the adventures of food boy

watched this movie while i sleepover at my friend's home. tipikal film disney sih. hehhe. nonton buat senang2 doank. lucu2 gtuh. critanya dia bisa nyiptain makanan dari out of nowhere. tpi yg namanya skill baru emang butuh dikontrol gtuh2 de. hhee..agak2 geli pertama kali ngeliat daging mental kemana2 dll. hahahaah..boleh lah tpi buat seneng2 doank :D

quite enjoy this holiday more than before. hehehehe. kmaren abis pergi sama feny. udah lama ga ktmu dia. jalan b2 doank ke central park. oh i love the mall. hahaha. masih sepi dan banyak makanan sebenernya. yahay! :P makan di urban kitchen di food & tea klo ga salah. makanannya enak. nasi panggang keju! ahay! hehehehe...i took some pics but i didn't bring the transfer cable. so all of them must wait till i touch down in malaysia next week. heheheh...

got few hours quality time with my girl. hehe. biasa deh ce2 klo ktmu kan ngobrol2 riang. hehehehe. tuz balik deh ke rumahnya dia. dan ujung2nya jadi nginep. haha. udah lama banget ngga nginep di rumah orang :D kinda miss those moments. heheheh. yah udah gtuh deh..senang :) mudah2an bertahan hingga minggu depan. dan selama2nya. hahahaha..


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