
Showing posts from February, 2010

the book of eli

abis nonton pilem itu. the book of eli di sunway pyramid. ehm..bagus sih filmnya. tpi agak ga nangkep inti ceritanya. tpi setingannya oke sih. =) castnya juga oke lah. hehe. entah ini 1 film sendiri apa bakal ada lanjutannya. tpi kayanya ngga deh. yah..things from the movie is can't only keep the Bible with you without practice what's inside. we're walking by our faith, not our sight. dan emang si Eli itu buta. that's kinda cool. =) hari ni jalan sharian ke sunway. siang2nya makan shogun. all you can eat gtuh. gue makan semua goreng2an ala chinese, sup ikan ala thailand..rasanya si kaya pake kari. hahahaha..tuz gtuh sushi..sashimi..ngembat pastanya eka sama makan udang apaa gtuh lupa. huwahahah..senang deh. trakir2nya makan dessert. tpi abis itu uda kaya mo meledak. ga food comma sih, agak2 ga bener aja otaknya. hahaha. sakit perut. kebanyakan isi kayanya. hahhaha. tpi makanannya enak sih =D abis itu muter2 sunway..beli vinci soalnya sendalnya pada jebol. beli...

percy jackson & the olympians : the lightning thief

abis nonton pilem ituh di alamanda sama eka, deny, sama andre. tdnya mo ntn tooth fairy tpi udah gada, tuz book of eli masih besok. huwa sedih deh. tpi gpp deh setidaknya masih bisa ntn. heheheeh. ceritanya siiii...agak2 biasa ajah. sama lah impresinya kaya pas ntn eragon. gtuh2 aja sih. bagus gue suka something mythical. jadi masih menghibur lah. udah gtuh yg dia bawa kan peradaban yunani gtuh. olympus gtuh2 lah. masih oke la secara gue masih cinta ama itu semua. hehehehe. tokoh utamanya sih biasa aja menurut gue maennya. ganteng2 amad juga ngga. hehehe. keliatan masih sangat muda..dan ternyata lahir taon 92. yah ga heran sih. hehehehe...malah lebih suka yg jadi Luke, son of Hermes. ganteng dan suaranya bagus. hahahaha. sama yg jadi daughter of Athena nya. Annabeth. itu bagus maennya. =) dan ternyata si percy jackson ini dari novel seri gtuh dong. emang udah gue duga yg kaya2 gini tuh dari buku dah. haahaha. jadi pingin baca versi novelnya. pasti jadi banyak gara2 ada filmnya. tpi pas...

back again

soooo here i am, in malaysia again. hahaah. in front of my laptop and enjoying the air cond. =D not being a snob, i just like my room so much down here ;) meskipun agak2 debuan dan butuh disapu dan di could wait until tomorrow. huehehehe. tadi pagi terbang dari bali jem 6 pagi. pas banget ada sunrise. lucu deh. keren banget langitnya. dari yg masih gradasi warna2 gelap kaya biru ke kuning2 gtu, sampe warna soft yg pink2 kuning ungu. one of the best sight i've ever seen. sayang ga bisa ambil fotonya. =( dan baru sadar pas nanti balik ke bali itu, pesawatnya landing jam 7 malem. pas sunset. ;) i hope there'll be a great sunset when i'm landing. hehehe. have done the registration and actually don't have to extend the visa now. hehe. i need more time than 5 days. hehehe. so i'll extend it when i get back here on april. =) not much i can say..just started to enjoy my life here ;) it's pretty much different with bali. heheheh. another channel of my life again....

pda we just con't care by john legend

nice songs that has been haunted me from like..a month? hehehehe. enjoy!

hello again ;D's been a long time since my last writing. heheheh. i don't know why but since i'm here i'm too lazy to update my blog. =/ so...i'm at the office and apparently have nothing to do now. hehheheh. but working here is such and experience. i learned a lot of things rather than 4 semesters i've spent in malaysia. hahahaha. not totally like that, but yeah i learn a lot here. =D especially the illustrator skill. hehe! tomorrow i'll leave to malaysia for a week. argh not even a week. from Tuesday to Sunday. 6 days? yeah kinda. i have to do the registration and bursary thing and so on. i don't even know about the internship report. mayday mayday all the lectures that have responsibilities regarding to our internship, you'll be hunt. >=) living in bali is like..yah like i have ever said, like turning on another channel of my life. hehe. it has different colour and different things to see and learn. but yeah, i love being here. =D i'm so glad ...

valz day n cny

gong xi gong xi! =D it's chinese new year already. the same day with valz day also. hehehe. hemm..where am i? in my room, killing time with browsing and enjoying myself. heehheh. don't have anything to do in particular. pingin tidur tpi seger banget. ckckck~ gara2 td tidur jem 6 sampe jem 9 an gtuh deh. hwaaa~ tdi siang jatoh dong gue depan kamar mandi. dudul. jatoh dengan posisi kaki kiri yg aneh. angklenya sih. sampe skarang masih sakit. makanya gue tidur tadi. ga tahan sih pas sore2 sakit gtuh. dah dipake counterpain padahal. sampe skarang sih masih cenut2 gtuh. tpi harusnya mendingan. *cross my finger. kerjaan kantor minggu ini cukup lucu. hehehehe. meskipun bikin mata jereng juga sih. kmarenan 2 harian gtuh bersihin artork scan an gtuh deh. jereng de mata gue, detilnya kan kecil2 banget tuh. hahhahaha. udah sih 1 selesai. yg 1 lagi lebih complicated, jadinya lama deh. kmaren akirnya di oper ke mbak tika. gue bikin yg laen. hehehehe. bikin mumet sih kecil2 gtuh, sebenernya ...

malem minggu

haha..another usual saturday night. abis nonton dvd ituh. hehe. cukup lucu. sayang subtitlenya belom beres. masih rekaman bioskop pula. ckckck~ gatau deh bioskop mana. tpi yahhh ga jelek2 amad sih. huehehehehhe. well, tdnya hari ni mo ke padang2 tpi gajadi. no sun. mendung2 geledekan gtuh. batal deh batal. =.= sometimes it's so hard to stand on your own feet in your own way. when everybody and your surroundings is sounding another sound, walking in another way, doing things not in your own way. when you don't feel like fit in easily. when you have to 'hide' yourself. under someone else shadow, under someone else names. yeah, i do feel like that. tpi apapun yg terjadi, here i am. i know i will survive. =) i have walked through something like this before. i doesn't feel good or nice, but i have passed it. so, there's no reason i won't do the same. =) someone said that i'll be great. so let me be. =) have to remember those words and put a lil bit more faith...