how to make friends and alienate people
have just watched this movie. quite entertaining and funny :P hollywood is look such a jungle. hehee. i like the editor in chief of sharp's magazine. haha. fave type of old man ;P
by the way. i'm still waiting for my next project with ava design. huwahh..still have 2 more to go down. hope it'll come soon. mulai ga bs diem ga punya kerjaan. huehehe. kmrn ngerjain booklet 1. udah selesai shari. fyuhhh~ quite boring. tpi gue seneng sih disini. idk..don't like being in jkt for a long time :\ pingin cepet2 masuk kuliah sekarang. fyuh~ feb come sooner please..
by the way. i'm still waiting for my next project with ava design. huwahh..still have 2 more to go down. hope it'll come soon. mulai ga bs diem ga punya kerjaan. huehehe. kmrn ngerjain booklet 1. udah selesai shari. fyuhhh~ quite boring. tpi gue seneng sih disini. idk..don't like being in jkt for a long time :\ pingin cepet2 masuk kuliah sekarang. fyuh~ feb come sooner please..