confession of a shopaholic
have just finished watching the movie. mayan koq filmnya meskipun yaa emank beda critanya sama d buku. tpi overall jalan ceritanya cukup ok koq. yg meranin becky bloomwood juga bagus2 ajah. yahhh emang balik lagi, rada beda sama bukunya. tpi overall filmnya enak ditonton. dan yah biasa deh abis merintangi sgala aral melintang, hepi ending. hehe. biasa ituh.
and i definitely fall in love with englishmen. hahaha. they and their attitude. that earns the title of 'gentleman'. kinda interesting. hahaaah. their jokes, their looks, their mind. yahhhhh..gue gatau apa yg terjadi di luar sana sama apa ngga sama di film. tpi yg pasti kayanya menarik ajah gtuh. hoho~ tpi emank ga smua kaya gtuh sih lah yah...takz apeu la. hehe...
by the way, i'm having my pms and it gets me super-mellow-dramatic feeling. damn it. i can't think so clerly. i'm tired as well. i hate several things. and i miss few people. i miss a lot of moments. damn!! it's kinda exhausting to be a good person times to times..for few people that sometimes is doubted to be worth enough to have those treatments. i'm spinning around here. zzz~