
Showing posts from January, 2011

Green Hornet

've just watched this one. good movie, the story and the characters are great. jay chounya keren banget! hehehe. karakternya juga oke dan pas dia yg maenin. Britt Reid nya nyebelin banget. spoiler and stupid. =____= tipe orang2 nyebelin buat gue. kalo jadi si Kato nya udah gue ledakin palanya dari awal kayanya. fyuhhh~ herannya dia baik banget. i like the movie. beberapa detilnya sangat manusiawi, mid life crisis, naksir sama sekretaris, orang2 nyebelin dan belagu tpi mau sok2 jadi superhero tpi ngga tau apa2. yah gtuh2 deh hehehe. td nontonnya 3d. gak nyesel juga sih ;) cuma pegel ajah, kacamatanya gak santai beratnya. fyuh~ well, i'm going back to jakarta tomorrow. abis packing2. semoga ajah besok baik2 sajah ;)

bukit bintang touring

in front of LRT station Bukit Bintang hai, setelah sekian lama mendekam di kamar doang demi menabung buat ke bali. and yes, i'm going to bali again this february :) kmaren akirnya keluar juga ke KL. hahaah. senangnya. main di bukit bintang ajah sih biasa. and yes, it looks different now. better. dan berhubung gue kesana pas hari senin, jd ga rame2 banget. masih enak deh buat jalan2. hehehe... lot 10 hutong entrance inside the lot 10 hutong. many food stalls, halal and non halal food teriyaki pork burger from kissaten stall makan siang di lot 10 hutong. food courtnya lot 10. belum pernah ksini seumur2 sejak dia buka. padahal entrancenya menarik banget. banyak sign2 restoran di dalemnya. dan akirnya kmaren nyobain makan disana. krn gue kesana sama temen gue yg magang di situ juga, jd kaya touring. dia kasih tau makanan2nya dll. hahaha. secara dia tiap hari disana jd udah tau macem2. dan akirnya makan siang pork burgernya kissaten ituh. RM10 udah dapet teh anget. yah bolehlah. trus ja...

horse drawn gypsy wagon

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beach houses at Panama City Beach

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A true man does not promise, he commits. A true lady does not demand, she thanks. -Amanda Adriani via Twitter
Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can. - Nicholas Sparks

cute details

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"Thank you for reminding me that I'm not special" - Luisa Contini, Nine

only you

have just finished watching this movie. well, it's a romance related to destiny blabla. Faith was searching for a man with a specific name, Damon Bradley. she got the name on a kinda playing board and from a gypsy. one day, she got a hint about the existence of Damon Bradley, and she chased him to the Italy. she was searching around from place to place, met another guy who's truly in love with her. but she's too obsessed with a name. but in the end, it's not a name who brings you your love or soulmate, it's the very own human itself. it's actually sweet, but i don't like that woman character on the movie. out of her mind? well..she's sure to be pretty but.. hmm..idk. don't really like that kind of character. :) but the setting is amazing, italy. nothing can go wrong. hahahaha. and i got a name of a really beautiful place, Positano. night view of Positano i always see this city on every italian movie. i've been familiar with the ro...


dan finally, setelah nunggu sekian lama nonton ini juga. filmnya diangkat dari broadway show sih, makanya masih nyisa karakternya broadway. but it's good. it gives you a kinda show to watch, not just a usual movie. it has quite good story though. even it's kinda blurry, but it's like finding your own self. well the main character has the question i always ask about movie people, how do the live their life truly? can the separate which one is acting and which one is living a real life? how if they feel that their life is a movie too. etc. something like that. nice problem, nice ending, nice characters and artists also actors. entertaining! and nicole kidman's part is very interesting :) "No one can help you find yourself, it's up to you. It's up to you, Guido" - Guido's Mom

bridge to bridge tour at putrajaya

actually the trip was in october, night of Halloween day. me and my friends didn't have something to do and very bored, and i got an idea to go to putrajaya bridges because they're quite beautiful at night, besides i've never been there at night. so we went there, 3 of us. we went through one unusual way to go to putrajaya because we missed the usual turn. the road was empty and quite scary. no one around us. then after around 15 minutes we arrived at the center of putrajaya and went to the first bridge, in front of Melawati Palace. after few times, we went to another bridge. since we had no idea where it's, we just drove with instinct and asked people when we met one. same goes to the 3rd bridge. we had no idea at all how to reach it. that's amazing how we can got lost in putrajaya but not in kl. the road was quite confusing, they are look the same and..we didn't know which precinct to be where. i forgot how we found the 2nd bridge. it's quite hard too. we...


and yes, kemaren malem condo depan tower gue kebakaran 1 unit. pertamanya gue pikir kenapa orang treak2 malem2. kirain iseng. trus lama2 histeris. ke balkon dan tiba2 udah ada api gede di jendelanya. serem banget. trus smua orang triak2 fire! dan kebakaran! (hai indonesian hehe) 10 menitan kemudian pemadam kebakarannya dateng, nyari hydran, dan semua orang lari2 ke bawah. baru deh kliatan ternyata cyber masih rame. hehe. penuh 1 kolam renang. sayangnya gue udah panik banget ngeliatin dan ngga kepikiran mau foto. nangkring di balkon dan ngeliatin. udah males mw ke kamar ambil kamera. keliling2 rumah jadi ngecekin semua kabel. takut sendiri =____= ya udah deh abis itu pemadam kebakarannya madamin api. setengah jaman gtuh apinya udah mati sih. pemadam kebakarannya masih keliling2 ngeliatin apa ada bakal api yg masih ada dan segala macem. sekitar setengah jam kemudian mereka baru pergi. dan semua orang balik ke rumahnya masing2. ga lama mulai ada suara musik dan lain2. sudah kembali hampir...

researching wakatobi

lagi baca2 postingannya trinity traveller yg Wakatobi : surga di atas, surga di bawah. iseng2 karena ngga punya kerjaan. dannnn..abis itu gue melihat kalimat " Jadi sekarang berlibur di Wakatobi ada pilihan, ada penginapan kelas backpacker di Hoga, kelas borju ratusan dolar semalam di Tomia, dan kelas menengah di Wanci." dan gue baru tau disana itu ada kelas backpacker an. dimana kalo kata itu udah keluar, kayanya langsung merasa ga mahal. hahaa. jadilah gue meresearch di google. dan menemukan beberapa link yg membuat senang. beberapa orang share pengalaman mereka jalan2 ke wakatobi dengan budget yg cukup masuk akal. misalnya postingan berjudul wakatobi ini. kurang lebih 8 hari disana. lengkap pula informasinya, mulai dari kegiatannya semua, sampai masalah transport dan penginapan. jalurnya adalah jakarta - kendari (transit di makasar) - wakatobi - kendari - jakarta (tanpa transit). dari kendari ke makasarnya banyak naik kapal laut. agak ngga disarankan buat yg gampang mab...

you and your heart by jack johnson

cheering for bali! yihay!

Ramona and Beezus

i've just wathced this one. telling about one happy family. mom, dad, and 3 daughters. beatrice (beezus), ramona, and roberta. ramona was a pretty different kid, she had her own world, was different, had a lot of imaginations, and as free as a bird. while beezus was actually a good sister, she's just another teenage girl. sometimes difficult, but the center of the story was ramona. she and her world, her thoughts, and all her effort do save the family and their home. good movie for both parents and kids. it teaches us that passions should never die and we can actually do something, anything that we want as long as we believe in :) and this movie is adapted from a novel by beverly cleary. but it's beezus point of view in this book. and i think it's interesting. wanna read it ;)

Letters to Juliet

've just done watching this one. good movie :) sweet but there're many real things inside. and once again, amanda seyfried acted really good in this movie. that kind of character fits her so well :) the setting is also good, italia no less. i love the city, love the landscape. oh myyyyy..wanna be there one day. really..i can just sit and stare for hours maybe, with one scope of ice cream in my hand. hahaha.. well, it tells you about finding your true love, after all the years have passed. because speaking of love, nothing's too late. :) if it's true then, why can't it be true now? sophie's an american who's having a holiday with her fiance to italy. when they're there, they did busy doing things and didn't spent time together at all. then sophie had a really interesting moment, meeting the 'secretaries of juliet'. they're few women, replying all the messages that's being left at juliet's house. they replied it one by one, giving t...

Mother and Child

've just watched this movie. quite sweet. great story. it basically tells you about being a mother, being a woman, and being a human being in the end. there are 3 different stories with 3 problems. in the end they're all connecting. it tells you about not giving up your happiness, not be afraid of taking choices, to be responsible for your choice, being a mother. it's not always easy but something you gotta do when the time has come. like it or not, mothers always love her children. :) and i like one song from this movie. hehehe. enjoy ;)
When something bad happens, you have 3 choices. you can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you
Sometimes when i go out to places, i wish you could suddenly appear there, like magic :)

The Godfather Part 2 and 3

nonton ini selama 2 hari belakangan. scara filmnya panjang dua2nya, shari cm bs nonton 1 deh. hehehe. overall gue suka sih. trilogi yg bagus. meskipun ending trakirnya banget ngga terlalu jelas. gue suka karakter2nya. kaya emang beneran berjalan sesuai umurnya mreka. kayanya ga ganti2 pemaen gtuh. trus ada cerita pas si vito corleonenya baru ke amerika, bagus banget deh ditunjukkin dia dari muda emang suaranya begitu, detil yg bagus :D akirnyaa setelah sekian taun pingin banget ntn trilogi ini, ksampean juga :D and to mention that andy garcia is really handsome. hahahaha.

the joneses

another drama movie. haha. i hope i wouldn't get sick after all these times. well, but this is a good one :) telling you that consumerism is something you can't refuse at times, but if it's way tooooo far from your pocket, it'll consume you. right inside your brain. when all the debts come and your money isn't enough, there comes the troubles. some people are giving up with debts. some try shortcut. they killed themselves. well, that's not something new. money, pride, ego, luxurious, things like that are connected one to another. sadly, we're human and can't always resist that. just remind ourselves how far we can go with all these things. and it tells you about how 'cruel' the marketing strategy nowadays. they 'force' you to buy things in a smoother way. make you think that you need something which is not actually. but you buy their words, and buy the items. fyuh~ all the circle goes the same. but yeah, good story, good settings, good po...

single phrase of you

sometimes he makes me so mad, i just wanna throw him into ongoing traffic. but then, i would probably kill myself trying to save him. :P

our family wedding

so, i've just watched this one..another drama romance movie about 2 different race wedding. african and american, while usually there's only black and white, now it comes a different taste :) i like the movie. even it has the same concept like every other this kind of movie,but the basic concept is really good. it's not the times when race and all differences limit yourself, and your love. if it's love, than it is. no matter how 'different' you two, well all people are different one another. still watching movies and keep counting. haha..

fave beaches in bali

hi, i've checking out my postings about bali, and i can't even imagine why i've never posted anything about this. so, as long as i was in bali, well i didn't try all their beaches, my friend visited more than i did. i did visit kuta beach (of course since it's only about 500 meters from my room), padang - padang beach, double six, echo beach and uluwatu. but my fave beach is called petitenget beach. it's near seminyak and double six. petitenget beach my friend, ika, brought me there one day. it's quite a spontaneous plan actually. i went there on a special day, i forget what, because there's an 'upacara' on the beach before i went there. well, quite messed maybe, but i love the beach just well. the sand is black and it's quite firm. so you can walk down the beach and don't have your foot buried down the sand. hehe. and i watched a really beautiful sunset there. sometimes in bali, the sunset could get better and different from other days :...