
have just watched this movie at blitz megaplex moi. what a movie! hahahaha..i enjoyed it very much. agak2 mengingatkan gue sama shutter island. tpi yg ini versi ngga terlalu complicated dan layernya jelas mana ke mananya. 3 jam kedinginan tpi gue ngerasa worth ajah sih. aahahahah~ banyak yg bilang bakal bagus, and yes it's awesome :) beberapa hal agak ga logis dan endingnya klo mo rese sebenernya agak gantung, tpi scara keseluruhan it's a great movie ;)

and i really really love the left man on the picture. he's Joseph Gordon-Levitt and he's playing as Arthur at the movie. mannnnnn..he played his role in such a great way. ahaha. gak tw kenapa gue suka banget sama dia. mukanya pas banget. cara meraninnya juga. entah mengapa ganteng ajah gituh sendiri. padahal cakep2 amad juga ngga. but i like him soooo much! ;P

here's another role that i like. Ellen Page as Ariadne. a super genius architect. she built the whole scene of the dreams. and she can do beautiful things on the dream. she also had an important role yg berhubungan sama tokoh utamanya which is si Leonardo Dicaprio. well, he played well too..tpi berhubung udah liat shutter island, gue bilang dia bagusan maen yg disana. perannya agak2 sama juga. someone who has something related to his mind. hehe...

and here's 2 last saturdays i have in jakarta :) next 2 sundays, i will go back to malaysia and start my life there once again. heheheeh.


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