
have just watched the movie after few months wanting. hehehehehe. good story. :P banjir air mata deh. heheee..settingnya bagus, yg maen bagus, doginya lucu bangeeeeetttt aaaaaaaa...keren! hehehehehe..ceritanya gtu2 ajah sih. emang menceritakan dedikasinya si hachi aja nungguin majikannya pulang di depan stasiun kereta. it creates good impression though. hehehe..nice one :)

movie marathonnya mulai nih liburan. wekekekek~ by the way, besok pulang k jkt. :) pesawat jam stgh 5 sore kayanya sih. hehehe. udah mulai packing2. sebagian besar udah masuk sih. tinggal nambah2in aja besok yg belom dimasukin. fuwaa..will spend 3.5 weeks in jkt. :) let's see what'll happen. hehehehe..


Dogloverzz said…
Postingan'mu mmbuatku ingin sgera nonton film $ download lagu sepuasnyaaaaa... Hahahaha...
Slese'in UAS dulu ni tinggal 2 lagi, then I will be free to do whatever I want.. XD
lil_pixie said…
;) nonton deh jee...bagus loh pelemnya. hehehehe..itu klo mo dw lagu, ostnya when in rome bagus2 1 album :) good luck with the UAS! i'll hit jakarta tomorrow by the way ;)

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