
A piece of wisdom

I was out there, on motorbike, as the passenger, wondering around. And something hit me. We’re a full of flaw being. But even though so, we keep trying our best in everything. Maybe there’s where our power lays. To know and accept that we’re not perfect, yet love ourself and appreciate it anyway. And keep doing the best we know with a good intention. Learn to love ourself, as well love other people and beings. What a a life we’re havin..

Then the life tells you..

That you are a tiny spectacle in the huge universe But you have the universe inside of you That you are such a tiny voice in the middle of the ocean But such a voice can either kill or heal someone That you are just everybody else And everybody else reflects you In the world full of duality How can you find and define yourself? How can I say I love myself without saying I love you too?

What a Time..

Sometimes we can't control when we feel helpless, or when we feel like we found our strength back. This current time has been amazing and scary for me. I discovered so much about myself, bad and good. It's a journey to get to know myself more, in a way that never happened before. I remember the life before now, too many things to do, too many things to think, just too many thinks. Now? Well still, I occupy my mind with a lot of stuff too sometimes too much even to bear. Healthy? Not so much. Sometimes I do it just to escape boredom. Then I lose some sleeps. And I lose more sleeps. Then I hit the break. Life has taught me so many things recently, that I'm thankful for. So many good things about me and my life that I took for granted before. Life proves to me that there's enough. Enough for me.  But then life reminds me again of the monsters inside I've been avoiding. Some that I thought I have encountered or made peace with. Apparently not.  I can't help but feel...

Life is Surely Magical

Life is surely magical. That’s what I feel at the moment. I amazed myself when I dare to take this new path. I got a lot of help for sure, in the middle of the path and until now. It makes me realize how lucky I am. I have great suppliers supporting my business. I have people believing in me and the idea I’m selling. I have clients that keep coming back and have a great working relationship. I have my family and dear friends who always support me. I have customers who buy my products and happy about them. Overall I love my life a lot. I feel loved. It’s amazing to see how life unfolds at the right time. The process is magical. I have been in a point when I was worried of how I was gonna buy groceries the next week. And now, I have a lot of freelance projects coming in, seeing the numbers I earn to pay next months rent and support my life is relieving. It’s something to experience those 2 things at a close distant time. I’m overwhelmed, for real. One thing that I feel like life is telli...

Just as much..

In the end, we can only do as much. As much as we can, as much as we think is best, as much as we want, as much as we are willing. Sometimes the result is certain, most of the times is not. But you can’t control everything, can you. You can only control yourself. So if it’s not like what you expected, take that time to sit by yourself and think about it. Feel the feeling and think the thoughts. Walk when you finally are ready. 

That’s So Called Expectation

It hurts us more than anything else..maybe 😬 most of the times we hurt ourself more than other people does. Because we set some expectations. When that doesn’t happen, we feel betrayed. It’s a normal thing. Happens everywhere, every time, to everyone...mostly I guess. Of course there’s a cause why we expect certain things from someone. It may come from his / her value in your life, it may come naturally as he / she usually does certain things, it can come from anywhere really. Sometimes, it doesn’t affect anything to us, when the dosage is right. But when the expectations keep climbing to be higher or we expect something that’s not realistic, it could be dangerous. We could be hurting ourself, and the other person. We feel betrayed, and the other person feel he / she’s blamed but no clue what they did wrong. A very ineffective and destructive situation. I feel like I have been in both sides. I expected something, it didn’t happen, and I got hurt. The other time, my friend expected me ...

Retrograde Journal Day 6 - Inner Child
