mixed up feeling...

sedang..ga tau deh. confused. sedang berpikir apakah gue udah ngambil jalan yg bener sampai saat ni gue ada di sinih. gue ga ngerti. i lost my excitement in my final projects. sounds crazy because i think it's all i've wanted in my life...but it seems thats it is not! gak ngerti deh. banyak banget tugas numpuk dan semuanya gk ada yg gue niat ngerjainnya. gak ngerti. gue ngerasa sendiri koq kayanya otak gue malah makin mengecil dan tidak kreatip. parah nihhhh..i hate this feeling so much! more over it's so hard to tell other people about this one. arghhh...i'm confused. gak ngerti lah gue. jadi bingung.

actually, i feel that i didn't do my works good enough. yah2 sounds pessimistic sih memang. tapi entahlah. ituh deh yg gue rasakan. ntah apa yg terjadi. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gue pusink!

i dunno what i supposed to be n what i should do. everything's mixing up in my mind and i dunno how to deal with this. not now. later yahhh i hope deh. there's something wrong here..n i dunno what. it drivers me crazy...arghhhh...hate it so much!aiy..i need caffeine...ckckckc...


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