya bagus2 ajah sih. hehhehee..can't wait anyway. don't cry for someone who ...

burnt down!

fire burnin fire on my bed room. T_T my fault. i put the candle too near to my bed. and suddenly it burnt my bed and my boolster and then my arm and then went to my tees. T_T thx God i could put down the fire on my body. but i couldn't put down the bed's one. so i called my housemates. they helped me putting it down. i got no energy to left. really wanted to sit down and had some rest. but i couldn't. then i went to putrajaya clinic and found a very long q there. we turned to puchong. i'm the only patient there. hahha. as usual, i got the cream, antibiotics, and painkiller. fuh...wish that it'll totally heal. T_T the one on my leg leaves something like scar. *sigh. now it's on my arm, and a little bit on my lips. fuhhhh..dunno. thx God the fire didn't go so wild. and it didn't go to my foot! oh gosh! i can't imagine that. enough for everything. and it seems like a bad day for almost everyone. eheeh. cheer up =)