it's a yay~

has finished the 4th book of percy jackson's series. heheheheh. the battle of the labyrinth. love it :D udah lama ngga baca buku beratus2 halaman kaya gtuh. feels good. :D pake ing pula. weheeew deh! hehehheh. nungguin lanjutannya. kayanya bakal seru. soalnya kan perangnya belom2an lawan Kronos. yey! gotta be great book. hehehhehe. mudah2an buruan kluar. :P

will be back to jakarta tonight. heheheheh. i'll spend 4 days there. 4 or 3? yah pkknya minggu malem balik lagi ksini. hehehh. ngga berasa banget udah april dan gue tinggal sebulan lagi di bali. sebelom balik ke malay dan mikirin laporan segala2nya ituh. wew! gotta collect all the things by next week and so. huwahhh~ where's the brief????!!! that lectures! argh!

hope it'll be a good one month in bali. heheheeh *cheers


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