X2, merantau, dan lain lain

have just watched this movie at bang amron's home after we had dinner with cathy, mike, alia, intan, and kevin. ini katanya sih salah satu film indo yg bagus. temanya bagus. karena belakangan semuanya temanya cinta2an. yah di film ini ada cinta2annya juga sih. tpi emang bukan based nya. yah lumayan sih filmnya untuk ukuran film indo. ngga seseru film bule2 sono actionnya. but it could be a good starting point for everyone else :) go film indonesia! jadilah makin bagus hari ke harinya! hehehehe..

and yes, finally i finished all the x-men series. hahaa. dunno why but i like watching all of them. :P this is the last part that i have always missed before. huh. but now it's all completely watched. :D

yah beginilah nasib orang ngga punya kerjaan tetap. liburan ngga jelas mw ngapain. pulang masih akir juni. yahhhhhh hari2 diisi dengan nonton dan diselingi jalan2. kenapa ga jalan2 terus? soalnya kalo jalan2 terus duitnya cepet abis. belom punya mesin duit sih *siul2.

it's funny to see how people who were in love, can hurt each other then. it's funny how someone believes in someone's words, while the particular someone doesn't mean the words. it's funny when someone doesn't believe the next words, it was actually true. it's funny how someone can fall for the other one again an again an again, even she's hurt before. quite bad. it's funny to see how life works between people. it's funny to see how people who were trust each other, can lie to one another then. life is so confusing somehow :/

"home is where you heart is"
"so you have heart huh?"


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