movie night

i didn't know what i should do last night, so here goes the movie night. hehee. the first movie is bachelor party 2. got it from..i forgot whom but it's on my hard disk. hehe. quite good and funny movie. full of sexy bodies of course. but i like the story and the actors are good too. like the ending by the way, not the real ending, almost an ending. when the main character knew that he has been trapped and he did a revenge. hehe. the real ending is like another drama story. happy ending happily ever after. nice enough though! :)

then it went to another movie : Cinderella II. i watched it at hehe. 3 short stories. it doesn't really have something to say. it's good and light enough to be enjoyed. hehe. more or less, that's all. :D yeah i was in the mood to watch something light though, so it fit best. hehe.

i'm still working with my freelance job. here comes another project. so far still so good. feel good to work with my own pc. hehee~ hope everything will go well!


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