spellbound by jane green

i finished reading the book last night. dunno why but it looked interesting so i started to read it. ceritanya ttg 1 cowok, yg meskipun sayang banget sama istrinya, tpi ga perna bisa nahan godaan setiap ngeliat ce cakep. tpi ga pernah bermaksud buat nyerein istrinya untuk ce2 itu. bahasa kasarnya, cuma buat seru2an nambahin bumbu di kehidupannya dia. sementara istrinya, yg meskipun punya good personality, tpi selama ini ga perna pd sama dirinya sendiri dan cuma pingin ngebahagiain suaminya dengan berubah seperti apa yg diinginkan suaminya. till one day, she found herself. her true self and she actually loves herself. her life was began, but her husband's life was quite end. nah, he still got a woman but he didn't make any real commitment with the woman and still looked for another girls on the street.

and yes, it happens in real life. hehehe. sometimes it's kinda hard to believe that kind of thing to be happen around us. but yes, it does. apalagi ditambah dengan keadaan jaman seperti skarang. kurang gila apa lagi sih dunia jaman sekarang? hehee..gue ga bermaksud membenarkan hal2 kaya gtuh. itu sih kembali ke orangnya masing2.

what i learned from life is..you're not always stupid by following your heart. you're stupid if you leave your head behind. if you do something you wanna do, fully understand what will happen after that, but you still wanna do it, then do! life's not about making everything perfect. it's always about 'making mistakes' and learn from it. is it a real mistakes? it actually depends on you :) life your life to the fullest while you can. yes you will still feel sad, dissapointed, and many other bad feelings. but hey, that's life :) that's real.


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