mother's day classic for tigerprint

hi, few weeks ago i discover this website : they're actually a design company who's working on greeting card, pattern design, bit of art craft design field. it's kinda hard to explain because there's no such thing around here. but i get what they're doing. and it's something i really love! a lot! there are more that are like them in uk, migod, i really wanna jump up there to get work in any company like that. totally amazing. :D

and this company offers a placement through competition. the winner will have around 2 weeks of placement in their company. it's really interesting and exciting opportunity. if i get that, migod, i can't really complain about anything. haahahah. :P

the latest competition is to create mother's day classic design. i join it. :D i like my design. but comparing to others, i don't know. they make something good too. but there's nothing wrong with trying. hehehe.

you can find all the entries here :

well, wish me luck :P


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