mau pilek..nampaknya. hiyahhh..mau day off dulu ah sehari ini. eh, klo pada bisa mw syuting sih. tpi klo ga bisa gue mw day off sharian. cuape banget dan kayanya mw pilek. hiyaahhH~
well, it seems like i'm entering a new harder level of 'this is what you choose, this is what you have to face' thing. so here i am. trying to adapt. for myself at most maybe :) i know it'll never be easy. but then again, hey that's my choice. be responsible of it little girl :)
wikenan ditemenin lagu2nya sara bareilles 1 album. nice! :)
well, it seems like i'm entering a new harder level of 'this is what you choose, this is what you have to face' thing. so here i am. trying to adapt. for myself at most maybe :) i know it'll never be easy. but then again, hey that's my choice. be responsible of it little girl :)
wikenan ditemenin lagu2nya sara bareilles 1 album. nice! :)