It hurts us more than anything else..maybe 😬 most of the times we hurt ourself more than other people does. Because we set some expectations. When that doesn’t happen, we feel betrayed. It’s a normal thing. Happens everywhere, every time, to everyone...mostly I guess. Of course there’s a cause why we expect certain things from someone. It may come from his / her value in your life, it may come naturally as he / she usually does certain things, it can come from anywhere really. Sometimes, it doesn’t affect anything to us, when the dosage is right. But when the expectations keep climbing to be higher or we expect something that’s not realistic, it could be dangerous. We could be hurting ourself, and the other person. We feel betrayed, and the other person feel he / she’s blamed but no clue what they did wrong. A very ineffective and destructive situation. I feel like I have been in both sides. I expected something, it didn’t happen, and I got hurt. The other time, my friend expected me ...