
Showing posts from October, 2010

illustrated logo

40 Illustrated Logo Design yes hi! masih merasa sangat ngga produktif buat bikin tugas. seharian kayanya ngga ngapa2in. well, dari kemarenan sih. trus ngga punya will buat melakukan apa2. arghhh..bad thing. ngga sihh kerjaannya lgi ga banyak2 banget. apa karena lg ga banyak2 banget makanya begituh yah. arghh~ sampe skarang belum berhasil export videonya. ngga tw ah crash mulu jadi stress. trus tadi baru ngescan2 ajah buat aaron belom ngapa2in. mo bikin cover sih. ah pantesan sakit kepala..lupa brightness nya layar kmaren dinaekin. turunin lagi ah. sakit mata. @_@ trina belom bales email, padahal klo dia udah setuju sama questionnairenya, gue paling niat ngerjain dia doang skarang2 ini. ngebayangin website 2 biji kayanya mw pecah aja palanya. ouch. =___=


and while i'm searching for rapunzel image, i found these amazing things : 50 Digital Fairy Tale Character Illustration


Rapunzel tells us one thing about love. Climbing the highest tower becomes less difficult if someone at the end gives you reason to hold on. well, i'm waiting for this movie too ;)

mourning while editing the video

There's someone I've been missing... seharian ngedit video dan seharian2nya dia erorrrr mulu klo ngerender sama export. selesai ngedit mah udah dari sore, sampe gini ari ngga berhasil dapet file outputnyaaaaaa! ish frustrating!!!! udah ah besok ajah nyoba lagi. oh my dear pc and adobe premiere, be good please :(

colourful escape

abis muter2 nyari bahan buat portfolionya aaron. pertama ke deketnya china town nyariin toko bunga. scara gue harus nyari bahan mirip non woven yg dulu gue nemunya di florist di puchong. ternyata deket2nya reggae bar itu klo siang banyak toko lucu2 hehehe. dan banyak toko bunga. tpi ngga ada yg jual bahan itu. mirip non woven tpi lebih kertas. banyakan plastik mereka adanya. akirnya kita main2 ke toko tempat alat dan material jait deket situ juga. it's one of the most cutest stores i've ever been here! we got everything there! the shop is totally cute and colourful. and the owner is really friendly. recommended for those who are searching for this kind of material :) it's located near the china town big gate. just go straight. it's on the main street. if you don't find it, try another way. hehehehe.. then, we found this amazing golden sky on the way back home..after there's not sun period for about a week, here comes the sun :) hey amazing sky in bali, meet your...

i want to hold your hand by glee cast


on and on and on

menemukan lagu enak2 banget malem2. well done guys! :) abis buka kelas website sama tmn gue. haha. blank blank blank banget tadi. ternyata yahhh ga susah2 banget sih, tpi butuh ketelitian dan kesabaran ajah. let's do it like..maybe wednesday. hehe. punya jadwal kerja sampe rabu soalnya. masih harus nyari lagu buat multimedia. hiyayy~ As an Aries, Sometimes you run towards people, when they're only ready to deal with your walking their way. well, that's so true at least on me. itu hal yang paling sering harus gue deal with soal diri gue sndiri. untuk sabar. untuk berenti lari ngejar sesuatu, dan ada saatnya gue harus diem tanpa harus rushing anything. intinya..sabar dan mensyukuri hal2 ini sebagaimana adanya. am still learning how to do it right. God, i thank You. You're the provider. You and Your Everlasting Love. what else can i say? :)
don't you ever tired of playing hide and seek?

hitting week 13

yeshh..finally am entering the first week of all-busy-day week. deadlines are coming by next 2 weeks. after haha. but we have to fight for the next at least 2 weeks. hehe. mari me recap apa aja di daftar tugas.. multi : edit film dan bikin websitenya (website apa menu dvd sih @_@) design analysis : bikin questionnaire, ngitung, ngeliat hasil, dan masih harus nyelesein bab2 essay proposal setelah dapet hasilnya, oh sama journal graphic design : bikin portfolio book sama journal web : bikin website buat portfolio online. kurang lebih sih masih ada 7 assignments lagi. hiyay~ ngga tau kenapa kayanya sih ngga se hectic semester2 sebelumnya. makanya sok2 belaga santai gini deh. hehe. well, everything's under control koq tpi :) even maybe i'm damn busy, doesn't mean i don't have time to have some fun. work hard play harder baby! :-"


mau pilek..nampaknya. hiyahhh..mau day off dulu ah sehari ini. eh, klo pada bisa mw syuting sih. tpi klo ga bisa gue mw day off sharian. cuape banget dan kayanya mw pilek. hiyaahhH~ well, it seems like i'm entering a new harder level of 'this is what you choose, this is what you have to face' thing. so here i am. trying to adapt. for myself at most maybe :) i know it'll never be easy. but then again, hey that's my choice. be responsible of it little girl :) wikenan ditemenin lagu2nya sara bareilles 1 album. nice! :)
God, to give You up, i must be a fool

here we stand

browsing2 di youtube dan menemukan lagu ini. iya sih lagu nikahan gtuh. bagus banget tpi. well, i'd love to hear that kind of song on my marriage ceremony. yg entah kapan itu. heheee ;P well, lagi ngerjain website. bingung sebingung2nya. entah gimana sih dlu bisa bikin web. bzzzz. jaman berubah segtu cepetnya kah? aiz. lagi buka kelas sama temen gue. hahaa. harusnya kelasnya live nih pak guru. mudah2an ini bisa selesai dengan baik deh. td nyariin lecturenya mw tutor ngga ada. yawez ah, gue kirim email sih. tpi entahlah dibalas atau ngga. baca dimana yahh..ada yg blg semester ini akan lebih baik buat gue. well, bener sih. tugas2nya lumayan enak. meskipun kelasnya cuma 4 dan somehow bikin bosen dan males. haha. trus gtuh so far gue suka semua sama apa yg gue kerjain. amin. dan kayanya lumayan kualitinya ;P jadi senang. hehehehe. makasih ya Tuhan. :) semua pilihan itu ada resikonya. ada enak ga enaknya. betapa hal itu sangat umum, logis, dan lumrah. tpi betapa susahnya dijalanin bagia...

is happy!

well, lagi seneng hari ini. hehehe. few bad things can't make me down anyway. iyah hidup lebih ringan setelah buku cerita gue itu selesai. meskipun ternyata banyak kesalahan teknisnya. heheheh. harus dibener2in. tpi at least itu selesai, dan banyak yg suka. amin. hehehe..kmaren gue ngeprint di miso kan. trus hari ini jadi dan gue ambil. trus ktnya orangnya suka banget sama kerjaan gue. dan mau diprint ulang dan dijadiin hard cover buat dijadiin sample binding aja. ngga buat direpro sama mereka. kompensasinya gue dikasih 1 copy gratis hard covernya. girang! heheheh. bayar 1 dapetnya 2, yg 1 bagus pula hard cover. horee..hheeheh..seneng karena di luar pun itu disukain orang. makasih Tuhan. :) trus setelah sekian lama ngga nyetir, gue tadi nyetir lagi. mobilnya alia. gede gtuh. tpi bisa sih..nyetir dari rumahnya sampe street mall. hahaha. senang deh! well ada beberapa saat yg ngga beres sih, kaya pas u turn, tpi sisanya kayanya cukup baik. hehehehe. senang! trus...hehehehe..ada lagi s...

cute :)

how cute is that ;P image source
"just try to love your self more" image source

one mild sky

here's one of my fave skies. i was flying back to KL from SG. and this was what i saw on the plane. what a mild sky. have never seen something like this before. *love*
“Waiting for him to forgive you is a waste of time; forgive yourself" -eat pray love image source
God dwells within you, as you. -eat pray love
have always been in love with something like this :) image source

karate kid

iyeph..setelah sekian lama, gue baru ntn film ini kemaren malem. hehehe. quite nice. instead aneh aja namanya karate kid tpi sepanjang film gada karate disebut2. it's kung fu, helow! tpi bagus sih filmnya. si jadennya mirip mampus sama will smith. hahay ganteng :P ngga banyak film yg settingannya di china. this one is good :) was talking with one of my friends last night. we as a human always have their own problem. dan semua itu disesuaikan sama kemampuan masing2 manusianya untuk menghadapi apa yg dikasih dari Dia. mungkin susah semua sih, namanya cobaan. hehehe. tapi yakin kalo Dia ngga akan kasih sesuatu yg manusia ngga bisa handle. He's not that evil. hehe. He's good, always. :) "Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happin...

eat pray love

abis ntn eat pray and love. migoooddd..i can see myself in the movie. a girl who loves to travel, searching for herself and her life. keeping her balance. afraid of falling in love. even though falling in love is like giving life to the balance itself. kurang lebih begituh. in italy she learned how to do 'art of doing nothing'. living your life. smile to yourself. enjoying every second of your life. feeding yourself. :D it's nice. how to get loose after a so long tension period she had in NY. then she went to india. to a guru. there she learned about devotion. she's searching for God. and what she got is.. God lives within you, as you. He's not too far for you to reach. He's there, in you. so search inside rather than go away.there she also learned to forgive herself. waiting for other people to forgive you is like forever. it's wasting your time. forgive your own self first. sometimes, we human, forget about that. that sometimes we're the one who d...

stop! or my mom will shoot

tadi abis ntn ini di rumahnya alia. pelem lucu :D itu nyokapnya si gaul banget deh. anaknya udah gede, jadi polisi, serem gtu pula scra yg maen stallone, masih aja nganggep dia as her baby. hehe. tpi keren sih filmnya. lucu banget si ibu2 tua itu. menghibur2 sebelum syuting. hehe.. and yes, i did shooting for my short movie today. it's not as hard as i think. maybe if i brought the songs, it could be easier. i've just composed the soundtrack for the movie. yeah, for the whole movie. hehe. so far, i love it. :) haven't edited any of the movie since i have to convert from mov into avi first to be cut in premiere. fyuhhh..searching the software anyway. will continue the shooting tomorrow. there's still 2 scenes to be shot. hope everything to be alright tomorrow :)
Some of the best things in life are total mistakes. -Paycheck

it's complicated

have just finished watching this movie. good one though. :) i watched a bit on my flight back to jakarta few months ago. then got the movie like last month. then just watched by now. it's good. :) at least it gives me something. that you should do something for your own self sometimes, even you've already had your priority. the one on the top, is actually yourself. and it's just good to be happy in this very own life. sometimes we know how to be one, not by smooth road and everything's easy. as takes you to the most unpredictable turns, most dangerous maneuver, only to bring you something actually good in the end. that's life. at least that's how's mine works. :) sometimes it's not that good. it's not that hard. it's not that smooth. and that makes what i am today. regret? not really. i didn't do anything all good. nope. but yeah, it actually turns into something good today. doesn't mean that i never cry or feel bad or upset e...

no woman no cry

is listening to this song. recalling memories in bali. arghhh i miss that place! seriously. getting bored with my routine here. sleep-wake up-doing assignments-sleep-wake up-going to class-doing assignments. argh kampret! bosen gila. mw jalan2 juga susah. :( jauh kemana2. sedih. kangen keadaan dimana pulang kantor jam 6 dan masih bisa jalan2. i will definitely go to kuta beach to feel the sand on my feet. hikx! i miss you :(

start to work on the website

well, i'm starting to work at my web assignment. i'm making an online portfolio for myself. and..pretty much confused of everything. seriously. everything. i even don't know what kind of layout i wanna do. still confused. confused. confused. well, i have tried one, but i think it's just too much for a website. ugh. i don't know, still working on it. begituhlah. hikx. well, i found few good things on the internet. here's the first one. it's a website full of illustrators from all over the world. it's done on flash but it's pretty much cute. and doesn't need a lot of time to load. nice one. :) and this is the 2nd one. it's one of my fave illustrator's website. something that i forgot before. stupid me. it's a really good website i think. quite simple but the content is really good. the information is there. and it's totally cute. http://www.13...

did it! :)

yes i did it! finally! hehehehe..after a long long journey full of everything. thx Father, to give me strength to make it happens :* setelah ini bisa tidur dengan nyenyak untuk sementara. hore! enjoy it ;)


well, setelah seharian merasa useless karena ngga tw mw bikin website kaya gimana. bengong2 selama 3 jam.gue memutuskan untuk menunda bikin web dan bikin self directed instead. and now it's going to reach the finish word! yahay! kurang covernya sih. tpi udah di sketch dan tinggal discan ajah. need few times to touch it up and coloured it. then i have to make the layout. and hopefully setelah itu selesai. :) rasanya lega banget. thank You, Father! :* yah meskipun begitu tugasnya masih banyak sih. haha. ini yg buat besok aja beloman bikin. belom research pun buat besok. hadoeh. apaan aja sih pointnya. *ngelirik kertas proposal requirement* apaan semua sih bahasanya ga ngerti ah @_@ will have 2 classes tomorrow. er..dua2nya harus research. halo halo bandung. bingung. mari deh research. hehe. besok multi nunjukkin sketch website ajah. aduh mudah2an semuanya diundur aja sampe week 18. ga usah ditambah2in. yah astagah pusing banget bisa2. hikx. oh yah i'm applying for an internship i...


i'm not in my best condition. physically and mentally. oh crap. in the very exact time when i have a lot of things to do. migod. i can't even finish the website mock up today. don't even know what to do and how to do it. clever girl. rasanya pingin loncat2 di atas tpi ga bisa. sakit perut. argh! yes i'm having my period. so excuse me for some stupid things i will say and do. well, this is what i have been doing for the last 1 week. i'm currently chasing the self directed for my self promo. i'm collaborating with my friend, ryu. she's a writer back in Indonesia. she makes the story and i make the illustrations. trust me, making a book is a long long long long journey. i have spent 3 days in sum making the raw illustrations only. then 4 hours to touch up and colour each illustration. i made 12 illustrations for the content, imagine how long i have spent to make it happen? oh not including the cover. not yet. *frustrating* here's a sneak peak....

working hours

and yes, i'm still chasing the self directed book for aaron's assignment. and another yes, while the others have submitted their work. argh! still have thousand things to do. cih. and i thought it's still friday. arghhhh~ anyway..enough with all the mumblings. hehehe. i was so glad to finish all the inside illustrations. yayyyyyy! abis itu tangannya kebas mati rasa. hikx. untuk beberapa saat cuma bisa dipake buat scrooling. *biggest compliment to whom created scroll on mouse :P* masih harus di touch up dikit2. warnain. layout. bikin cover. printing. binding. see..have told ya. thousand things. ding ding ding ding. and i thought it's still fridayyyyyy! *again :( gotta finish it before sunday. huwah. soalnya hari minggu harus bikin web. dan butuh illustrations juga. oh well, getting sick of those things. will stop making it for a while after everything's finished.fyuhhhhhh~ gimme back my weekend! :(

17 again

have just watched this movie. it's good actually :) he's already become a father of 2 when he came back to his high school time, with his kids. it's actually funny to hear things, that youngsters thing that it's common or normal, from the elder point of view. hehe. that you better keep sex until u marry someone. bully. high school time. even his choice to be a father and does his job. that's maybe how every fathers would tell to his daughters and sons. but somehow, being a parent doesn't give you 'the right move' to speak to your children. sad. but true. yes, i maybe only live young once, but it doesn't mean that i will make it as a ruins or something. have fun go mad. but again, know your lines. know yourself :) something good. well, i'm going to have my period soon i guess. is moody and it's like a total speedy roller coaster right now. haha! it makes me so unproductive at doing assignments. i was working with my self directed book for aaro...

lately movies

kmarenan ntn ini di midvalley. ntn yg 3d. RM18. agak2 kurang rela sihhh..untung efek 3dnya bagus. haha. yah action2nya sih bagus. cuma yah gtuh deh.not really my type of movie so yahhh just tried to enjoy it. hehehe... dan kmaren akirnya kesampean nonton pilem ini!! hahaa..ngga nyangka yg nguarin warner bros. hehehe. tpi asli bagus banget sih detil2nya. landscapenya juga. hiyaaa..pokoknya keren deh dari segi grafik. dari segi cerita juga ga jelek sih. cuma tema ceritanya rada umum ajah. that you have to believe in your own heart. sesuatu yg ga keliatan pake mata belum tentu ngga nyata :) trus suka banget pas bagian si Soren, burung hantu tokoh utamanya, ktemu sama pahwalan favoritnya, Lyze apa siapa gtuh deh namanya soalnya rada susah. hehehe. menurut gue sih itu gambaran pahlawan yg sangat real. biasanya kan pahlawan pulang penuh keagungan, cakep, dihormati sejuta umat dan jadi raja dan segala2nya. padahal mah ngga. mereka yg paling banyak terluka karena paling banyak berperangnya. se...

bangkok forecast

so yeah, last 2 weeks i went to bangkok for 4 days. a sweet and sour escape. hehe. i enjoyed the time there, even i have to walk around the city like really rounding the city. then i failed to finish all things for my presentation. but yet again, that's a good memory :) here are some photographs from there! :) time to pack! i just brought 1 small luggage and brought my backpack inside it. arrived in Bangkok. that's the sign to our hotel. oh iyah deh bang eksis! lines i found in my room :) hellow mango sticky rice at Platinum food court! shrine in front of Isetan. pantesan pas hari kamis jam 08.30 malem itu rame. konon katanya saat itu, dewanya turun sendiri denger permohonan orang2 soal jodoh. hem~ offeringnya lucu, selaen bunga2an dan dupa, pake mawar merah. Bangkok landscape from the restaurant it's the restaurant at baiyoke hotel. somehow i love the colour tone. hehe.. look at nice composition i made. haha! breakfast at baiyoke hotel. not bad! this ...