valz day n cny

gong xi gong xi! =D it's chinese new year already. the same day with valz day also. hehehe. hemm..where am i? in my room, killing time with browsing and enjoying myself. heehheh. don't have anything to do in particular. pingin tidur tpi seger banget. ckckck~ gara2 td tidur jem 6 sampe jem 9 an gtuh deh. hwaaa~

tdi siang jatoh dong gue depan kamar mandi. dudul. jatoh dengan posisi kaki kiri yg aneh. angklenya sih. sampe skarang masih sakit. makanya gue tidur tadi. ga tahan sih pas sore2 sakit gtuh. dah dipake counterpain padahal. sampe skarang sih masih cenut2 gtuh. tpi harusnya mendingan. *cross my finger.

kerjaan kantor minggu ini cukup lucu. hehehehe. meskipun bikin mata jereng juga sih. kmarenan 2 harian gtuh bersihin artork scan an gtuh deh. jereng de mata gue, detilnya kan kecil2 banget tuh. hahhahaha. udah sih 1 selesai. yg 1 lagi lebih complicated, jadinya lama deh. kmaren akirnya di oper ke mbak tika. gue bikin yg laen. hehehehe. bikin mumet sih kecil2 gtuh, sebenernya mah lucu sih ngeliatin artworknya. hehehe. ga kebayang tpi klo gue dah kerja beneran. wohoooo~ must be a great pressure =D

kmarenan baru selesai baca buku ini. no hand to hold & no legs to dance on. itu sampul versi ingnya. secara versi indonya gambarnya kecil banget. males ah masukinnya. dah gtuh covernya agak2 lebay @_@ a Thalomide survivor's story. ceritanya bagus banget. Louise nulis ttg cerita hidupnya dia sebagai Thalomider, bayi korban obat yg harusnya berbahaya buat ibu hamil tpi sangat terkenal di jaman dia dikandung. cerita dari dia kecil, sampe remaja, dan sekarang, punya 2 anak dan nikah 2 kali. ceritanya bagus banget. gaya ceritanya juga enak. i love to read it. berasa lebih deket aja daripada baca biografinya hellen keller or someone else karena mereka kan udah lama idupnya, tpi kalo Louise ini masih hidup sampe sekarang. it's really amazing. how she lives, how she survives. wow. sampe dia punya 2 anak gtuh. terbukti kalo segala kekurangan yg mungkin diliat orang lain di dia bukanlah sebuah halangan untuk punya hidup normal. cool!

dan baru aja td sore nonton dvd ini. along came polly. lucu sih ceritanya. jen annistonnya keren disituh. hehehhhe. paling keren pas dia salsa. woww...dan ternyata yg suka dansa sama dia is a gay. hahahaha. lucu banget pas si Reuben akirnya mala les salsa sama tu co. heheheheh.

Irving Feffer: It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There is no point in going through all this crap, if your are not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what... when you least expect something great might come along. Something better then you even planned for.

something i got from the movie. ;)

about my life.'s still the same. i don't really wanna have something too heavy for my mind. heheheh. i wanna live like there's no pressure in my life. i will still have but i don't wanna burden my life. since i believe i won't find a really good guy to be together with. so, it's like the main problem of my life will hopefully not really disturb me from now to april. hehehe. i don't guarantee anything, but i'm trying to live like going with the flow. ;) wanna take a break from every stressful things i have. just wanna enjoy the show and smile. hehheh. i know that would be hard. secara kayanya sampe saat ini aja gue udah agak ngerasa down few times. but, yeah i believe i can pass this well. my bestfriends are my reason to smile still. heheheh. i'm nothing without them. =) thx you guys! heheehehe. tons of love for all of you. heeheheh.


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