
Showing posts from January, 2009

playing around

hari ni biz dari gadink ma cempy, tyina, jc, yah ma gue sih. uda b4 ajah. heheeh. tdi mo k GI. tuz tiba2 berubah ke gading gara2 si tyina salah nangkep. ckckck. tuz dah gituh pas dah mo sampe gading gue tiba2 amnesia kalo dah janji di GI sama alia jam 5. ckckckc..konspirasi dimulai. ksetresan ngitung harga taksi dari gading ke GI dan ke sency. yah tolol2 gmana gituh deh. akirnya bisa sih ke GI, gue sharingan taksi ma jc. tuz ujung2nya malah ga jadi gara2 alia ga bisa pulang sendiri malemnya. yahh gituh deh. akirnya kita smua racunin jc buat ga usah ke kampus. hahaha. dan berhasil ^^v makan di chatter box. mahal. babi! ga lagi2 deh. ga harga mahasiswa. hahahahaa. tuz mo ntn tdinya di lapiz. tpi gjd. ada bride wars padahal, tpi si tyna mo ntn ma nyokapnye. ga jadi deh. akirnya cabut ke moi. behubung katanya pelem disana lebih banyak. pas sampe sana gada yg cocok. bride wars malah velvet class. sanggup sodara sodar. 200 rebu! huhuuhh~ bisa gila gue. akirnya cuma puter2 doank. f...

when i'm gone_simple plan

We're doing it. I look around me, But all I seem to see, Is people going no where, Expecting sympathy. It's like we're going through the motions, Of a scripted destiny. Tell me where's our inspiration, If life wont wait, I guess it's up to me. [Chorus:] Woah! No, we're not gonna waste another moment in this town. Woah! And we won't come back the world is calling out. Woah! We'll leave the past in the past, Gonna find the future. If misery loves company well, So wrong, you'll miss me when I'm gone. Ooh, ooh, ooh. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Procrastination, running circles in my head. While you sit there contemplating, You wound up left for dead (left for dead) Life is what happens while you're busy making your excuses. Another day, another casualty. But that won't happen to me. [Chorus] Ooh, ooh, ooh. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. Ooh, ooh, ooh. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone. When...

kliling2 putar2..

yaaappp...hari ni biz dari mangga 2. gue lupa apa namanya. pasar pagi or something or apa. kliling2 liad2 barang. heheeh. ngeliat banyak barang lucu. senang =D tuz dah gituhhh..gue nyari barang2 buat ke malay. susyaaahh~ weee..gue gtw mengapa seleranya orang malay dan indo berbeda. yg umum ada di malay, disini susah. begitu juga sebaliknya. phew. bikin rusuh nyari kiri kanan deh. hehehehe. yah udah gituh kliling2 ajah heheehe. akirnya nemu sih smuanya =D tuz tdi bli prisma color juga. dari 6 yg gue mau cuma ada 3 biji. ya udah tetep aja deh nyari k prapatan. heheeh. dan ada sihh..horeeee..hehehee..tuz gue dapet clana pendek 3 biji lucu2. duh senang. haahahaa. kotak2 gitu warna warni =D lalala~ cape sih hari nih. phew..jadi pengen tidur. ngantuk. hehehee. nyampe 2 minggu lagi gue bakalan balik malay. =) seneng sih sebenernya. akirnyaa..back to normal life. i guess and i hope. hehehe. just can't wait to start the new semester. hehehe. barang bawaan gue udah menggunung neh. h...

let's see

ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang sialnya menjurus kepada makhluk2 bergender co di hidup gue...entah kebetulan entah emank sifat2nya pada begini. dan ini...ngga menjurus sama 1 orang. karena gue menemukan beberapa perlakuan serupa di beberapa orang berbeda tapi 1 gender. *duh harusnya gue nulis daritadi sebelum gue makan. skarang dah agak2 lupa. ckckcck~* 1. apa sms yang masuk setelah mereka tidur itu ngga diitung valid? meskipun ada pertanyaan di dalemnya? apa ngga ngerasa perlu ngejawab at least..pas mereka bangun kek gtuh? dijawab pas smsan berikutnya dimaafkan dengan yahhh..iya intinya dimaafkan deh. yg penting dijawab. yang sayangnya..kebanyakan sih cuma nangkring manis aja di inbox ngerasa ngga penting sama sekali. 2. kalau gue ga sms duluan, kalo gue ga negor duluan di ym ato msn, dan tanpa rasa bersalah merasa dengan yakin bahwa gue lagi marah sama mereka dan ga perlu nanya lagi sama gue. abis itu melanjutkan dengan ngediemin gue dengan asalan " gue pikir lu lagi marah s...


masih dalam tahap gue bosen sama liburan dan pengen cepet2 kuliah lagi. babi~ arghhhh~ dunia deh susah. btw hari ni gue kliling2 nyari clear holder a3 sama plastic sleeve yg biasa gue pake buat kumpulin kerjaan gue. tuz gada smua. T_T emank segitu bedanya yah selera orang malay sama indo? eniwey gada yg menyimpulkan dari hal itu sih. hahaha.. heeemmm..yang selalu gue sadari setiap liburan tuh dah kaya disaster buat gue. stress mampus. gada kerjaan. mo ngapa2in bingung. tpi kuar duitnya tetep banyak. emank kampret. susah deh. dah gituh lom lagi yg dah pada mule kul. bikin ngiri dan mengurangi jumlah populasi yg bisa dicari sewaktu2 gue stress..kaya skarang contohnya. duhh ga paham deh~ sapa sih yg nyiptain libur lama 2. @&(!*(#$*@$) yah bhubung gue lagi kek gini. rusuh2 tolol. pikiran gue jadi gak logis. kadang2 klo gue pikir di detik2 berharga ketika otak gue menormal sendiri, belakangan ni kelakuan gue gak logis semua. mentolerir sesuatu yg ga usah gue tolerir, harusnya. menerima ...

gong xi gong xi is the chinese new year. heheh. gong xi gong xi for everyone ^^v erhhmmm...yahh i should be happy today but.i'm fucking not! @#^*@&!(#*_# tdi udah muter2 sih dikit. haha. gak kmn2 juga itungannya. phew. tumben gada rame2nya. @_@ gue lagi merasa sangat..stress. ga perna gak juga sih. gtw lah gi bosen ajah dengan semuanya. cape. bosen. pengen refreshing. ngapain ajah deh yg penting emosinya keluar semua. gtw gimana slama nih gue cuma diem2 kek orang tolol! dan ternyata itu bikin stress. siapa sih yg nyiptain punya budaya libur lama2? babi!!! bosen tau!!! pingin triak2 deh rasanya. @^#@*#&@(*!@ i'm not saying that my life in malaysia is better than here. but yeah at least i have something to do. actually A LOT OF things to do. nyah! that damn assignments. hahaha. but it's so much more fun than to be here like this. malah sering sakit. babi! my life is is starting to be like a damn sucks thing! ARGEHRHEHHEGRKEKASK. au ah~

wacom bamboo fun medium

eniweyyy...gue baru ajah pengen ngebuang barang baru seharga 2 juta itu ke tong sampah. ok ini metafora ajah sih dengan segala kekesalan gue. ceritanya gue baru beli ini,kapan minggu kemaren? yah gue agak lupa. sepertinya iya. hehe. tuzz lom gue coba2in dari kemaren. baru tdi sorean gue bongkar dan gue cobain instal ke komp kk gue yg slama ni gue pake. pas gue instal..dan pas banget tu tlisan success muncul di layar, kompnya nge restart sendiri!!! gue pikir oh normalyah. mungkin emank prosesnya. kemudian lagi lagi lagi lagi lagi dan lagi! intinya ga bisa masuk ke desktop. dan gue rasanya pengen ngamuk liatnya. what the hell is goin on with my comp!!!?? ^S&A*SUI*(*#(Q&@ akirnya gue nyerah dann..ngeganti komp sama punya cc gue. copotin smua kabel dan pasang lagi. nyala sih. sukses sih diinstal. bisa sih dipake. tuz tiba2 dengan monyongnya ga bisa tebel tipis! S^@*#@*#)@#@HSKAKE&@#$^ di msn ga bisa. intuosnya si billy bisa. tuz pas gue cobain di ps juga, GA BISA....

the devil loves cinnamon

penulis : ima marsczha penerbit : gagas media harga : di gramed kemaren klo ga salah 34 ribu. di sini cuma 22.500. emosi sih pas liat. hehehe baru kelar baca ni buku. heheh. one of the greatest books i've ever read. =) ide ceritanya unik banget. tokoh setan di situ juga sangat2 menarik. hahaha. gila2nya setan. 'jujur2'nya setan. gila2nya dia. hahha. ceritanya soal cewek, Widya, yang nyokapnya kecelakaan dan koma. yang tanpa sengaja manggil seorang setan ke dunia ini untuk ngabulin permintaan dia. setan ini dipanggil pake bubuk kayu manis sama lelehan coklat. dari asal muasalnya ajah da ga 'setan' banget sih. hahaha. menurut si setan, setiap setan juga ada seleranya masing2. jadi ga aneh. tetep aneh sih. hahahaha. widya mau supaya si setan ini ngidupin lagi ibunya. which is ga bisa. soalnya nyawa itu urusannya ma Tuhan. bukan ma setan. pokoknya si setan ini ga bisa ngapa2in soal nyawa ibunya Widya. dia bisa kasih apa aja yg duniawi. apa aja yg Widya mau, tapi bukan ...

Kepada Cinta: True Love Keeps No Secret

ini buku yg nemenin gue beberapa hari yg lalu nunggu di ruang tunggu dokter alergi ituh. eh ngga ruang tunggu sih. teras kali namanya yah. =.= beli buku2 biji di gramed. kalap. hahaah. mumpung sih =P kapan lagi bisa kuar rumah dan punya duit. nyahahha~ atu lagi lom dibaca. nanti deh hehehe. 34 ribu. worth sih menurut gue. toh skarang harga buku selangit smua. swt banget deh. yah, seperti sinopsis di belakangnya..ini adalah 1 buku kumpulan surat atas nama cinta. cinta sama lawan jenis, sama ayah ibu, sama sesama jenis, dll deh. hmm..mayan enjoy sih bacanya. banyak cerita2 yg bikin mikir juga. how great love is and how powerful it is in our life. heheh. how a human can change and think about it in a very different perspective. many people know about love, recognize it, and feel it in many different ways also. =) just nice..heheeh.. eniwey penerbitnya gagas media. dan sampe skarang gue ngerasa buku2nya mereka berbobot semua. yg sampe skarang gue beli sih ga pernah ada yg gue rutuki sama s...

capeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ @_@

banget. phewwww~ gtw kenapa..padahal keknya hari ni kaga ekstrim2 amad. maren gue dah tidur jem 12 malem. huahaha..anomali banget. iyah tpi bener. jem 12 dah teler. tuz gtuh..bangun jem 4 pagi ngembat pizza tuz tidur lagi. yah gak dalam waktu dekat sih. tpi intinya sih harusnya gue cukup tidur. gtw kalo asupan tidur gue bertambah gila belakangan ini. yg nampaknya iya. hehe. dah gtuh bangun2 ke rumah popo tuz sembahyang tuz dah gtuh muter2 di mangdu ampe gila. T_T oh gak terlalu nyebelin sih. behubung gue abiz ngerampok nyokap gue beli wacom bamboo yg medium sama tinta 12 biji. hahahaaha. miskin banget deh langsung. =D yah dah gtuh puter2 kemana2. nyebrang kmana ya biz ntuh..mangga dua mana lah. untung ga rame2 mampus. gue pikir gila. phewww~ biz ntuh k rumah temennya nyokap. dmana yah..gajah mada situh deh. eh..salah..apaan sih gue gtw. depan2nya jalan kemurnian. belakang2nya banyak jalan. hahaha. yah apalah namanya. anyway tiba2 gue dan kk gue bru sdar klo kita laper. hueheheheh..para...

killing time

what will you do if you realize by doing something you really wanna do, you are drinking, at the same time, a whole bottle of poison that will kill you later on, for sure. that's sucks.

2 worlds to live

just feeling so flat this time. . going back to jakarta is like facing everything once again. and living in malaysia is like a long craziness because of the assignments and everything that had happened there. but yet, it's like you live far far away from the reality. going back to jakarta means i can't go wherever i wanna go anytime. living in malaysia means i have to count the money and thinking about running out of it in the end of month. haha. somehow i think i have 2 different worlds to live. so many differences between two of them. someone you can meet up everyday is someone you won't see for the next 3 months or as long as the holiday. one fact that you never face will come up and messing up in your mind. party time is over. and now you have to see and feel whatever you refuse and deny to do so for the past few months. it feels so funny somehow =D seems like you have 2 channels of tv and when one of them is on, the other one must be off. and turn it once again and eve...

old stuffs

i've spent few hours to read my old diary again. heheeh..i never realizes it contains a lot of things that i don't know that i actually do know. hehehe..sorry for the complicated words =P and i've just spent another few hours to read again my old entries on this blog. not all of them. just half maybe. hehe. but yeah, it's nice to read them all. it brings back all old memories and made me smile and thought at the same time. =) i do write and i do read them again couple of years later. hahaha. dunno why =P

still mate lampu! halah~

sebel banget neee..mati lampu mulu sejak ujan T_T tapi mending sih ga banjir. hehehe..daerah2 laen dah pada banjir. ckckck..gue ngeliat di berita. T_T tadi gi maen komp n lagi dw dah 50% eh mati lampu. pengen ngamuk dan tereak2. 90MB. swt...tega banget. T_T sekarang tpi dah kelar hahaahaha~ senang. dah dw ampe part II nya. oh yeh gi dw lagu2nya simple plan soalnya nemu yg full album smua. horee~ hehehehe. =) gue baru sadar mood gue yg kek jet coaster nih adalah turunan. hahahahah..gtw lah. nyokap n kk gue hari ne juga kek gituh. mengakibatkan gue juga bt di saat2 pada rese. heheeh. susah dehh =P i don't really know what's going on here. but i feel it's pretty right now. hehe. dunno deh. i hate some parts but maybe this is just the process. =)

heartbreak kid

i just watched this movie on dvd. and so close to the ending, hang. swt. sumpah deh empet banget. ga bisa diapa2in. dan stuck disituh. ngehang. damn~ jadi gue baca endingnya di wikipedia. hahaha. hmm..agak unpredictable yet funny. yah life~ filmnya mayan bagus sih. heeheh..don't get so much from it. except..yahhhh..wait till you feel to find the one for you instead of making someone to be your one because you're on a race. the race of life. hehehe. but's just a human common mistake not to realize what he/she should do and take. =P

raining outside

jakarta da masuk musim ujan neh. parah. dingin banget. tpi enak sih bwat tidur. yah selaen rumah gue tdi pagi mati lampu dan tiba2 ada aer netes dari atep T_T gangguin orang tidur ajah. pheww~ subuh2 ujannya dah kek apa tw gedenya. ckckckk~ ngga indah buat orang kek gue yg bisa bangun gara2 brisik. phew~ balik malay sebulanan lagi. swt masih lama yah. pengen cpet2 balik ajah deh. pengen kuliah lagi daripada membekukan otak disini. T_T kemaren nile dah kuar tuh. ckckckc..3.35 doank. sebel banget. a nya 3. b+ 2 b nya 1 pc nya 1. swt tuh pc. pas concede apa apaan gtuh. lulus kasian. gambreng! gada grade tuh. pass doank. kreditnya sih 2. stara ma full module. au deh ah jadi pusing. tpi empet ajah ada gituan 1 nyempil. dah ga bisa diapa2in kecuali gue ngulang kelasnya dia kapan2. ckckccckk~ malesssss T_T tau lah liat nanti kalo ada waktunya. phew~ lom siap2in apa2 sih. heheh.. sante abis. nanti kli minggu mo k mangdu. mo beli wacom dll sekalian. jangan ujaaannn~ males banget deh =( bawaan g...

aku ada _dewi lestari ft arina mocca

Melukiskanmu saat senja Memanggil namamu ke ujung dunia Tiada yang lebih pilu Tiada yang menjawabku Selain hatiku dan ombak berderu Di pantai ini kau selalu sendiri Tak ada jejakku di sisimu Namun saat ku tiba Suaraku memanggilmu Akulah lautan kemana kau selalu pulang Jingga di bahuku Malam di depanku Dan bulan siaga Sinari langkahku Ku terus berjalan Ku terus melangkah Kuingin ku tahu engkau ada Memandangimu saat senja Berjalan di batas dua dunia Tiada yang lebih indah Tiada yang lebih rindu Selain hatiku andai engkau tahu Di pantai itu kau tampak sendiri Tak ada jejakku di sisimu Namun saat kau rasa Pasir yang kau pijak pergi Akulah lautan memeluk pantaimu erat Jingga di bahumu Malam di depanmu Dan bulan siaga Sinari langkahmu Teruslah berjalan Teruslah melangkah Ku tahu kau tahu aku ada another song from recto verso. one of my fave. heheeh. berasa banget beda 2 jenis vokal di lagu ini. sama enaknya dengan rasa yg beda. heheh. nice song =)

kutemukan engkau di setiap tahajudku

well ini yg gue temukan jem 4 pagi di..duh lupa. sctv? apa dmana yah. dengan sgala maap gue lupa. gue nemu filmnya sih. but it's based on a novel. and here comes the novel. ga pna baca juga sih...hehehe. critanya soal..anak kuliahan bernama Agus. pegajulan. seneng2 terus. ga pernah sholat. *ok i'm not a muslim, so if there's any misspelling or any mistakes, i'm sorry.* suka balapan motor dll. ga sih ga narkoba. dan ni orang pada dasarnya baik. tuz one day dia ktemu ma airin. ce manis beriman jilbapan rajin baik santun intinya perfect. dan agus falls in love with airin. tpi airin nolak agus karena airin nyari pasangan hidup dan imam buat dia, bukan nyari pacar. this is just one conflict. masih ada temennya agus yg kecelakaan, bokapnya agus yg mo punya istri k2, dan masalah pribadinya agus sendiri. urusan dia sama Tuhan. gue ga ntn sampe abis sih. sampe si agus dah mule tobat dan sholat lagi. meskipun dia ga pulang k rumah. mule rajin kuliah. brusaha jadi orang yg lebih b...

water and gold

lately i'm reading one of my fave books again. entitled Gege Mengejar Cinta. the same outhor with Jomblo. haha. i enjoy his books a lot coz it's not just silly but thoughtful. it has messages inside. one of my fave type of books, you got the enjoyment and also something for your brain. weheheheh~ one of the things i found in this book is the water and gold theory. this book talks about choosing someone who loves you or you love. yeah, life. sometimes they love u while u don't. and then u do and they don't. simple but deathly. there's nothing wrong with whoever you choose, but the process won't be that easy. coz it will hurt one side at least, or both of them. don't ever think about saying no is easy. nope! i know it. so well, the main character is a man name Gege. and 2 women. Tia, his office mate and his best friend for years. who actually loves him so much but never tries to tell her for the sake of women should be. and Caca, someone who has took his love ...

grow a day older_dewi lestari

See the sunrise Know it's time for us to pack up all the past And find what truly lasts If everything has been written down, so why worry, we say It's you and me with a little left of sanity If life is ever changing, so why worry, we say It's still you and I with silly smile as we wave goodbye And how will it be? Sometimes we just can't see A neighbor, a lover, a joker Or a friend you can count on forever? How tragic, how happy, how sorry? For all we know We've come this way not knowing why So, would it be nice to sit back in silence? Despite all the wisdom and the fantasies Having you close to my heart as I say a little grace I'm thankful for this moment cause I know that you Grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be When she tries to write a birthday song When she thinks so hard to make your day When she's getting lost in all her thoughts When she waits a whole day to say... I'm thankful for this moment cause I know that I Grow a day o...

talking with my girls =P

brusan telp2anma feny slama...berapa jam..1.5 jam? yah skitar sgituh. hehehe. and i really enjoy it =P after a very long time we never talked and chit chatted..hahahah. talk bout some girls stuffs and i was surprised that i do enjoy it. everything just going smooth and we talked and we thought about some things. just a very light conversation actually but it helps. hahahah. i am glad to have my girls now hueheheh..doesn't mean that i don't enjoy talking with them before this, but's just nice talking with old friends who have known you well and with the same gender with you. which sometimes you can get whatever you won't get from the boys. yeah of course. hahaahahahah...we even come from different planet *LOL* it's nice but it hasn't done yet. hope that we can continue it later on. i haven't notice how i missed the girls opinion. hahahaha. since i don't have enough money to pay for the phone calls from malaysia for hours, so yeah i haven't tal...


sometimes we just wanna be somebody else. as we think they're better than us. and we're worse than them. we regret ourself. yah..normal =P. but in the end i just wanna be myself. with all my shit acts and everything. hahahaha. it's funny. but yeah, in the end i always be thankful for who i am. for all my acts. oh okay not ALL of them, but so far, yeahhhh this is the best i can do. best according to me. maybe not for other people. but yahh..i'm sorry for that. i can't control everything with my own hand. i just have two and can't take everything at the same time. so yeah, i'm not perfect, but who does? hehehe. so..enjoy yourself and admit who you are. then it won't be that bad =P gue ngerasain dengan sangat sih. there're times when i also regret myself and wanna change it so bad. but then, i realize..i can't do that. i can't live as someone else. i just don't know how to do it. hahaha. jadi gue lebih memilih untuk berdamai dengan diri gue ...

senang senang senang =P

hehehehehe..senangggg~ =P ni ari ktemu ma si lydi..hoho~ ga lama2 banget sih tuz cuma nangkring doank di starbuckz. crita2 tuz ngoceh2 hahahah..gue sih seneng yahh..finally it brings back balance to my life. huhaahahhahahah~ muach huni~ hueheheh.. i am a very egoist person i guess. have my own way to do anything. i have my own rules. i have my own lines. i have my own heart. i have my own brain. which sometimes i proud of and the other times not. hehe. coz sometimes i can forget about other people feeling. i'm not that sensitive to know it deeply. and it hurts. for them. and for me when i know i hurt someone else..i never intend to do that kind of thing. i can see as general, but i can't see deeply. it's outta my hand. i don't really know what other people think of me and my way. but this is the only way that i know. =)

girls with all their game..haha~

i planned to change my blog layout, but cannot..arghh. i don't know what's wrong but it is said it can't be saved. yah whatever... ng..i talked with my brother last night. a very deep talk. hahah..and i got many things from talking with him. =) ng..this is so clear that boys and girls think in different ways. sometimes it can be synchronized, sometimes can't. he told me about his friend. girl. and she's done something that made my brother felt so disrespect to her. very fatal. haha. which i am sure, very sure, that the girl doesn't know that her act is so destructed. which i totally did and felt. hehe. she doesn't know the real situation and effect. i bet she only thinks that it's just one of the girls' game. it comes naturally without bad intention to make the boys jump from he 13th floor. but it does become worse. without the girl does notice it. i was rather shocked to know it. more over he finally gets statement about this girl. which will so ha...

cheers =)

happy new year for all of you!! =) the rest of this post is not really important..hahaha~ gi nangkring2 ga penting di rumah. haha. emank kerjaan ga pernah lain daripada inih =P. hmm..besok kli bru mo jalan hehe. hmm..what's new? apa yah..heheh..gtw..selaen daripada gue merasa lebih baik *finally phewww* gtw deh yg laen gmana. haha. i thought about something last night but now forgot already. apaan yah..keknya ituh yg mo ditulis. ah~ alergi gue kumat. bt. merah2 gatel2 bintik2..smua ajah dee..kemarenan di malay sih emank pernah kek gini. sama aja nyebelinnya. kena apa dikit rasanya kek kesirem aer panas. T.T dan..gue lupa bawa krim dokternya dan..yah waktu tuh sih dikasih obat. tau deh disinih..gue lom k dokter sih. haha~ dah berapa hari ngga ilank2 dan kemarenan malah gatel sampe ke muka. swt. ada apa sih dengan kulit gue..sok2 kek kulit ratu ing deh..ckckc~ so yahhh...this is new year..which i don't really feel too glam..haha..just like another days passing away..this m...