blabbering of the day

lama lama isi blog gue semuanya soal film, lagu, dann yah gituh2 ajah sih. hehe. well, it doesn't mean that nothing personal anymore in this blog. sometimes i do feel that, but again, semuanya tetep aja gue yg rasa, liat, dan nulis. maybe i've just changed a bit. ngga semuanya ditulis dan dipublish. i keep few things for myself only. :)

well, i don't really have something to share now. you'll read anything that comes to my mind, randomly. most of the things are just blabbering if i'm not mistaken.

life..what's new about life? it's still unpredictable with its own way. i'm still learning, seeing things, and breathing. still living my life, something i love the most :D even though i curse at times. haha. yeah i'm just human who's trying to live her life rightfully, in my own way and thoughts. sometimes it's hard to pick your own way and road, even your own vehicles. there're many influences and sounds around you. no, they're not wrong either. i sometimes pick some of the sounds and follow it. it went well. but i realized in the end of the day, the best way to do something is with your own style and preferences. and again, i can't living a lie. even it's a white lies for instance, but lie is just a lie. well, that sounds so judgmental now, and sometimes it's not applicable. but if i can choose, i don't wanna living a lie. about anything. especially when it's related with someone i dear.

i'm a very emotional person. my mood can swing from one side to another side at times. patient, impatient, nice, devilish mouth and sight, weak, strong headed, stubborn, naive. lotsa depends on the situation i'm facing and my current personal situation. so yeah, it's not easy to handle me. but basically if you don't do any harm or any bad intention to me, i'm good :) see the surface of myself, and you'll find a simple and easy girl. see myself beyond that, welcome to my complicated roller coaster mind and heart :D

i like talking about myself. not because i like to be the center of attention, or i want people to feel sorry about me, or to blow things up, nope. i just like talking with people who are close to me. sharing the day and things happen. maybe it's not necessary but..idk..i never have any bad intention while doing that. i'm just naturally have lotsa things to say. well, i like talking with interesting people too. i like to hear their stories, their point of view, how they see and feel about things.that's interesting things to hear and know. not because i'm a busy body person i guess, it's just great to see how different people are. how every each of us have their own opinion and way of living or seeing things. even i may not agree with everything they say, it's just so nice to know how 'rich' we actually are. :)

i barely like to see everything. few things will catch my eyes longer than the rest, but basically i enjoy seeing everything. nature, buildings, people, colours, monochrome, life performances, shops, skies, goods, furniture, supermarket, anything. i like to please my eyes and amaze myself :)

few things i love the most, being kissed by my father. see him smiling, and my mom too. riding with my sister crossing jakarta. standing at the balcony and watching the skies. cuddled with someone and feel his presence near me. feel loved by who i am and how i look like. well, lotsa things :D well i'm easy being lifted up, as easy as being torn apart.

people may not see or feel. but i'm complicated. and pretty much stubborn about things i believe in. i don't hide myself. i just show it to few people :) people i trust the most. and the rest, there's no advantage of them to know too much about me. i'm just i am. with what i see and believe in. with what i feel and wanna do. and i'm proud of that :)


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