What a Time..
Sometimes we can't control when we feel helpless, or when we feel like we found our strength back. This current time has been amazing and scary for me. I discovered so much about myself, bad and good. It's a journey to get to know myself more, in a way that never happened before. I remember the life before now, too many things to do, too many things to think, just too many thinks. Now? Well still, I occupy my mind with a lot of stuff too sometimes too much even to bear. Healthy? Not so much. Sometimes I do it just to escape boredom. Then I lose some sleeps. And I lose more sleeps. Then I hit the break. Life has taught me so many things recently, that I'm thankful for. So many good things about me and my life that I took for granted before. Life proves to me that there's enough. Enough for me. But then life reminds me again of the monsters inside I've been avoiding. Some that I thought I have encountered or made peace with. Apparently not. I can't help but feel...