senang senang senang =P

hehehehehe..senangggg~ =P ni ari ktemu ma si lydi..hoho~ ga lama2 banget sih tuz cuma nangkring doank di starbuckz. crita2 tuz ngoceh2 hahahah..gue sih seneng yahh..finally it brings back balance to my life. huhaahahhahahah~ muach huni~ hueheheh..

i am a very egoist person i guess. have my own way to do anything. i have my own rules. i have my own lines. i have my own heart. i have my own brain. which sometimes i proud of and the other times not. hehe. coz sometimes i can forget about other people feeling. i'm not that sensitive to know it deeply. and it hurts. for them. and for me when i know i hurt someone else..i never intend to do that kind of thing. i can see as general, but i can't see deeply. it's outta my hand. i don't really know what other people think of me and my way. but this is the only way that i know. =)


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