
Showing posts from December, 2007

Look Through My Eyes-Phil Collins

There are things in life you learn And oh in time you'll see It's out there somewhere It's all waiting If you keep believing So don't run Don't hide It will be alright You'll see Trust me I'll be there watching over you Just take a look through my eyes There's a better place somewhere out there Just take a look through my eyes Everything changes You'll be amazed what you'll find (There's a better place) If you look through my eyes There will be times on this journey All you'll see is darkness But out there somewhere Daylight finds you If you keep believing So don't run Don't hide It will be alright You'll see Trust me I'll be there watching over you Just take a look through my eyes Theres better place somewhere out there Just take a look through my eyes Everything changes You'll be amazed what you'll find (Theres a better place) If you look through my eyes All the things tha...

It will be me by Melissa Etheridge

If you hear a voice in the middle of the night Sayin’ it’ll be alright It will be me If you feel a hand guiding you along When the path seems wrong It will be me There is no mountain that I can’t climb For you I’d swim through the rivers of time As you go your way and I go mine A light will shine And it will be me If there is a key that goes to your heart A special part It will be me If you need a friend Call out to the wind To hold you again It will be me Oh how the world seems so unfair Creating a love that can not be shared As you go your way and I go mine A light will shine And it will be me Past the ever after there’s a place for two In your tears of laughter I’ll be there for you In the sun and the moon In the land and the sea Look all around you It will be me There is no mountain that I can’t climb For you I’d swim through the rivers of time As you go your way and I go mine A light will shine And it will be me It will be me It will be ...

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

biz nonton film ni! hahahaha..bagus banget filmnya. love it so much ^^ love the dialog and also the setting. hahahaha..the dialog have a great meaning for me ^^ and the setting was so wonderful. charlie and the chocolate factory is nothing compared with this one! hahahaha..kalimat pertama yg impressed gue tuh "anything can happen"'s so nice. if you believe, anything can happen. a simple sentence, but has a great meaning hehehe..banyak deh kalimat2nya yg indah2 gituh. asli. gue rasa tuh berapa belas mah dapet quote dari sanah! hehehehe..ada lagi..apa yah, gue lupa deh. ada yg "setiap cerita, even yg lu suka banget pun, pasti punya akhir" dah gitu ada yg pas si Mahoneynya bilang "you have to live" and mr. magoriumnya jawab "i have" ntah kenapa yah. pas liad itu kayanya gimanaaa gitu. kesannya dia mensyukuri idupnya banget dan proud of that. and it's the time that he has to go, and he accepts that. with his own heart. without sorrow ...

Find Yourself by Brad Paisley

When you find yourself In some far off place And it causes you to rethink some things You start to sense that slowly You're becoming someone else And then you find yourself When you make new friends in a brand new town And you start to think about settlin' down The things that would have been lost on you Are now clear as a bell And you find yourself Yeah that's when you find yourself Where you go through life So sure of where you’re headin' And you wind up lost and it's The best thing that could have happened ‘Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well Because you find yourself Yeah that’s when you find yourself When you meet the one That you've been waitin' for And she's everything that you want and more You look at her and you finally start to live for some one else And then you find yourself That’s when you find yourself When we go through life So sure of where we're headin' And we wind up l...

no sound..males nyetel winamp =P

Glitter Friends Graphics hay hay ^^ sedang berpikir tentang beberapa hal. hehheh..salah satunya sih soal yg satu nih. sejak keluar dari smak7 gue emank ngerasa kehilangan banyak orang di sekitar gue. orang2 yg selama ni gue anggep temen2 gue. yahhh pertamanya gue bete banget sih. cuma mungkin dengan adanya ini gue bisa ngeliat gituh. mana yg bener2 nganggep gue temen mana yg ngga. mana yg cuma bisa ngomong aja dan mana yg ngga. emank sih yg tersisa cuma tingga beberapa. ya sudah. gue cukup mensyukuri itu semua. hehehe..yah gue tau beban skolah gue itu emank ngga ringan. cuma yahh..begituh deh. beberapa hal yang emank harus gue terima. meskipun gue ngga suka. itu dah berapa biji deh gue nemuin sekarang. salah satunya adalah pertanyaan temen gue "emank dia peduli?" dia nanya nih pas gue ngga bisa nyuekin mantan gebetan gue tuh setelah yahh kejadian2 yg jujur aja ngga bikin gue seneng sama sekali sama dia. gue diem saat itu karena gue beneran ngga bisa jawab. gue ngga bisa denga...

these words..

MyLiveComments well..i found these words from a website. and impressed me..hehe. dunno why. but i feel some positive energy that coming up into my mind and made me smile. hahahahaha...yahh..gue ngerasa ini kata2 yg ngasih semangat lagi aja sama gue. bahwa segimana gilanya idup ini gue akan selalu nemuin jalan gue untuk ngelaluin semuanya..mudah2an dengan baik. hehehhe...yah mayan meyakinkan gue bahwa apapun yg terjadi, gue pasti bisa ngelaluinnya. mungkin ngga dirasa baik buat semua orang. tapi yah dengan cara gue itu sendiri gue juga akan belajar lebih banyak ketimbang cuma ngikutin kata2 orang lain di sekitar gue. =)

final project life drawing

ini final project gue yg kedua. final projectnya life drawing. ngerjainnya 2 hari dan rasanya hectic bener! hahahahaha..gue sampe bates waktu terakir. hari jumat jam 5 sore. masih pake nambah pula sekian menit buat bikin daon. huahahahah...actually i like it =P ngga bagus2 amad sih emank. cuma it. heheeheh...ternyata susah juga bikin keliatan 3D dll gituh. =P pertamanya gue pusing soalnya bg gue uda gelap. ternyata emank lebih enak buat nambahin highlight daripada maenan shadow. =P yaaa..quite good i think =) gue ga tau sih nilai gue berapa. pokoknya gue gak failed! hahahaahahah..cukup senang. cuma ga tau transkrip nilainya kluar kapan. males aja sih kalo gue dah di malay. dia gak ada sistem kaya UPH yah liad nilai di komp? hmph..patut ditanya. heheheheeheh. inih nih foto aslinya.heheheh..jadi dari foto tuh baru dibikin di atas hardboard tuz dikasih shadow sama highlights. sounds easy? try first! hahahaahahah...gue bisa gila sih kalo bikin spanduknya urupnya atu2 gituh. gela...

look at the sky and see what's there

dengan segala yang dia punya dia mencoba meraih apa yang selama ini ingin dia raih walau dia tahu tangannya tak sampai dan kakinya tak melayang bersamanya apa yang selama ini dilihatnya begitu indah masih, dia masih indah di sana apa yang selama ini dirasanya tempatnya berpulang dan kemana langkahnya menuju masih, masih ada disana semua apa yang dia lihat dan rasa semuanya, tak bercacat hanya satu bahwa dia tak akan pernah menggapai bahwa tidak akan pernah dia sampai karena setiap kali dia ingin melangkah jalan tertutup di hadapannya membuatnya berhenti dan menatap semuanya dari jauh tanpa bisa melakukan apapun kala yang lain datang dan lewat di sisinya bagai dia hanya ornamen indah di pintu gerbang dan lewat sampai pada tujuannya dan tinggal di sana matanya menatap jauh kala dia tahu harapannya habis dan kala dia tahu dirinya ingin pergi dari tempat dia menitipkan asanya dari tempat dimana dia selalu berpulang kini dia tahu dirinya harus pergi dan dia masih tidak ingin pergi bukan kar...

like the wind she flies

dan dia terbang di antara rasanya di antara setiap embun bening di sela dedaunan di antara putihnya awan dan lembutnya angin menyapu wajahnya seakan berharap menghapus sendu di sana dia berputar di antara waktu yang terus melaju dan tak akan pernah mau mengerti saat dia berteriak saat dia tertinggal dan saat dia terjatuh waktu seakan terbang tanpa telinga tanpa mau berhenti dan berbalik mengulurkan tangannya dan mengangkatnya bangun dan kala dia tahu dia entah berada di mana dia menengadah dan menemukan matahari di sana bukan miliknya bukan milik siapapun, inginnya kala dia memejamkan mata dan memandang jernih dunia indahnya sekilas senyum hinggap dan lalu terbang menunggunya membuka mata dan menemukan satu langit yang masih sama dan satu dunia yang masih sama dan dia terbang melintasi hidupnya melintasi rasanya membiarkan semuanya tumpah ruah di sekitarnya menyiramnya bertubi - tubi dengan segala yang ada dan dia tidak peduli memejamkan mata dan kembali pada indahnya yang dia tahu tid...

she wants to fly away for a second

dia hanya ingin hilang tenggelam di antara beningnya laut seakan ia akan menemukan damainya di sana atau di antara hijaunya dedaunan berharap kesejukan mereka datang dan sejukkan jiwanya karena dimanapun dia berpijak dia hanya akan terjatuh dan kembali mencari satu tempat dimana dia akan berdiam mungkin tidak untuk selamanya tapi sejenak hingga lelahnya hilang hingga lukanya menutup dan dia akan kembali terbang melintasi dunia mencari arti adanya dan kala dia tahu bahwa serapat apapun dia menutup matanya segalanya masih akan tetap sama bahwa bila dia terus lari apa yang ingin ditinggalkannya masih ada di tempat yang sama menunggu hadirnya menunggu dirinya datang dan berdiri di hadapannya dan entah bagaiman berjalan di antaranya bagai anak kecil yang berjalan di tengah sesatnya hutan dia berjalan dan berharap menemukan jalan keluar di tengah sesaknya sulur yang merambat menghalangi laju matanya dan di antara gelap yang membuatnya tersesat dan entah kapan dia akan keluar dari semua ini y...

wish i could fly_roxette

halfway through the night i wake up in a dream echoes in my head make every whisper turn into a scream i dreamed i could fly out in the blue over this town followin' you over the trees subways and cars i'd try to find out who you really are in the middle of the night cool sweatin' in my bed got the windows open wide thinkin' about all the things you said i wish i could fly out in the blue over this town followin' you i'd fly over rooftops the great boulevards to try to find out who you really are who you really are i wish i could fly now i wish i could fly now i wish i could fly around and around over this town the dirt on the ground i'd follow your course of doors left ajar to try to find out who you really are who you really are i'd fly & fly & fly i wish i could fly i wake up in a dream (background : in the middle of the night / in the.....etc) in the middle of the night i wish i could fly...

partynya cochi =P

kemaren biz dari partynya si cochi di dapur umum di ancol. perumahan metro marina gituh deh. nungguin cc gue pulang dari serpong dulu. abiz ngurusin si polo tuh. heheheh..namanya keren ternyata Apollo von France. gue cinta banget ama namanya. ya iya keren gituh sih namanya. hehehe..gue juga suka. ^^ yawdah akhirnya kemaren berangkat dari rumah gue jam 6 an gituh. ma si billy juga ikut nebeng. tuz muter2 deh nyariin tuh dapur umum. hahaha..ketemu juga sih akhirnya. pas gue sampe sana dah pada kelar makan gituh. yasud gue makan dikit. tuz ga betah disana. -.-" gue bilang ma cc gue.akhirnya cabut deh gue biz makan ke ancol. backstage. tempatnya enak. keren ajah ^^. ada lampu2 bejejer gituh di luarnya. cc gue di indoor. tempatnya juga enak. cozy tapi dingin! sialan. gue dah mau mati dingin dimana2. hehehehe...ya sudh de akhirnya gue makan lagi sama minum teh seteko. ^^ enak. senang. heheheeh..ntah deh kenapa gue ga cozy di partynya si cochi =P sorry hun. hehehe...

Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett - Way Back Into Love

I've been living with a shadow overhead I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I've been lonely for so long Trapped in the past I just can't seem to move on I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need them again someday I've been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine I've been searching but i just don't see the signs I know that it's out there There's got to be something for my soul somewhere I've been looking for someone to shed some light Not somebody just to get me through the night I could use some direction And I'm open to your suggestions All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I'm hoping you'll be th...

tercipta untukku - ungu

Menatap indahnya senyuman diwajahmu Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku Mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku Banyak kata Yang tak mampu kuungkapkan Kepada dirimu Aku ingin engkau slalu Hadir dan temani aku Disetiap langkah Yang meyakiniku Kau tercipta untukku Sepanjang hidupku Aku ingin engkau slalu Hadir dan temani aku Disetiap langkah Yang meyakiniku Kau tercipta untukku Meski waktu akan mampu Memanggil seluruh ragaku Ku ingin kau tau Kuslalu milikmu Yang mencintaimu Sepanjang hidupku Aku ingin engkau slalu Hadir dan temani aku Disetiap langkah Yang meyakiniku Kau tercipta untukku Meski waktu akan mampu Memanggil seluruh ragaku Ku ingin kau tau Kuslalu milikmu Yang mencintaimu lagi dengerin lagu itu sekarang. seneng aja pas denger. hehehehe...ngga ada nyambungnya sama feeling gue sekarang sih =P ntah. lagi bingung. hehehehe..ngga tau deh maunya apa. yang kemaren udah selesai. yg sekarang ngga tau. abiz bingung. heheheeh....yahh gituh deh... ngga tau mau ngapa...

akon-sorry, blame it on me...

As life goes on I'm starting to learn more and more about responsibility And I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done And things that have not occurred yet And the things they don't want to take responsibility for I'm sorry for the times that I left you home I was on the road and you were alone I'm sorry for the times that I had to go I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know That you were sitting home just wishing we Could go back to when it was just you and me I'm sorry for the times I would neglect I'm sorry for the times I disrespect I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done I'm sorry I'm not always there for my sons I'm sorry for the fact that I am not aware That you can't sleep at night when I am not there Because I am in the streets like everyday Sorry for the things that I did not say Like how you are the best thing in my world And ...

what can i say..phew

finally the day has come! and i can face it incredibly hahahahaha...i'm still questioning why he answered me no. but it's okay. i like to know that he's happy again ^^ i don't know whether i've been able to let him go or what. but what i feel is also happiness for him. i even don't know why i still can smile and laugh and glad for his status now. maybe because i've realized that ya he's not the one for me. and maybe yes it's better if he answered me no. who knows? though, i'll find out why later. =P

the sims 2..lala~

finally gue bisa nginstal tu the sims 2..tapi ntah kenapa harus pake cd nya ngerti gimana caranya deh biar ngga pake. tuz jadinya rada lemod n yaa suka2 ngehang gituh. hikxxx..dah gituh sepertinyah monitor gue uda cukup tua buat diganti. jadinya kedip2 aneh gituh deh. tau lah =P tapi mayan sih akhirnya main lageeee..heheheh.meskipun ngga bisa semuanya. kayanya kudu diinstal semuanya dulu tuh baru bisa maen normal lagi kaya dulu. hikxx..mana yah yg bisa nginstalin???? =( ngga ngapa2in hari ni. mo ke pasar baru ngga jadi. tadi pagi sih gue uda bangun. cuma matiin alarm sama kirim sms tuz tidur lage. hahahahaha...ngantuk banget gila! gue aja tadi bangun jam 12 an. masih tidur2an lagi. hehehhe..udah ngga sakit sih. senangnyahhh..^^ masih pingin nonton the heartbreak kid. tapi sepertinya nanti sajah..bangkrut nih. kudu beli kado dulu buat orang2 sekalian. heheheehh...

aku tetap milikmu - rini idol

sejauh apapun aku melangkah kau kan slalu di hatiku semua apapun yang terbaik kupersembahkan hanya untukmu cuma suka pas refrein doank tu lagu. hahahahaha...udah ngga begitu lagi sih sekarang. cuma tetep lagunya enak sih ^^ jadi senang..hehehehehe hari ni hectic bener gituh loh sodara sodari sekalian. ceritanya gue mau ke TA n nonton the heartbreak kid. eh cobayaaa..gue baru sampe cl jam setengah 5 an. ujan. basah. gila. nyebrang ke trisakti dengan penuh perjuangan gila2an. udah basah kuyup geje bener deeee..dah tuh. ke TA bareng si pigie. naek motor. tanpa helm. dan hujannya menderas dengan gila! sephhh..udah geje bener tu keadaan gue. orang kecebur kolam aja masih mending kale! dah tuh akhirnya sampe jugaaa..beli baju dulu ke a mild store. azeekk ada long sleeve. hehehehe...mayan diskon tinggal 77 rebu deee azeeekkkk..huehehehe..tadinya mo nyari jeans juga sekalian. tapi males liad harganya -____- akhirnya tu celana panjang kering sendiri! hahahahahahahah..yawda 5 jem geje muter2 di ...

ingatkah engkau..

lagi ngantuk banget. biz pulang dari toko dan pingin tidur. hehehehe...bentaran lagi deh. =P finally besok ke limkok lage. dah lama ga ke sana. jadi kangen! heheheheh..amid lah..tapi iya sih daripada bengong2 bego di rumah. eh sekalinya dateng ajakan pergi malah banyak banget! hahahahaahahah...begituhlah. gue tadinya besok mau ke sekolah n ke tebet tapi gak jadi. ke limkok n jalan2 sajahlah =P ngga tau sih mo kemana lagi. pingin nonton juga =P ntah kenapa gue selalu bosan di rumah. gak tau mo pain. apalagi kalo nanti sampe feb. udah ga tau deh jadi apa gue. secara gitu gue ga suka liburan panjang2. paling seminggu pertama senang minggu2 depannya ngga sama sekaliiii..wighhh gila deh rasanya. wanna do something but dunno what! -_____-"&*( tadi dengar temen gue ngomong. ce itu lebih senang merasakan dan co lebih senang melihat. hmmm ^^ logis. hahahahahaha... i wanna ask him why he answered me no. gue ga tau ini egois atau ngga yaaa..secara yaa ceritanya kan dia dah suka sama ce l...

bryan adams-i'll always be there for you

I swear to you I will always be there for you there's nothin' I won't do I promise you all my life I will live for you we will make it through Forever we will be Together you and me Oh and when I hold you nothin' can compare With all of my heart you know I'll always be right there I believe in us nothin' else could ever mean so much You're the one I trust our time has come we're not two people now we are one - ya you're second to none Forever - we will be Together family The more I get to know ya - nothin' can compare With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be - right there Forever - we will be Together - just you and me The more I get to know ya - the more I really care With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be... Ya know I really love ya - ya nothin' can compare For all of my life - ya know I'll always be - right there lagi dengerin lagu ni. suka aja gituh ^^ enak buat lagu tidur. hahhahahah.......

my outfit ^^

this is my outfit today..n i love it sooo..hehehe

Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone

You and I got something But it's all then it's nothing to me yah I got my defenses When it comes to your intentions to me yah And we wake up in the breakdown In the things we never thought we could be yah I'm not the one who broke you I'm not the one you should fear We've got to move you darling I thought I lost you somewhere But you were never really ever there at all And I want to get free Talk to me I can fear you falling And I won't tempt to be All you need Somehow here is gone I am no solution To this sound of dispollution in me yah And I was not the answer so forget you if ever thought it was me yah I'm not the one who broke you I'm not the one you should fear We've got to move you darling I thought I lost you somewhere But you were never really ever there at all And I want to get free Talk to me I can fear you falling And I won't tempt to be All you need Somehow here is gone And I don't need a fall out Of all the past that'...

Maliq n D’essentials - Untitled

ketika, kurasakan sudah ada ruang di hatiku yang kau sentuh dan ketika, ku sadari sudah tak selalu indah cinta yang ada mungkin memang, ku yang harus mengerti bila ku bukan yang ingin kau miliki salahkah ku bila kau lah yang ada di hatiku adakah ku singgah di hatimu mungkinkah kau rindukan adaku adakah ku sedikit di hatimu bila kah ku mengganggu harimu mungkin kau tak inginkan adaku akankah ku sedikit di hatimu bila memang, ku yang harus mengerti mengapa cintamu tak dapat ku miliki salahkah ku bila kau lah yang ada di hatiku kau yang ada, di hatiku bila cinta kita tak kan tercipta ku hanya sekedar ingin tuk mengerti adakah diriku, oh singgah di hatimu dan bilakah kau tau, kau lah yang ada, di hatiku kau yang ada, di hatiku adakah ku, di hatimu hmmm..yah tadi pagi tiba2 menemukan lagi itu di hp gue dan yaaa..nancep. ckckckckc..still dunno what to feel. 1 sisi gue udah tau dari dulu..1 sisi gue tetep gak rela. dan ga tau harus gimana. susah sih. dah tertanam di otak that he's s...

time to give up is coming..

i've got this feeling since few weeks ago. and it's bothered me. now it becomes reality. yaya he likes her, as he said so. and it made me feel so...strange. hahahaha..dunno lah. i'm sad and so disappointed. the only question appeared was why must her????? and also why mustn't me??? bodo deh. bilang aja egois n narsis. manusiawi gituh..=P yaa begituhlah. dan dia masih ragu becoz kata2 gue. that i don't like her so much. dunno why yah. based on my feeling and what had happened. biasa lah itu semuah. makanya dia masih begituh. drives me crazy! in one side i want him to be happy and glad and be free to like any girls he wants to like. in other hand, gue gak rela. sungguh gue gak rela. i don't like that girl. besides i still loves him and keep my hope. but maybe it's the time that i must let him go. because it's useless to keep hope for anyone who won't give you any chance anyway. but it still makes me feel so..strange. semuanya campur aduk gak ...


dah malem banget. lagi bikin sketchesnya final project life drawing. hmmm..and get bored.hahahahaha...jadinya onlen dulu deh =P gilaa..parah tuh ga kelar2. 20 biji. dan ntah mengapa sama gue gak kelar2. hikxx...dah gituh gue tak enak badan hari nih. nyuh~ >. kemaren 2 hari ke TA. secara gue kudu harus potong rambut. dah ge bebentuk -____-" dan pas hari senen dengan sebelnya si oji lagi cuti dan david tak ada. yayayaya..indah duniaaa....nun jauh di hongkong tu TA dan gue gak dapet apa2 gituh di sana. cape dee..besokannya ke TA lagi..padahal mo bikin skcth..hahahaha..gimana mo kelar cobaa..lala~ dan syukurnya si david ada yeeyyyy o(^0^)o udah sih dah dipotong sekarang. love it ^^ pulangnya nungguin si koko jemput jalan2 geje ma si pikie. lala~ dekornya TA bagus tuhhh ^^ senangnyahhh..heheheheh... i dreamed about him last night. it made me happy and sad at the same time. i'm glad that somehow i felt him there beside me. oh my..yaya i miss him so much. and i'm sad that it...